October 2015 Moms

"up all night" club

Hi ladies,

Who's here with me? It's almost 3am and we've been up for 3 hrs. I say we but really it's me since lo will drift off while in my arms but will not sleep. He's fed, changed, burped, swaddled and given a binky but no dice.

What do you guys do to pass the time? I just had a cup of coffee and I am watching my 3rd episode of Ncis :)
Me: 34 DH:38
DS: 18 months   <3
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Re: &quot;up all night&quot; club

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    Right here with y'all. This is the 4th time LO has woken me up tonight.
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    KristynLee15KristynLee15 member
    edited November 2015
    I would kill for 3 consecutive hours of sleep.
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    We tried laying down at 8:30, woke up at 9:30. Fed again and to bed again at 11:30. He did sleep until 2:15, DH changed him and he's currently eating but he's fighting me severely. We are weaning off the shield and he did so good all day until now I finally gave in after 20 min of him just releasing his latch and screaming at me. I have a feeling I will be up with him until 6 am again like last night. At least I got more than an hour of sleep this time though. I'm prepared with water, some crackers and Netflix if I need tv. What's another day of being in zombie mode right?
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    Im afraid these dark circles under my eyes are going to be a permanant thing. Any ladies have any suggestions for reducing them...besides sleep, because thats never going to happen.
    Im sevretly looking forward to thanksgiving when my aunts will be here. They always fight over babies, so i will gladly say..."here you go...im taking a nap!"
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    I will say I fed LO around 1:30 yesterday afternoon and DH told me to take a nap. I fell asleep on the couch only to realize it was 5 in the evening so I got about 3 hours of sleep. I slept through the dog freaking out and the loud emergency siren that is just across the alley and blasts straight into our back door which also caused the dog to howl. I'd say it was much needed but then I was still dragging the rest of the evening.
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    You guys are my sanity! Managed 1hr 15 of sleep before he woke up. Stupid leaky diaper!

    I like to make jewelry and I'm dying to finish up these bracelets but impossible to do w one hand- I feel your pain pp!

    Does anyone feed lo in bed? Tips and tricks to being comfy (but not too comfy haha! Don't want to fall asleep !)
    Me: 34 DH:38
    DS: 18 months   <3
    Dx DOR AMH .2
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    I am up again for our regular 3-4am pooping session :( LO can't sleep during this time, he grunts and strains, and this also makes him spit up. Until he gets all the poo out I can't go to bed :( Every.single.night!
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    I have not found a way to feed lo in bed that i dont doze. Im starting to think im crazy. She sleeps in her swing chair next to our bed, and then i sit up to feed her. Shes bottle fed and when i doze i tend to let the bottle slip. And that instantly wakes me up. I would gove anything to be able to put her in her crib and get a few hours straight
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    My LO is consistently up from midnight to 4 am. I am so over it. My hubby has been great letting me lay down at 7 pm and sleeping til midnight. He gets the kids all to bed and gets up with DD and gives her a bottle of expressed breast milk if she gets fussy before midnight. I am so exhausted by the time I lay down, it is just a few minutes before I am out cold! The 5 hours straight is wonderful!! The 4 hours of awake time after that is boring and lonely but I am catching up on every show I have ever even thought about watching.
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    @mom4liak I need to try doing that- it's just that the evenings my dh and I like to hang, watch tv etc. I'm starting to think maybe it's better just to sleep. Lo just went down for a nap. He literally would not sleep. Hoping to catch some zzzz now. Must put down the laundry!
    Me: 34 DH:38
    DS: 18 months   <3
    Dx DOR AMH .2
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    I just had a nice 2 hour nap!! Nooowww i can break into the laundry. LO is sitting pleasantly in her bouncer!
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    Yeah. I've been up since 10:30PM. Does sleeping from 9-10:30 count as sleep? Or is that just a nap?
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    koriemo said:

    Yeah. I've been up since 10:30PM. Does sleeping from 9-10:30 count as sleep? Or is that just a nap?

    @koriemo I'm sorry to break it to you but that's def a nap! :)

    And another night of fun begins!
    Me: 34 DH:38
    DS: 18 months   <3
    Dx DOR AMH .2
    <a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Pregnancy"><img 
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    I am up again for our regular 3-4am pooping session :( LO can't sleep during this time, he grunts and strains, and this also makes him spit up. Until he gets all the poo out I can't go to bed :( Every.single.night!

    Yep. Right there with you. My son's preferred time is 4:30am. We are lucky when he just grunts. Most of the time he screams until he's done. So sad.
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    rms924 said:

    You guys are my sanity! Managed 1hr 15 of sleep before he woke up. Stupid leaky diaper!

    I like to make jewelry and I'm dying to finish up these bracelets but impossible to do w one hand- I feel your pain pp!

    Does anyone feed lo in bed? Tips and tricks to being comfy (but not too comfy haha! Don't want to fall asleep !)

    I feed LO in bed ALL the time. We have been using a snuggle nest cosleeper for the past few weeks. Made my life so much easier. I'll feed him till he sleeps off in my arms then place him on my chest to burp and make sure he's soundly asleep and then I'll put him in the cosleeper where he'll sleep for about 2 hours before he's up to feed again. Just started using a bedside bassinet so I can get the cosleeper out from being between my husband and I and I follow the same pattern. Let him sleep on my chest and then place him in there.
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    @amyadd i have a snugglenest and i love it!!! We dont use it to sleep everynight, but i take it when we go somewhere. LO is currently sleeping in the rocker from her swing. We have the fisher price 4 in 1 and the rocker detaches.
    I am proud to say i just got 4.5 hours straight of sleep. Took about 20mins to feed and shes back down!! This is a first (probably a last) but i got to sleep from 10pm-2.30!
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    beanie1977beanie1977 member
    edited November 2015

    @amyadd i have a snugglenest and i love it!!! We dont use it to sleep everynight, but i take it when we go somewhere. LO is currently sleeping in the rocker from her swing. We have the fisher price 4 in 1 and the rocker detaches.
    I am proud to say i just got 4.5 hours straight of sleep. Took about 20mins to feed and shes back down!! This is a first (probably a last) but i got to sleep from 10pm-2.30!

    I also have a snuggle nest. I just pull him out and feed him. I've got all these pillows i keep at the foot of our bed to prop my back as i was having a lot of back pain from sitting in bed breastfeeding or bottle feeding (I do both.). I can't imagine doing it any other way! That being said we have a king size bed and I'm not sure we'd be getting ANY sleep if we had a queen.
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    I cant use the snuggle nest in the bed. DH is a really rough sleeper and has ptsd. So even if she was in that im afraid he might wake up swinging if she makes noise. I do love that it has the heartbeat sound and the little nightlight. I just wish the timing on it was longer.
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    The only time I am doing the up all night is usually wednesday nights/ thursday morning because I usually have board game night. But when she wakes up at 11 PM, I do the time to get ready for bed. Even though we don't manage to fall asleep until 2-3 AM. I seriously need a smart TV so I can netflix in bed when I am cuddling with her.
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