January 2016 Moms

Xmas gift ideas from spouse/partner

I just wondered if any ladies had some fun suggestions. DH and I were discussing Christmas shopping and he asked what I wanted and I honestly could not think of anything! Im not talking anything big. Obviously our biggest money priority is preparing for our daughter. Last year he got me some outfits I wanted. I don't see the point in clothes, a purse, or any of my usuals. We just want to get each other one gift that's not baby related and while he's easy, I'm coming up blank!

Re: Xmas gift ideas from spouse/partner

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    Honestly all I can think about is getting a massage--I think its going to be my only gift request this year!
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    Haha @mom2be2016 that's the only idea I have!
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    maureenmcemaureenmce member
    edited November 2015
    I just thought of an idea today!  We're trying to be frugal so I wanted something small but fun.  Not sure if this applies to anyone else but I have been searching for YEARS for a perfume I like with no success.  I love the idea of having a signature scent (or a seasonal signature scent) but I just don't like most typical perfumes, unfortunately.  But! I found this company Demeter that makes some interesting scents of things I love (like tomato plants and basil and out there things like thunderstorm or wet garden!) and I decided I'd like to pick out like, 10 cool sounding scents and order the samplers of them to try to find a perfume I love.  So, kind of fun to pick out a bunch of different things to try, but the sample vials are only $2.50, so it'll be cheap. 

    If anyone else is interested, here's the page with all their crazy scents!

    And of course, hell yes I would second the prenatal massage!  Any kind of pampering at this stage in pregnancy sounds incredibly appealing.  
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    I have a birthday coming up in a few weeks so my husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday. Because I would rather spend money on things I want for the new baby taen for myself, I made a list of baby-related splurges like a maternity winter coat, or a Tula baby carrier, or even some third trimester tea or an adorable willow tree sculpture that I saw of a mother with her two young children in her lap.
    For Christmas, I might ask for whatever he didn't get me on that list or I might ask for a pedicure.
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    Oh - another idea!  If you don't mind getting your gift early, maybe you could pick out a nice dress for the baby shower (if you haven't had it already) and have your husband buy it as an early xmas gift?  I have my dream dress already on my Amazon wish list for our 12/6 shower, haha.  :)
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    My husband and I exchange pajamas on Christmas - sometimes we do more, sometimes just the pjs. Some years it's nicer pjs than others, but it's like our little tradition. I'm excited to get some new ones this year because I'll want something fresh and new and comfy to wear in January when baby comes.
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    I've put cute but functional winter boots on my list. Running around with a newborn and a toddler in the snow and ice I want to be sure to be slip proof and warm!
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    @Ebiejay not necessarily my thing but my husband would be thrilled with that idea! Haha
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    Def agree on the Massage! I got myself a 60 min prenatal massage last month and it was effing HEAVEN! other than that im asking for a nice diaper bag i picked out and a hoodie that u can wear over a baby carrier w a hood for the baby :) i think itd be awesome!
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    apinkpelicanapinkpelican member
    edited November 2015
    Do you have a nice camera? It's kind of baby related but not completely :)
    Maybe a facial or one of those Clarosonic things?
    Fun home accessories? New couch pillows or a new throw? Cozy flannel sheets? I'm trying to build a nice holiday decor collection so I also added some of that kind of stuff to my wish list.
    (Sorry I think I just unloaded the rest of my list on you ;) )
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    Every year I ask for a house cleaner. He tells me no and that it's not a gift. Maybe your husband will be more open to the idea or it's something you'd like :)
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    @apinkpelican a camera!! That's what I was wanting. Ahhh. Thank you. I'd been telling my husband I did not want all our baby's photos on a cell phone haha
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    I have asked for a good quality DSLR camera to capture beautiful pictures of baby (and dogs) and the changing bag I want for birthday at the end of this month.

    The other things I have put on my list for birthday/Christmas are my staple products for example makeup, perfume, toiletries. Things that I would usually buy myself but may not have the excess cash to do so whilst on maternity leave. Stock up on your essentials!
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    DH and I decided last year that we would only do stockings for one another, and as a couple we would buy 1 item for our house that we've been wanting or need.  We got ourselves a nice Samsung 50" TV on Black Friday for our living room, (We've had a Plasma for years and the thing was on it's way out and weighed what felt like 500lbs).  As far as the stocking idea, we tried to keep it within $100-$150 price range and that's even shooting a little high.  He got a few DVD's that he wanted a gift card and some other fun little things to open.  He ended up getting me a Movado watch that I said someday I'd like to have, not thinking it would have been that soon. He said that it fit the criteria of fitting into the stocking, so it was okay to buy, lol.
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    @Helbelles your essentials idea is exactly what I've been telling my family that we'd like for this year.  Anything from grocery gift cards, BJ's (Wholesale bulk store) and gas gift cards.  Anything to save money on the things I know we're going to need while I'm out on leave.  I plan on stocking up on majority of the paper products and cleaning supplies before baby arrives, to limit how frequently I have to leave the house.  Being due, late January our winters here can get pretty brutal, so I want to leave for appointments and grocery store trips, that's it! 
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    I asked for a dishwasher lol

    I kind of regret it because I need a car too and that's a lot of pressure and big ticket items.

    I retracted my request and asked for the Thierry Mugler Addict subscription. $50, and 4x per year you get a box with a deluxe perfume sample and various other related things. TM makes my favorite scent (angel) and his perfumes and colognes are amazing.
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    DH and I dont really do gifts anymore, but do enjoy doing family gifts, like some new games (DD is 5), or a zoo membership, or a big donation to a charity and we'll all go volunteer for a day there. This year we're donating to the Blessings in a Backpack program at DD's school. Not very exciting I guess, but honestly, we have enough "stuff" and don't really need right now. Particularly when I think about the kids in DD's school that are going hungry on the weekends. Gah! It kills me.


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    I asked for a Netflix subscription. It's not really expensive and will give me something to watch during all of the middle night feedings once LO gets here.
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