November 2015 Moms

Any momma's who have had their babes and have anxiety as well?

So I am 36+2 and my anxiety has been through the roof! I stopped taking my anxiety meds when I found out I was pregnant and so far things haven't been too bad; until this last week!
For absolutely no reason I am having panic attacks, and I'm on edge. I've been waking up in the middle of the night while having a panic attack. It's almost impossible to focus on anything at all.
My question is: is there any other mommas who have had their children and had these issues? Could it just be because of hormonal shifts from our bodies getting ready?

Re: Any momma's who have had their babes and have anxiety as well?

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    Me. I just went back on my Zoloft. Feeding issues and guilt have made me anxious and teary. I'm sure some of it is hormones but with my history, I know I need to look out for PPD.
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    Don't you already have a DD? What was it like for you then?
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    I'm on team stay on your meds to keep you sane. Not healthy to have all that anxiety. Trust me, I would know.

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I decided it was safer to go off my meds and like I stated; its been pretty manageable, until now. I called my doctor and they said its probably just nerves and whatnot, my OB wanted me off my welbutrin too for as long as I could handle I will be starting that this week again because I have a history of PPD my docs are pretty anti meds unless necessary. They asked me if I could go off of them and try to manage without and that's what I've been doing.
    My anxiety wasn't nearly this bad when I had my daughter; but my depression was much, much worse then.
    And my psychiatrist refuses to write me any prescriptions anyways because he "wouldn't let anyone in his family take meds while pregnant" so my OB has to write my prescriptions. Which they okayed me taking the welbutrin towards the end; they don't seem too keen on any anti anxieties though.
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    I am 39+2 and my anxiety got much worse around 38 weeks. My doctor increased my medication and I've felt so much better. Definitely don't hesitate to tell your doctor. Baby needs a healthy mommy.
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    I decided it was safer to go off my meds and like I stated; its been pretty manageable, until now. I called my doctor and they said its probably just nerves and whatnot, my OB wanted me off my welbutrin too for as long as I could handle I will be starting that this week again because I have a history of PPD my docs are pretty anti meds unless necessary. They asked me if I could go off of them and try to manage without and that's what I've been doing.
    My anxiety wasn't nearly this bad when I had my daughter; but my depression was much, much worse then.
    And my psychiatrist refuses to write me any prescriptions anyways because he "wouldn't let anyone in his family take meds while pregnant" so my OB has to write my prescriptions. Which they okayed me taking the welbutrin towards the end; they don't seem too keen on any anti anxieties though.

    I think you need a new doctor. Him not letting anyone in his family take meds whilst pregnant is his personal opinion and not professional. Every doctor I have come across in my 10 years of being diagnosed with bipolar has always talked to me about the risks and benefits of staying on meds should I become pregnant and always recommended that I stay on them if the benefit to me outweighs the risk (which is very low for a lot of meds) to the baby whilst pregnant.

    Wellbutrin is one of the known safer meds to take whilst pregnant so your doctor sounds full of crap.

    Anyways, to answer your question, yes I had dreadful anxiety at the end, I was worried about everything and would burst into tears just thinking about things that might happen. But as soon as he was born it just disappeared. I have actually really surprised myself at just how good I feel. It's been 1 week since his birth and I haven't had the baby blues or any anxiety. I think I'm just too in awe and loving my new job as a mum to even think about worrying. Or maybe I'm just too tired.
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    Agreed to needing a new doctor. Any doctor worth their salt would say that your mental health is first and foremost in importance. I understand having the discussion about the possibility of going off of them, I had that with my doctor too. Conversation went like this: "Do you feel like you need to be on these meds for your anxiety?" "Yes, I do, especially with the extra stresses of being pregnant." "OK, we'll keep you on them at this dose to start." Done. Your psychiatrist honestly shouldn't even be thinking about the baby; that is up to your OB. 

    I had horrible PPA after DS was born, so it's not exactly the same, but you need to take care of you in order to take care of your LO.

    I lurk. I snark. I offer sound advice if you're not BSC. You may not like me. I'm okay with it.

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    I haven't been on anxiety/depression medication since like 10 years and am pregnant with #4. Had no issues. Well, my mom had a heart attack just Friday night and passed away. Three panic attacks later and high anxiety and depression. My OB has decided to deliver early tomorrow at 37 w 2 d. If it's that bad make sure they are checking you and monitoring baby closely. For me my blood pressure is through the roof with all these panic attacks and blood pressure meds aren't helping. I just thought it was normal grief and loss and was surprised at how high the BP was. So, it's safer for baby to come out than be put through all this stress according to my OB. Also, in my case since I'm "early full-term" now they are delivering tomorrow and then starting the anti-depressant. Praying you get through this and glad you are talking to your Dr. about it as they should be monitoring you closely after baby for postpartum.
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    I've been on zoloft for my anxiety throughout my pregnancy at 75mg and my midwives and psychiatrist were both fine with it and encouraged me to stay on them throughout the pregnancy and after delivery. My anxiety did increase towards the end, right around 37 weeks- and I'm not 3 days pp and doing great. No anxiety issues persay, more just new mom questions and worries. Good luck momma!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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