Just heard my MIL talking to DH about possibly coming down for Christmas.
We're already spending thanksgiving with her.
Don't ruin another holiday for me.
And I told him he better not be buying her ticket because we can't afford it.
And then he says "you don't know that"
Oh okay so I'm just wearing the same two outfits because he won't give me money to buy clothes I can fit in because we can't afford it but some how can afford a plane ticket for his mom to come down during a holiday?
I almost want to tell her we can't pay for her visits but I don't want to deal with the drama that will come with it.
I am so PISSED right now.
Re: No no no no
I know this sounds kinda bratty but since his fam are getting thanksgiving to themselves
I feel like Christmas should be for my family.
At least for this year.
And his mom just drives me nuts haha
I sound like such a brat but spending more money on my sons well being/safety is worth it.
It sucks
Most of the time nowadays my mil says she's coming and then doesn't ring and doesn't show up .... I think it's to punish us bhahahah
Best gift ever )
She and my two sisters and father came about 3 weeks after baby boy was born. I was still getting used to breast feeding, and having a new baby all while trying to recover from my C-Section. She got mad at me cause 3 days straight they were go go go (they're from Canada and I moved to the US to be with my hubby) so new sights. I was so fried and tired I crashed and burned and they said it was okay. She went to his circ with me and then I went home and napped with my baby. She then messages me saying maybe they should just go home since I haven't spent any time with them since they said it was okay o relaxed.... Uh okay, it took me a week to recuperate from their visit and I started bleeding from over doing it while my c section was still relatively fresh. So if my husband told me we were buying a ticket to go see her when we really cannot afford it is bitch slap him.
You have to live your life for you and your family and everyone is second in your list now. It's not for them to decide by themselves your hubby should be deciding with you and making sure you're both in the same page. We can't afford to go see my family until tax time and even then we're just buying a house now so we already have needs for the money but we don't want them to miss out and alot of my family hasn't even met my almost 4 month old son as they all live very far and its not in the plans to visit till we can.
Parents of all should know shit changes when you have a baby of your own. Sorry for my long rant/answer I kinda went off....
When I was younger it was just my mom and us kids every holiday.
Having a huge get together with family just isn't what I'm used to.
I want to celebrate with my little growing family.