TTC After a Loss

not wanting to wait.

I had a miscatriage on 10/18. Im doing way way better emotionally and physically. My husband and I actually had sex unprotected Sunday night. Before we even did this I had told him that Dr said to wait 3 months to try again by the books. However with all research that have did I've told him that it's totally up to us whether or not if we want to try again before I started a cycle that there's no research behind it all. Now I'm afraid that my doctor would be disappointed in me, because I didn't wait a cycle or I'm just scared in general to see what he would say. Have any of you TTC again before your 1st cycle? Should I be disappointed in myself? I feel like I'm going to feel guilty that when I go in for my appointment he's not going to be happy.

Re: not wanting to wait.

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    I wouldn't worry what my dr thought, maybe that's rude but it's my honest feeling but our midwife to us we could try as soon as a pregnancy test showed negative and that we didn't have to wait for a cycle...(we mc naturally at 12 weeks) best of luck to you
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    I was only 5 weeks. All my research says if your ready then your fine. I went with that. I know I should not be worried with what the Dr. thinks. Guess I am anxious. My levels were 0 2 days after.
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    I had a d&c 7 1/2 weeks ago. I'm going tomorrow for my dating u/s. Dr is guessing around 6 weeks. It was my second loss at 8 weeks. Praying for a healthy baby!
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    understandable @askye1212 , sorry for you losses @lilp2015 best of luck ladies
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