I'm pissed I had to set an alarm on Christmas. To go to MIL's house. To sit here and wait while their family drags their butts out of bed. I am like beyond enraged. Which is unfair, I know, and I don't want to be angry on Christmas. But still.
I'm pissed I had to set an alarm on Christmas. To go to MIL's house. To sit here and wait while their family drags their butts out of bed. I am like beyond enraged. Which is unfair, I know, and I don't want to be angry on Christmas. But still.
I would be mad too! I don't celebrate Christmas at all though.
I hate Christmas because everything is closed except Denny's and Walgreens. I don't celebrate it, but people are so inconsiderate over it. SO and I had to go to Walgreens since of course everything was closed last night and SO has a wound that needs specific bandages per the doc. It was a mad house! I was there to get gauze for his wound, not to try to grocery/present shop like everyone else. I hate this holiday.
A heating element went out on our oven the other day. I'm not even mad about it. I'm due on the 3rd, and big as a barn.vI now have the perfect excuse to show up at family events with thawed desert/deli items... We're just waiting to repair/replace it after baby so we don't schedule something we'll just have to cancel. Edit because auto correct sucks.
I'm due next week (!?) and I really really don't want to do Christmas present opening with the inlaws this afternoon. I want to stay home and sit on my arse and play computer games. Instead I get to enter the madhouse that is my MIL's to watch my BIL get 20 more presents than anyone else because my MIL has serious guilt about not really raising him (she was an addict). The boy is 22, let it go. I love my BIL, he's a sweety, but seriously woman, you have 2 other older children, a fiance, and a grandson. Spread the love a little.
I spent almost 2hrs sobbing on the couch after the toddler went to bed. Clearly, I don't have any idea how to be alone Christmas Eve.
I lied to my MIL when she asked about coming here last minute for Christmas Eve. She was supposed to be working, but broke her ankle, so now she's bugging everybody. I told her we were sick with a stomach bug, but really, after Turkey Day, we just didn't want her here. It's time for her brother or sister to deal with her crazy for a change. She called this morning to say she's going to return our gifts since she can't come over. You go right on with yo bad self, lady. Zero fucks about your dollar store trinkets.
I am sick and tired of people telling me how my life is going to be. My SIL is the biggest culprit. I dealt all through thanksgiving with her telling me how much having a boy sucks because I will have to learn all the names of dinosaurs and Thomas the train stuff. Yesterday it was all about how they don't have any cute clothes and they play with themselves all the time. I try to ignore her but she doesn't stop. Then she kept saying how my husband will start working late and him being sweet and helpful will stop once baby arrives. That's how her dead beat ex husband was. If she seriously thinks my husband will be like that, she has obviously never met him. And oh dear god every time I stood up yesterday I was told that I needed to sit down because I was incapable of doing anything. She was going to make my food plate for me and I just needed to sit. And don't even get me started about "So why are you making us wait to know the name? How am I supposed to know what to call him?" uhm, we've had a nickname for him since day one. How about that? "Nah, I'll just call him X". What?? Why is it impossible for people to STFU and mind their own business? Why is my pregnancy so important to other people? And what gives them the right to think they should know every detail? Why am I not allowed to have anything just to us?
Almost beat 2 family members senseless... Hubby's cousin asked me if I thought my boobs would get any bigger since I was going to breast feed... HE is 29 years old!!... While he stared at my chest like always (when he's around i strap down and dress like a damn nun. His mom just smiled at me and asked if my hubby would be exempt from touching my boobs for the next 6 months. This all happened in the kitchen infront of several other aunts... And they all wonder why I don't talk to these two except on holidays.
My SIL told me that one baby is no big deal. "Try dealing with two!" She has a 2.5 year old and 5 month old. PRETTY SURE if someone had said that to her while she was pregnant with her first that she would have lost it. I reminded her that I'll be working full time, a full time grad student, and a new mom -- I think I'll have my hands full.
Almost beat 2 family members senseless... Hubby's cousin asked me if I thought my boobs would get any bigger since I was going to breast feed... HE is 29 years old!!... While he stared at my chest like always (when he's around i strap down and dress like a damn nun. His mom just smiled at me and asked if my hubby would be exempt from touching my boobs for the next 6 months. This all happened in the kitchen infront of several other aunts... And they all wonder why I don't talk to these two except on holidays.
Who thinks it is ever appropriate to ask someone what they plan on doing with their boobs???
I spent almost 2hrs sobbing on the couch after the toddler went to bed. Clearly, I don't have any idea how to be alone Christmas Eve.
I lied to my MIL when she asked about coming here last minute for Christmas Eve. She was supposed to be working, but broke her ankle, so now she's bugging everybody. I told her we were sick with a stomach bug, but really, after Turkey Day, we just didn't want her here. It's time for her brother or sister to deal with her crazy for a change. She called this morning to say she's going to return our gifts since she can't come over. You go right on with yo bad self, lady. Zero fucks about your dollar store trinkets.
I'm sorry, but is she a grown ass woman or a five year old? I just don't understand adults that act like little kids then don't get why they aren't treated like adults. Ugh. Sorry you had to deal with that.
Me: 35, Hubbie: 33 Married DH: 2013 DD: Dec 2015 BFP 8/14/17 --> Due 4/27/2018
My SIL told me that one baby is no big deal. "Try dealing with two!" She has a 2.5 year old and 5 month old. PRETTY SURE if someone had said that to her while she was pregnant with her first that she would have lost it. I reminded her that I'll be working full time, a full time grad student, and a new mom -- I think I'll have my hands full.
I actually found the transition to two much easier than the transition to one. Every person and every child is so different.
I spent almost 2hrs sobbing on the couch after the toddler went to bed. Clearly, I don't have any idea how to be alone Christmas Eve.
I lied to my MIL when she asked about coming here last minute for Christmas Eve. She was supposed to be working, but broke her ankle, so now she's bugging everybody. I told her we were sick with a stomach bug, but really, after Turkey Day, we just didn't want her here. It's time for her brother or sister to deal with her crazy for a change. She called this morning to say she's going to return our gifts since she can't come over. You go right on with yo bad self, lady. Zero fucks about your dollar store trinkets.
I'm sorry, but is she a grown ass woman or a five year old? I just don't understand adults that act like little kids then don't get why they aren't treated like adults. Ugh. Sorry you had to deal with that.
It sucks, but at least I don't have to pretend to smile through her horrid presents this year.
I would be mad too! I don't celebrate Christmas at all though.
Edit because auto correct sucks.
I spent almost 2hrs sobbing on the couch after the toddler went to bed. Clearly, I don't have any idea how to be alone Christmas Eve.
I lied to my MIL when she asked about coming here last minute for Christmas Eve. She was supposed to be working, but broke her ankle, so now she's bugging everybody. I told her we were sick with a stomach bug, but really, after Turkey Day, we just didn't want her here. It's time for her brother or sister to deal with her crazy for a change. She called this morning to say she's going to return our gifts since she can't come over. You go right on with yo bad self, lady. Zero fucks about your dollar store trinkets.
DS1 01/08/03 DD1 08/11/04 DD2 10/06/08 DS2 09/30/14
SURPRISE! Hannah May born 01/22/16
This all happened in the kitchen infront of several other aunts... And they all wonder why I don't talk to these two except on holidays.
Married DH: 2013
DD: Dec 2015
BFP 8/14/17 --> Due 4/27/2018
DS1 01/08/03 DD1 08/11/04 DD2 10/06/08 DS2 09/30/14
SURPRISE! Hannah May born 01/22/16