Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

The never ending miscarriage ...

jackieoicklejackieoickle member
edited November 2015 in Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss
So I miscarriages via mistriprostol September 12th, baby was measuring 5 week. spotting up until my first period which was approx 38 days after the miscarriage. It was an extremely heavy period, almost looked like I was having a miscarriage again with the amount of blood that I lost. Im just concerned that I'm Still spotting this long after the miscarriage. Its not enough that I would have to wear a pad but a panty liner at least. I thought I'd wait a couple weeks past my first period just to see if the spotting would stop but it hasn't. I'll be making a doctor appt this week, but in the mean time in just wondering if anyone else has any info or experienced a similar situation. I just want to move on and try again for a baby but i feel like I can't until this spotting stops.

Re: The never ending miscarriage ...

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    I'm so sorry you are going through this, too.  I miscarried about about the same number of weeks as you, but mine was in October so I haven't had a "normal" period yet.  I'm obviously not a doctor, but I am surprised you're still spotting.  Did your HcG go down to 0? 

    Even though I can completely relate to wanting to try again and move forward, I think you're smart going to the doctor to rule out anything else.  It's most likely your body is just spotting and everything is fine, but you can have the best peace of mind by double checking.  Keep us posted, and best of luck.
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