I got my sonagram pictures yesterday at 35+4 and I really wanted to see all of yours. Ultrasound or sonagrams. It truly is exciting to see baby in there.
@fricktion that is amazing for a 2D ultrasound!! (That's all it was, right?) I'm going for my 37 week one on Wednesday. Hopefully they'll print out something fun for me
Here she is! I have been feeling her little fingers below my bikini line and I swore her hands were down by her face. What do you know!? Her hands were by her face the whole time! We are 37 weeks today and so ready to meet her asap!
@fricktion that is amazing for a 2D ultrasound!! (That's all it was, right?) I'm going for my 37 week one on Wednesday. Hopefully they'll print out something fun for me
Why am I the only one in the world not getting one!!!!!!! UGHHHH
Actually I think the majority of us aren't getting one, most people only get the 8-12 week and the 18-22 week scan.
It is wonderful to see what baby looks like on everyone else's though, I can use it as a reference as to what my boy might look like this far along. Thanks for sharing, everyone!
I'm so jealous everyone! I don't think my doctor gives one unless there is something of concern. So I'm blessed to be healthy and that my baby is healthy but I just wanna see his wittle face. I love him so much
Ours was elective at an ultrasound boutique. It may be too late in the game to go get one (baby is prob too crowded now), but just for future reference. Google them in your city and I'm sure there are a ton. We paid about $120 for ours and got pictures and a 4D video which I've watched like 5 times already. Definitely worth it for me. My dr also did not have a problem with us doing it.
We went at 36 weeks and didn't get a lot of great pics because she really is too smooshed so PP is right, but I am still happy we did it. It will give me something to visualize during labor
Me: 30 DH: 31 Married: 2012 BFP #1 Sept 2014, MMC Dec 2014 | BFP #2 May 2015, DD Jan 2016 | BFP #3 May 2017, MC July 2017 | BFP #4 Jan 2018, MC Feb 2018 | BFP #5 July 2018, fingers crossed
Here's baby girl from today! It's hard to make out, but if you tilt your head to the right and look you can see the two black dots are eyes, then a little nose, and can barely see the lips. But boy are those cheeks chubby, just like when mommy was a baby
Also, she had her foot up by her face for most of the ultrasound. Now that's talent!
@djdawn29a that's awesome!!!!!! My most recent one is actually horrifying, all the prior ones have been cute. I just keep telling myself that we caught her at a bad time or that her face was scrunched against something. I've never seen a baby look so angry in an u/s picture as mine does.
My kiddo. I get ultrasounds done every week since I'm high risk. This is the one from today. They will try to do a 3D ultrasound next week since she had her feet in her face today.
Re: Let's see those ultrasound pictures!
I'm going for my 37 week one on Wednesday. Hopefully they'll print out something fun for me
Low progesterone
Baby boy born 01/2016
Currently: NTNP
Married: 2012
BFP #1 Sept 2014, MMC Dec 2014 | BFP #2 May 2015, DD Jan 2016
Also, she had her foot up by her face for most of the ultrasound. Now that's talent!
4D is amazing!!
My kiddo. I get ultrasounds done every week since I'm high risk. This is the one from today. They will try to do a 3D ultrasound next week since she had her feet in her face today.
I got this today at 35w 3d he kept covering his face but he definitely not shy about his little boy parts