April 2016 Moms

Pelvis popping/clicking. PGP/SPD??

I'm almost 21 weeks in my 3rd pregnancy, and for the past week or so when I move from a stationary position (laying down, rolling over in bed, sitting still for awhile and then moving) I feel what seems to be my pelvic bone popping. Yup, POPPING! It hurts but then feels a little better once it's popped. And it's painful when I move my legs, to cross them or rotate them. I've googled it and read about pregnancy related PGP (pelvic girdle pain) and SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction), relaxin softening the ligaments that

Re: Pelvis popping/clicking. PGP/SPD??

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    Gahhhhh sorry I didn't finish typing and my thumb hit post :/

    ...softening the ligaments that connect the joints.

    Anyways... I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? It's bothersome but not life altering, and I was curious about it. I'll mention it to my OB at the next appt I have.
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    This would be a great post in the symptoms thread; and to answer your question, I've been feeling my pelvis widen since about 10 weeks. My SI joints pop all crazy depending on my positioning as well.
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    I kinda think symphisis pubis dysfunction deserves its own thread.. but that may be because I just recently found out theres a name for what i've been feeling thru every pregnancy. And finally have an ob now who has acknowledged it.

    That popping feeling ur describing doesn't necessarily mean spd, it could be the normal loosening of ur pelvic bones during pregnancy. Basically spd doesn't go away. It can be felt as a constant low level pain when moving that sort of peaks when u do things that require u put most of ur weight on one leg like with stairs or turning sharply or putting on pants and when you do things that require spreading ur legs like getting in and out of bed or the car and straddling things. For me its not popping so much as a grinding feeling, but thats just me.

    Its still being debated whether treatment is really possible for this or if it even helps. And its still not widely recognized as anything other that the normal aches and pains of pregnancy. But it was a great relief for me to hear something other than "grin and bear it" from my ob. He is referring me to a physical thereapist at least.
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    Pelvic Girdle Pain...is the worst! Mine started at 21 weeks and I was knocked completely off of my feet. Getting out or into the car, getting up from the couch and trying to get into or turn onto my side in bed brought me to tears. I went to my chiropractor multiple times but it didn't give me any relief. The only thing that helped was rest. Don't be afraid to ask your DH or other family members for help around the house..definitely a humbling experience for me! For some reason for the last few days it seems to be feeling much better. I'm holding my breath waiting for it to come back.
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    I had SPD last pregnancy, and whenever I tried to roll over/go from supine to sit EOB, it felt like my pelvis was literally splitting. It was awful. Ugh.. hope that doesn't happen again.
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