November 2015 Moms


Has anyone else gotten hit with the need to eat every second? I have felt like the bottomless pit the last four to five days. I've done really well with my weight all pregnancy long and really haven't had but a day here and there of feeling super hungry, but now at 38w+, I will literally eat a big meal and an hour later feel like I haven't eaten all day! I read many women have the opposite effect and lose a couple pounds the last couple weeks :( Just wondering if anyone else has been having insane hunger? It's getting annoying because I feel like I'm starving no matter how much food I eat.

Re: Hunger

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    Yep. I've put on 8 pounds this last month!

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I totally lost my appetite around 36-37 weeks but that last 2 weeks I am with you!  I am always hungry..  I think it might be because I can't eat a full meal in one sitting anymore, so I am eating smaller portions, making me hungry again shortly afterwards.  I also stopped giving a shit 2 days ago since I am getting induced tonight, so who cares what I eat for 48 hours?  ;)

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    Me! Its weird because I was the total opposite with DS. But Im eating enormous meals and then snacking within an hour. Im just going with it at this point and plan to get back out walking as soon as I can after this little chunk arrives. I guess he's just sitting differently to how #1 did and leaving more room for my stomach and thus the enormous appetite...
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    me too! I also read about how many women have no appetite and lose weight... I'm going to talk to my OB about it at my appointment because I gained 4 pounds in the last two weeks, which is a lot since I haven't gained much the rest of the time
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    I gained 4lbs in a week (more likely due to water weight than anything), but I would assume that once your LO has dropped, your stomach has room again and it remembers that food tastes good. I wouldn't be too concerned.

    But yes, it is annoying that so many pregnancy sites/books talk about losing weight in the last month and how that's normal. The opposite isn't abnormal either.
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    okay, relieved to hear I'm not alone! I started to get worried and will still be bringing it up at my apt tomorrow. Its not even a matter of not having any room for food in my belly and having to eat more often, like I was experiencing a month ago. I am eating like someone from "my 600 pound life"! I had lunch an hour ago...veggie enchiladas, beans, rice and pretty much devoured the whole plate (I've NEVER been able to do that) and an hour later, guess what. Starving again! The other day, I ate 7 pieces of pizza, two sandwiches AND a bowl of pasta in a matter of like half a day!!! Wth?!?!
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    Ohh yes! Subway is my best friend today with the deal they have going on today! If you get a sub and 32 oz drink you get a free sub of equal or lesser value... soooo two foot longs please. Lunch and supper right there! I still feel like I need to eat between that...
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    38 weeks and I also feel like I'm on an episode of my 600 pound life! All I want is fast food, candy, just so much junk food I'm scared to get on the scale! I gained 30 pounds up to week 34, haven't been on since, don't plan on it either!
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    Yes! Food! I was eating so well up until 36 weeks then I kind of gave up. At 40+1 i am either hungry or thinking about food all day.
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    The only thing that makes me stop occasionally is when I honestly ask myself "is the dragon-esque heartburn that this is going to give me really worth it?" Other than that, onomnomnom all the time.
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    I am still eating like crazy and hungry but I dont gain weight, it is a total mystery to me and DH. In 5 weeks i gained a pound.
    I feel like the hunger is sometimes weird though, like I feel hungry but If I bend down I have some reflux and see I havent fully digested (tmi sorry).

    Maybe baby pressing triggers a fake feeling of hunger for some of us while it blocks the apetite of others ?
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    I have remarked that I feel like I am more enthusiastic about food than any other time in my life. I feel like I have teenage-boy-type enthusiasm for food. I am not eating a ton all the time, but I am excited about food! It helped that at about 37 weeks, I starred not caring too much about what I eat or how much weight I gain. Not pigging out ridiculously or anything, I just decided it was less stressful to just eat what I feel like most of the time. So many other things are challenging; at least I can enjoy what I eat.
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    I've probably gained 4 lbs since halloween. I have done nothing but eaten my kids and left over halloween candy since! I am not looking forward to going to the dr tomorrow morning!
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    Eating a ton! I figure it's the shift in hormones and the body getting prepared for what's to come. I just try to make as healthy of choices as possible since I know I'm taking in way more calories. I haven't gained weight in a couple months so at this point I figure I should just answer the call. :)
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    I hope baby is just beefing up but I'm with you guys. I can't stop eating everything in the house. I baked cookies twice now and have devoured most of them myself. It's so nice to eat again though
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    It comes and goes for me. I go from not wanting any food for a week to being a bottomless pit.
    I hadn't gained any weight in 12 weeks due to being diagnosed with GD at 22 weeks and then suddenly the last 3 I've gained around a pound each week.
    I think the baby has been going through some growth spurts too.
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    I've been able to keep eating under control all pregnancy, but it's been a lot harder the last few weeks! I gained a bunch but I've also started swelling like a balloon, so the jury is out on how much is food, baby or swelling.
    DS1: Born 11.18.15
    DS2: EDD- 09.08.17

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    Pontot31 said:

    It comes and goes for me. I go from not wanting any food for a week to being a bottomless pit.
    I hadn't gained any weight in 12 weeks due to being diagnosed with GD at 22 weeks and then suddenly the last 3 I've gained around a pound each week.
    I think the baby has been going through some growth spurts too.

    This is me too. I am feeling a lot of food aversions too. I feel hungry then go to eat and nothing sounds good, even after I prepare something that sounded good.
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    Constantly hungry unless im too tired or too much BH. Especially in the middle of the night. Glad that im not alone too. I also gained 4 pounds last week alone, whoops!
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    I'm ravenous. A bottomless pit since 38 weeks or so. And the extra Halloween candy never helps!
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    I too am beyond hungry. I cannot fill up - even the heartburn doesn't stop me at this point. WTH??

    We're having twins

    Our angel baby boy is looking over his twin sister - due November 21

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    ladies, I gained 7 pounds in one week!!!!!!! Wth.
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    I just finished lunch and I'm sad. I can't wait to have a snack.
    Can I tell ya'll about the sandwich I've eaten everyday for lunch this week?...
    It's so good, I need to relive it; DELICIOUS seedy, soft yet slightly crunchy whole grain bread (that Eureka brand was on super sale) with mustard, mayo, and thickly spread spicy carrot hummus. A ton of cilantro, slices of cucumber, sweet dill pickles, and half an avocado. Slices of this super yummy lentil and brown-rice "meatloaf" I made earlier this week.
    It just all works and is SO GOOD. I can't wait for lunch tomorrow, it'll be the last of the loaf so I'm eating it slowly.
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    Last night was the first time in my entire like that I've woken up in the middle of the night and was too hungry to fall back asleep. I ate some popcorn, watched Arrested Development in Netflix and then went back to skeep for 2 hrs before work.
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    +1 to hungry all the time. Went for my 36 week appointment earlier this week and was told by my OB to not overindulge as I gained more weight than she likes :( But I just want to eat all day long.
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    So speaking of hunger.. I bought this awesome box of almond bark covered pretzels. Was eating some on the way home when they slid off the dash (Smart place to put them, huh?) and they all fell out of the box onto the floor. :(( I really did cry too. I was so upset. I only had like 5, and they all went to waste! My poor pretzels :((

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    PSA. Steak 'n Shake now has a Nutella milkshake. You're welcome.
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