November 2015 Moms

So much weight gain...

I've gained 22.2kg or approximately 48lb this pregnancy and I'm still only 34 weeks... this is my second baby and with my first I gained half as much as this time. Is anyone else in the same boat? I'm looking for abit of support please I feel huge and gross as I've never ever been this big before.

Re: So much weight gain...

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    I'm at 50 lbs gained... And I'm 32 weeks exactly. I feel pretty horrible about the weight gain but other than that and general aches and pains/discomfort, I've had a fairly easy pregnancy so I feel bad complaining. I'm a FTM too so I have nothing to compare it to... I just know I'm ready to start being able to workout and work up a sweat again.
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    I'm lurking from D15, but at almost 28 weeks I've already gained the same amount as I did with my first pregnancy (35lbs). I feel huge and as much as I'm trying (in a healthy way) I cannot seem to slow down my weight gain. After my son was born, my baby weight came off really quickly and easily. I'm hoping that I'll be that lucky again this time.
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    I gained 63 lbs with my first and this time around I'm up to 48 lbs at 35 weeks. With my first the weight came off pretty quickly with breastfeeding and what not. Hopefully I'm that lucky again. Don't stress too much. I try not to beat myself up about it. I figure as long as my dr doesn't say anything I'm ok.
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    Thanks ladies it's nice to know I'm not alone... I lost my baby weight last time within a few days but this time im scared it's guna take alot more work to get my body back. I'm going to have a chat with my midwife about it on Thursday and see what she thinks.
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    I am up just over 40 as of two weeks ago (i only get weighed at doc, I try not to weight myself at home). I was 32 weeks then. I never threw up in the first tri and was only nauseous after eating so it didn't effect my appetite. I eat pretty well, but I know I should be walking more. My doctor doesn't seem concerned so I try not to be either. It's tough though, I feel huge all over.
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    I'm at 25lbs Gained (32&3) but was overweight before I got pregnant so I'm definitely feeling very self conscious. The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that my mom gained 60lbs with me and my sister. my sister (who is tall skinny blonde and tan, the complete opposite of me lol) gained 80lbs with each of her pregnancies and they both lost all the weight fairly quickly afterward. I think your body gains what it needs to give you a healthy baby and enough nutrients/fat for milk production. Don't fret too much :)
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    I am up about 40lbs from my prepregnancy weight and I hate it. This is my 4th and I have never gained this much. But there is not much you can do at this point. My doctor isn't worried about it and honestly at this point in the pregnancy it's more of the baby gaining weight and not us. Plus I like to tell myself that a lot of it has to be water weight.
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    If you are able, talk to your mom or your sister(s) to see how much they gained. I'm 34w5d and have gained just under 30 lbs. My mom and sister have 7 pregnancies between them and gained about 40 lbs. each time so I'm expecting to land around there. This might help you understand how much women in your family genetically gain through a pregnancy if the conditions are similar (ie no GD).
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    I'm at 45-50 pounds at 34 weeks! Gained 60 with my first but did nothing for exercise and ate seriously horrible! This time I go to the gym 5 days a week and eat better but still give into cravings! Probly gonna gain the same amount again haha I lost all the weight the first time breastfeeding and exercising the first time and started out underweight before I got pregnant this time! It will come off! Trust me I feel gross as well but it's all for baby! Glad I'm not the only one, I always feel like I am on this cite haha
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    Your baby wants you to gain weight
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    I tend to gain a lot of weight when pregnant. I try no to beat myself up too bad about it, as I know it is temporary. Don't beat yourself up, it will be ok!! The only one who seems to be to awfully worried about my weight is the lady from my insurance company who calls to check in on me every two weeks for the prenatal program. She makes me feel like crap. Oh well. My baby is doing great and that is all I really care about right now. My ass will deflate after he gets here!!!!
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    Same boat with you. I was overweight and then lost about 25 pounds, then found out I was pregnant and it has been quite bad. I have been going to the gym still and I hope that helps when I can work out harder after recovery from birth. :-/ it's tough. Lots of support to you / others posting.
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    I'm at 34 weeks & up 40 pounds! I feel like most of it has landed on my legs & butt! I am nervous about getting it off post partum, but trying to not obsess over it. The most important thing is a healthy baby
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    With my first I was 117lbs when I got pregnant and delivered at 173lbs. I never lost his baby weight... Even after 8 years
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    Don't worry what you gain during. Just buckle down and work at loosing it postpartum.
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    I've gained 34 lb at 32 weeks and I'm feeling big too. I wanted to punch my mother in law this weekend when she told me multiple times how big I've gotten and said if I didn't know I'd think you were having twins. Talk about poor boundaries! My husband, friends and my family have been very supportive and non judgmental. I think we are all different and what our docs quote are averages for weight gain which means some of us gain more.
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    I have gained about 18-20 pounds and I'm at 34 weeks. I'm still worried about it bc I have to be back in military standards in 6 months after he is born! Loosing weight has always been difficult for me so I'm nervous about that.
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    I gained a LOT of weight with my first - I think about 60 pounds! I was pretty thin when I started out, so it was kinda shocking - but also not too shocking because I knew I was indulging a lot! ;) The weight came off easily for me (just walking daily and eating reasonably, no official "diet") and I think it was all gone in 5 months? This time, I didn't want to gain as much so I haven't been indulging as much and walking. I was doing really well the first 25 weeks, but I feel like around 28-30 I ballooned. At 34 weeks, I am up almost 40. I guess I am doing better than last time, but still disappointing! I was hoping to keep weight gain to a minimum this time. I will say that I had a sonogram today and the babe is measuring 3 weeks ahead and is already 6.5 pounds!! So maybe that is part of the reason for the jump in weight? Either way, like the other ladies said, I am starting to believe that you just gain what you need to gain for pregnancy so no need to stress!
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