February 2016 Moms

Desk Jobs in the 3rd Tri

Who would have thought sitting could be so hard??

I work a 9-5:30 office job and half way through the day I'm just unbearably uncomfortable.

My back hurts, my neck hurts, I have carpal tunnel in my right wrist, and I am swollen like a crazy. Pretty much everything hurts lol

I'm trying to not start my maternity leave until baby girl graces us with her presence but man is it hard! I'm sure a job on your feet wouldn't be much better, we're all just super pregnant and nothing is really comfortable at this point.

I was wondering if anyone working a desk job has found any relief? I was considering bringing in a pillow for my back, but I don't know how much that would really help. I put my feet up as much as I can and it doesn't seem to stop me from swelling.

Soaking in a warm Epsom salt bath at night has helped somewhat, but I can't manage to stay in there long as even the tub in uncomfortable :-(

How are you ladies making yourself comfortable as we near the end?

Re: Desk Jobs in the 3rd Tri

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    I'm a seamstress, so I'm sitting at my sewing machine most of the day. I do stand up (to prep things and deal with customers), but I'd say I sit for most of the time I'm working. I can't pin pant hems anymore bc my belly gets in the way.

    I found a heating pad super helpful for pain relief when I was in labour with my daughter 2 years ago, so I've been using that when I get home/when I go to bed. I've debated bringing it into work too. I only have 2.5ish weeks left of work anyways so I'm trying to just suck it up and just deal with it throughout the day.
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    I hear you. While I certainly wouldn't want a job on my feet at this point, there are drawbacks to a desk job right now too.

    The only things that I've found helpful are taking short walks (I try to get up once an hour and take a short walk - even if it's only to the bathroom!), drinking a lot of fluid, and the Epsom salt baths at night. Hang in there!
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    Hey I am feeling your pain... I have been lucky in some areas ( no swelling of feet or ankles!) but the hip and the pelvic pain is FOR REAL! I am currently sitting on a fuzzy blanket on top of my chair and my bootay still hurts! and im ohhh so tired. I literally take warm baths everynight when i get home. I stay in there until the water gets cold lol My LO is still head up and high.. so breathing and sitting are uncomfortable.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    skschnake said:

    Hey I am feeling your pain... I have been lucky in some areas ( no swelling of feet or ankles!) but the hip and the pelvic pain is FOR REAL! I am currently sitting on a fuzzy blanket on top of my chair and my bootay still hurts! and im ohhh so tired. I literally take warm baths everynight when i get home. I stay in there until the water gets cold lol My LO is still head up and high.. so breathing and sitting are uncomfortable.

    @skschnake yikes!!! My hip pain doesn't start until I am laying on my sides at night. Maybe I will try bringing in a blanket to sit on during the day, I never considered that sitting all day may be the cause. Gotta love being kicked in the ribs while sitting at your desk all day haha

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    skschnake said:

    Hey I am feeling your pain... I have been lucky in some areas ( no swelling of feet or ankles!) but the hip and the pelvic pain is FOR REAL! I am currently sitting on a fuzzy blanket on top of my chair and my bootay still hurts! and im ohhh so tired. I literally take warm baths everynight when i get home. I stay in there until the water gets cold lol My LO is still head up and high.. so breathing and sitting are uncomfortable.

    @skschnake yikes!!! My hip pain doesn't start until I am laying on my sides at night. Maybe I will try bringing in a blanket to sit on during the day, I never considered that sitting all day may be the cause. Gotta love being kicked in the ribs while sitting at your desk all day haha

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    And omg the BABY BRAIN. I can't focus on anything except for everything I want to clean, wash, fold or prep for baby when I'm off lol if it's not baby related I just don't seem to care.

    As a FTM im also find myself having these moments where I'm just in sheer awe of the fact that in a few weeks she will be here. I feel like I have so much to do!

    Plus the excitement of not knowing when she will come and what to expect makes it hard to focus on anything that's not related to her birth or homecoming lol

    We are almost there ladies!!!!
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    I work from home and focusing on my job, when the nursery is just a few feet away calling my name, has become a minute-to-minute struggle. Tailbone pain has been my issue with sitting. I bought a donut pillow for a tiny amount of relief, but not much.

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    I was sitting at work, and started getting contractions. My doctor has already taken me out of work because of it (I'm 34 weeks). For back pain I would roll up a towel and put it behind me for some lumbar support and also I've heard putting your feet up while at work- I wasn't able to do this though because I sat behind a high counter. When I would get home, the best thing ever was just laying down. It relieved my sore abdomin and rib muscles. And icy-hot type product was also nice for my back, and I was going to the chiropractor once a week to help relieve back/neck pain.
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    I've been sitting on a tailbone cushion for months. I take a bath every night. I have a very thin pillow that I put under my belly and another, thicker pillow I put between my knees. All of that helps a little bit, but at this point the only relief we're going to see is birth. I've still got 6 weeks until my EDD, but I don't think we'll make it that far.

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    @summererdvig  My little one is still head up at 36 weeks. So I feel her move and groove all day. And im talking like gymnastics lol I wish she would move down just a bit so I could breathe alittle better. Oh and for sure the hip pain at night is a PITA! My left side is way worse :( I also had my boss literally just say.." well im not sure why your hips or pelvis hurt your baby hasnt even dropped! " Would it be wrong if I throat punch her!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    skschnake said:
    @summererdvig  My little one is still head up at 36 weeks. So I feel her move and groove all day. And im talking like gymnastics lol I wish she would move down just a bit so I could breathe alittle better. Oh and for sure the hip pain at night is a PITA! My left side is way worse :( I also had my boss literally just say.." well im not sure why your hips or pelvis hurt your baby hasnt even dropped! " Would it be wrong if I throat punch her!
    Nope. That's an approved throat punch. 

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    I'm at a desk. Luckily I was able to trade chairs with someone while I'm pregnant and it fits perfectly to my back and is amazing. I originally brought in a pillow for my other chair and it just wasn't working. I also have a trash can under my desk that I have flipped over to prop up my feet. I do have the luxury of walking around if I need to. But even still with all this it still gets tiring and a bit painful.  
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    I"m at a desk. The only time I'm actually uncomfortable is when I stand up because of the pressure of baby boy is in my pelvic. I'm 33 weeks and he's already head down. 
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    YES! My boss bought me one of those lumbar support things for a chair a few months ago and half the time I think it makes it even worse. If I don't use it, then I'm leaning way too far back.

    I have to get up and walk every now and then just because this desk chair kills my hips. My CW has been telling me I've been walking funny but it's all because of this stupid chair. I also try to do some stretches when I stand up so I can pop my hips a bit and that helps.

    The past week has been harder, especially today, because baby boy keeps landing on a nerve while I'm sitting here and OMG.

    My EDD is 2/9 and as of right now I'm planning on being here until the 8th (depending on my progress closer to the date) but I'm not really sure I'm going to make it that far.
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    Yes to all of these things!!

    I give so much credit to the ladies working physically demanding jobs and are on their feet all day, I try to remember that on the days I am extra uncomfortable. Personally I've found that quick walks around the office (or like others have said to the bathroom!) are helpful. If I sit too long my legs/hips get so stiff and I end up with the pregnant waddle. Sometimes just reclining/slouching helps me breath a bit better too.. between the boobs doubling in size and feeling like this boy is in my throat some days I have to try and open the gap between belly/chest as much as possible.

    So close ladies!!

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    Is your sodium intake too high? That could be increasing unwanted swelling, def. if you drink a ton of fluids. Pray you find some relief soon!

    DS (2.29.16) via Homebirth

    ~ Proverbs 22:6 ~

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    I work a desk job, 9-5, but I was "lucky" in that I had some major hip issues prior to my pregnancy (had surgery and recovered just before getting pregnant) so I learned a lot about how to get comfortable at my desk. I have a rack under my desk that I keep empty, and I put both my feet up in it, so it keeps my feet elevated. I have a small leg wedge pillow that is up under my right thigh (this was my bad hip side) so that relieves pressure on my butt/bad hip. Last, I have a small blanket that I roll fold once and roll up, which I wedge against my lower back that helps pressure from leaning. I also have a heat pad but I use that rarely -- I used it non-stop when dealing with my hip pain, since my surgery I use it maybe once every 2-3 weeks. I adjust these items as needed and it helps a lot.
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    Up until a week ago when I was still working (mainly a desk job but on my feet at times) I would elevate my feet on a step stool under my desk.  I also made sure to drink plenty of water by setting alarms on my phone to remind me to finish the water I had (in a certain amount of time) and get up and get more.  Although it can be painful to get up and down just getting up and walking a short distance every now and then helped.  Also, sitting on a pillow and having one behind your back helps.  I also slept with my feet propped up on a pillow at night to help with swelling.  It really made a difference and for the most part the majority of the swelling would subside by the morning.

    Hang in there!  Just remember that all of the pain and being uncomfortable is all worth it!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
                           -1st MC- June 2014 at 6 weeks 
                      -2nd MC- December 2014 at 7 weeks
                     -Braxton Bradley has arrived!  1/4/2016
                              (original EDD was 2/2/2016)

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    I am at a desk too. I try to get up once every hour or two to take a trip to the bathroom or fill up a water bottle. I also have a hard yoga ball (like a lacrosse ball) that I will press into my back or butt when they start to hurt. I think I've got SPD going on so it's so uncomfortable to sit when it feels like I've been kicked in the crotch! Just a few more weeks!
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    I have a desk job as well. I usually have to get up and walk around because my lower back will start to get stiff.
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    I'm a teacher, so I'm on my feet most of the day. I've had to take a few more breaks to sit as 3rd tri progresses, but it's nice to be up and moving. However, I've been experiencing some loose stools and menstrual-like cramping (not BH) over the past two days, so I took today off to relax. I have an appointment tomorrow, and I'm wondering if he'll tell me to slow down. I'm definitely going to look into some of the suggestions you all have provided in case I have to sit more! I'm due 2/7, and I would like to keep kiddo in there at least until then.
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    I've set a reminder to get up every hour and walk around and it helps some. I also am working from home now vs doing the commute which is making life a lot nicer as the days where I was super tired if have to come home and lay down from the pain of the BH.
    In the afternoons I try and sit on the couch with my feet up and work, I know I'm lucky to be able to do that and I feel for everyone who has the jobs on their feet and those working in the office. Not long to go is my daily mantra.
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    When I was pregnant with my first, I worked a desk job in management at the YMCA.  During the last month or so, I actually borrowed a large aerobics ball from the fitness department and used it as my desk chair!  It made sitting at my desk so much more comfortable!  I don't know if this is possible in every desk setting, but if you have access to one I highly recommend it!  

    BabyFruit Ticker 
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    I feel bad for you ladies who have to sit at desks all day. My job has me up and moving the whole shift. And while my actual feet are sore after a while, it's more due to cheap insoles than anything. I couldn't imagine sitting all day! Y'all say kudos to the high impact workers, I say even more to you!! Very soon we'll all have relief ;)
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    Lurking, I'm due April 1st. I work in a lab so I'm on my feet most of the time. But I'm uncomfortable standing/sitting/laying/just existing..... I've found warm baths help too, but its hard getting in and out of the tub. I get restless leg/back syndrome so bad lately, that I can't lay still. One thing I would suggest is to get a back massager for your chair. I recently bought one to use at home, and it really helps! Good luck!
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    I mostly SAH right now with my kiddos, but worked the night shift full time as an RN with my first. I can so vividly remember sitting at the desk being oh so uncomfortable. @skschnake my little guy was breech until 38 weeks and his head in my right rib was the worst part!

    I have relief around the house when I sit on an exercise ball vs a kitchen chair while I'm doing stuff with my kids in that room. It doesn't seem like it would make a difference, but it does for me, so it might help someone out there:) hang in there ladies!
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
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    I am a cyber school teacher, so although I am a teacher, I sit on my bum all day. I make sure I get up quite a bit and take a few walks to move around. It really helps! I know we are all tired, but I feel much better on days I have taken walks compared to days when I've been more lazy. I do have a crate under my desk so I lift my feet every little bit, but I also bought this blow up thing to sit on earlier in pregnancy, but now I use it against the back of my chair to ease lower and all back pain. It's wonderful! I wanted to get an exercise ball initially, but opted for this because I could see myself being a hot mess and falling all over, and I am glad I decided on this instead :)https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NGO7K8W?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00 
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    I have a 7:00-4:00 desk job.  I have been keeping a heating pad at the office to put on my back when I need it, have been wearing sneakers to the office (it's against the rules, but who's going to say anything to a 9-month pregnant woman?), and have been trying to get up and walk around frequently (bathroom trips, mostly). 

    My employer has also been nice enough to grant me ad-hoc work from home on the days that it's really bad.  I have used it a few times when my heartburn was so bad at night that I couldn't lay down, so I worked at home in the middle of the night and napped during the day when the heartburn settled down and I could sleep.

    Good luck!  Thankfully, I didn't end up with the swollen feet this pregnancy, but I had them bad with my last pregnancy since it was over the summer.  I remember how miserable it was.

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    I have had pretty good luck using a blanket on my chair, as you can refold to change your position as needed to make things more comfortable.  I also do part of my day with the chair back tilted to recline a little, so that the baby has a bit more room.  (Honestly, the kicking every time I lean forward is the most painful part of this.  Walking definitely helps.  (I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow)
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    I work an 8 to 5 as an emergency dispatcher and have used a ball as a chair for my entire pregnancy. It sits in a base that locks, so it can't roll out from under me, but keeping the inflation level a little bit loose keeps my hips pivoting and moving all day and prevents me from getting too stiff or sore. A coworker also bought me a microwavable rice pack that I can heat up in the lunch room if I'm sitting for an abnormal amount of time without a stretch break. I find my ball chair more comfortable than laying down on my normally heavenly mattress these days.
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