Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Miscarry at home after 8 weeks?

Has anyone miscarried at home of just a sac after 8 weeks? Ive had 2 d&cs before and since this is my third, i am going to try on my own. After its done, we will see how we are going to move forward with our 4th try. The d&cs were nice but i feel like i need closure some way. Im so scared but can I do it? How was your experience after 8 weeks of growth?

Re: Miscarry at home after 8 weeks?

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    Let me start by saying I'm very sorry for you losses...my personal experience was a mc at 12 weeks, we had her at home naturally...started spotting and 3 days later we mc. the pain started with period like cramping but it was slightly more painful and came in waves like contractions, we were able to time after about an hour I started to pass large clots(placenta) at a couple points I pushed...I could feel the pain moving down and getting more intense....I did a lot of walking and swaying around the house, also stood in a hot shower...finally I could tell the pain was at its worse and I laid a towel over the toilet seat so I could sit down and out she came...I passed both baby and sac but my baby was out of the sac..the pain instantly dropped after that however I still had some lingering pain(nothing in comparison to what was just felt) so I got back in the shower then laid in bed with a heating pad...you could alway take tylenol for pain...for me personally I didn't, part of me needed to feel that pain no matter how bad...it was very emotional but played a big part in our healing..we got to say goodbye and have that time with her...the whole thing was about 3 hours or so...I wish you the best...my thoughts and prayers go out to you...have strength and feel free to write back if you have any questions at all.
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    I'm so, so sorry for your loss.  I went through MMC a week and a half ago, on a Thursday. I went for my 12 week visit only to find the baby stopped growing at about 9 weeks.  I miscarried at home, and it was the hardest thing I've ever done.  I took the pills that were prescribed (miso) and it was a very intense afternoon.  Similar to PP, I know exactly when I passed the baby and felt "better" right away, but continued to have cramps and contraction like pain all weekend.  I suggest lots of pads, a heating bad, tylenol or motrin (something to help with the pain) and make sure you have someone with you.  It's hard and I really do wish you strength and peace.  Thoughts and prayers are with you.

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    ssnova said:
    the pain started with period like cramping but it was slightly more painful and came in waves like contractions, we were able to time after about an hour I started to pass large clots(placenta) at a couple points I pushed...I could feel the pain moving down and getting more intense....I did a lot of walking and swaying around the house, also stood in a hot shower...finally I could tell the pain was at its worse and I laid a towel over the toilet seat so I could sit down and out she came...I passed both baby and sac but my baby was out of the sac..the pain instantly dropped after that [...] part of me needed to feel that pain no matter how bad...it was very emotional but played a big part in our healing..we got to say goodbye and have that time with her...the whole thing was about 3 hours or so...
    First of all, I'm so sorry you are going through it again.  I'd like to second what @ssnova said (seconded for a second time!  I think I liked the wisdom of your words from a previous post, too!).  

    I miscarried at about 10 weeks.  The pain was bad.  I get very bad period pains anyway, and it was much worse.  And it was a lot like how I would imagine contractions to be.  However, after the main loss, it did pass (the worst of it was probably over in about same time frame ssnova has mentioned.  And even though the physical pain was the worst I've ever felt, it didn't push me to strong drugs or hospital aid.  If it ever happens again (which I hope it won't), I would do it in the same way: at home.  I think it certainly does help with the emotional healing, closure, coming to terms with what's happened, etc.  I would also consider that you do what ssnova did and say goodbye.  I didn't.  I wasn't thinking straight and I flushed, which I sorely regret now.

    In deepest empathy, 
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Sadly miscarried our first pregnancy 09.09.15
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    Thank you @almostahawk, its hard to figure out what the "right thing" to do is especially if it happened fast. As i have said before each mom needs to do whats best for their hearts.... for some its better not to look... what ever you choose when you look back you need to remember that you did what you felt was right at that given time. its much easier to see everything you should or should not have done after the fact (I'm guilty of those feelings too) I too would choose to do the same as i did this time if we had to go through this pain again (God forbid) Thoughts and prayers go out to you @sandiego715
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