October 2015 Moms

are hemorrhoids normal during pregnancy?

i've never had one and i'm due saturday and kind of scared.. nobody is helping me figure out if this is normal or even an issue with giving birth and i'm also only 20 and didnt know until a few days ago that you can't let the umbelical cord get wet during bath time until it falls off.. and my misspellings probably give it away that i'm nervous and have never been through a full pregnancy before.. help!

Re: are hemorrhoids normal during pregnancy?

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    Yes they are normal. Before and after delivery. I used Tucks pads and it helped!! You may want to consider taking a stool softener daily.
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    Yes they are normal. Other than pushing the baby out try not to strain. The less you strain when pooping the better.

    I have one that flared up before I went into labor and now it's worse but the witch hazel wipes are amazing!! Use them religiously! I also keep some at home and try to use some sort of wipe instead of toilet paper when you don't have any issues. It helps for comfort a lot
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    Sit on boppy pillow (open side towards back) with an ice pack underneath to help reduce swelling of them too!
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    They are normal! I've had one that's refused to go away for a week now. But the witch hazel wipes are awesome! There's also hemorrhoid cream you can use, which I use at night before I go to bed, and it helps ease all of the discomfort! Hang in there mama, it's normal to be nervous too!
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    I had them for a couple weeks before labor and they've started healing now. I'm a FTM myself and though I was in labor for 20 hours I only had to push for literally 3 minutes, so you may get off without needing to strain too much and skip the hemorrhoids altogether. Do take a stool softener twice a day though, if you (like me) end up needing stitches then they'll be your best friend. My doctor recommended Colace.
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