May 2016 Moms

Who is showing?

I am at the end of week 16 and suddenly I feel like my belly bump is popping! People are starting to notice. When did you start showing?

Re: Who is showing?

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    rlworzallarlworzalla member
    edited November 2015
    There's HDBD (Hump Day Bump Day) post if you keep scrolling down where ladies are sharing their bump pictures. Check it out :)

    Edited: because my phone is being a tool.
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    Isn't it crazy how it just kinda appears one morning?! I actually started showing a bit when I was about 14 weeks. I'm really small to begin with so my belly just kinda swelled up and popped out and it was just hard not to notice. I'm almost 17 weeks and now it's really noticeable.
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    Just in the past few days - am FTM at 16w3d, though I think my uterus is measuring a bit ahead of that because I have a ton of fibroids. Thank god my maternity pants arrived from Target!
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    Agh I'm tall and thin, and thought I would show right away but I'm past 17 weeks and still not showing! My lower stomach has become round, but it barely pops out! I've been telling a couple people at work and they can't believe how far along I am! I was so excited about getting a bump and I'm just getting bummed out now!
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    I started showing at week 13, but I'm short with no torso.
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    I'm definitely showing. From about week 13-15 it just looked like I'd gained some belly weight but it rounded out. Plus I've started dressing for the bump so I think it's a little more obvious.
    Yesterday at thanksgiving I lifted my sweater to pull up my pants (classy I know) and my whole family was like "you're definitely pregnant!!"
    It feels nice to have a bump instead of just wondering if everyone thinks you're fat-especially for someone who's been thin for most of her life.
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    15 weeks and it's really noticeable in certain clothes. I started to show a little at 13 weeks. I'm tall and average weight so I didn't think I would show so soon. Just proves everyone is different.
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    16 weeks and definitely showing!! I noticed a bump at 12 weeks tho. I'm sooo excited!
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    I too feel like this week I have really started to have a belly, especially at night! I also am in my 16th week!
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    I have been showing for a really long time but hid it for a while because I wasn't telling people yet. I'm 16 weeks with twins, 3rd pregnancy, and I'm measuring 19cm. I"m wearing full-on maternity pants and shirts. I've been showing since......9, 10 weeks? I remember with my first baby I was about 14 weeks with the slightest bump. Oh how things are different now!
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    I'm 15w5d and I can't tell if I'm showing or if I just look fat, lol. I'm thinking I just look fat so I'm excited to see if my belly will pop in the next few weeks.
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    I definitely started showing yesterday and even my Dr was surprised!! I am 17 weeks 6 days along.
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    I'm 16w1d, I feel like my belly grew overnight (in the last couple days) although I just look like I simply overate lol.
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    I'm 15w2d and I just look like I ate at Chipotle. Can't wait for the bump to turn in to an actual bump!
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    I'm 14+3 and my blump varies from barely there in the morning to giantess looking at night - showing much earlier than with my first pregnancy. Urgh. I have to resist sucking in the tummy as well.....
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    I'm 15 Weeks 6 Days. I felt super cute and pregnant last night, but now this morning, I just feel fat. it all depends really how I dress the bump/blump.
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    I had a bit of a "food baby" going on just before getting pregnant.  For some reason, almost right away it just got more round and "pregnant" looking.  All my extra weight on my arms, legs, and face left to gather around my tummy, too.  I definitely look pregnant to those who know me--the blump is round and sticks out! But it's still "small" enough for me to be really self-conscious about people who don't know thinking I just have a big ol' gut.  It does depend on the day and what I wear!  I think this week it has gotten even more "preggo" looking.
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    I had a blump going. My husband said it was cute. Then, all of a sudden, I woke up the next morning and it was like WHA BAM! Bump!
    I called the doctor in a panic thinking something bad happened (I was really crampy and gassy, and felt yucky all day the day prior). We think it just grew enough to pop out from under my pelvic bone. There is no mistaking it now. It happened at 16w2d.
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    I'm 18w2d and today I looked in the mirror and I swear my belly grew overnight! I haven't shown much and everyone is surprised when I tell them I'm 4.5months because I don't look it. Maybe in the next few weeks I'll start to look more pregnant than if I gained a few pounds. I guess it all depends on our genes. I've been the same weight and shape, tall and thin, since I was 16 and I'm now 22. This is my 18weeks photo.
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    As mentioned in the second post:

    There's HDBD (Hump Day Bump Day) post if you keep scrolling down where ladies are sharing their bump pictures. Check it out :)

    Edited: because my phone is being a tool.

    Let's try to keep things orderly.
    *Siggy Warning*
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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    I'm 18 weeks and 1day and suddenly, almost over night I started showing! So excited!!!
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    As mentioned in the second post:
    There's HDBD (Hump Day Bump Day) post if you keep scrolling down where ladies are sharing their bump pictures. Check it out :) Edited: because my phone is being a tool.
    Let's try to keep things orderly.
    BUMP... just so it doesnt get lost in the sea of "bump"pics

    rupaulsdragrace  rupauls drag race bump teamwork 04x10

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    As soon as I posted it, I saw your comment @yogahh! Noticed I can't delete my post... Got a little carried away seeing all those beautiful bumps so I had to share :smiley:
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    caterin said:
    As soon as I posted it, I saw your comment @yogahh! Noticed I can't delete my post... Got a little carried away seeing all those beautiful bumps so I had to share :smiley:
    No is exciting!

    cat fail animated GIF

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    Glad to hear that some of you ladies are showing around 18 weeks. I'm a few days shy of 18 weeks and can't wait to show!
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    babygarrisbabygarris member
    edited December 2015
    I am 18w today and I don't know if its a bump or blump. I'm just going to say blump. But hopefully I starting popping out like some of you guys, very soon. I'm ready to feel the kicks and punches, and to enjoy the baby bump.
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    I am 15 weeks exactly and showing...kinda.feel as if i have an extra layer of chub on!
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    I am 15 weeks exactly and showing...kinda.feel as if i have an extra layer of chub on!
    I feel the same way!  I'll be 16 tomorrow and my stomach is definitely sticking out more, but I mostly just feel bloated and flabby.  I still have more of a "B" belly as opposed to a "D" belly, and probably will until my uterus gets up above my navel.  All I want for Christmas is a cute bump!  :p

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    I am just shy of 18 weeks as well and I have been worrying because I'm not showing. But reading this I guess its normal especially because I'm a FTM and quite tall and slender? Last US baby was moving and last week heard a strong heart beat. This is all new and I don't know what to expect. I don't feel pregnant right now so I guess I would feel better with visual confirmation.


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    I am a first time mom, and depending on what I wear and how well you knew my pre-baby figure (on the smaller side of average) I have been "showing" for a few weeks, since Thanksgiving. I'm almost 20 weeks now, and while it could be mistaken for chub if you didn't know me, and my every day coat (with a frilly scarf sort of edge) masks it, I am definitely showing in normal, fitted type clothes.

    Below, the pink is me at 6 weeks, and the grey is probably 18 weeks, since my most recent picture is in a looser dress.

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    I am starting to.  This is my first pregnancy.  I am 19.2 weeks today.
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    First pregnancy, 18 weeks, and I'm showing. It's not super obvious because I'm overweight and had a "belly" to begin with. If I wear baggy clothes I'm still able to hide it pretty well (from coworkers, etc. who don't know I'm pregnant yet).
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    I am a little over 18 weeks and my belly about doubled in size the past week!! I feel huge!!! lol

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    I'll be honest. I feel like I looked pregnant before I was actually pregnant. But I will say that it's starting to get rounder and more baby bump looking that just chub. 
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    I am a little over 18 weeks and my belly about doubled in size the past week!! I feel huge!!! lol
    It's happening!!! I'm 17w4d, and just a few days ago I was like, "aw, I have a baby bump!" And as of last night this had turned into "WTF IS HAPPENING?" I'm still not even that big, like I can hide it under most loose sweaters, but it's changing so fast now and I can feel the baby starting to get up in my organs' space!
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    edited December 2015
    I feel like I am not really. Those that know me really well can tell otherwise I just look like I have gained all over.
    Normally I am a size xs. I can still wear all my tops, including coats. I have gained about 15 pounds though but it seems to be everywhere.
    Last pregnancy I didn't really look pregnant until very late in the pregnancy either.
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    I'm 21 weeks and, though I have only gained 5 pounds (I began the pregnancy overweight and have been trying to manage my gains), my stomach suddenly looks as though it alone has gained 30. It's super full and rounded out, seemingly out of nowhere!
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