October 2015 Moms

Introducing a bottle

Hi all! I'm new to The Bump! Curious as to when other moms introduce bottle feeding. I plan on breastfeeding as well as bottle feeding breast milk. Also, supplementing if need be. Thoughts/advise? Thanks!

Re: Introducing a bottle

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    I am a FTM so don't know for sure but our breast feeding class instructor said that they need 3 weeks to learn to breast feed and then you can introduce the bottle and binky.
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    Congratulations! Ya, I have twin boys who were born at 32 weeks and my milk never came in so I was unable to breastfeed. Against my wishes, the hospital gave them both binkies. But that's what I was thinking, 3-4 weeks.
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    It's recommended at 4-6 weeks old, but we plan to immediately so there is less nipple confusion and so daddy can bomd with baby. We will be only using the bottle from daddy and breast from mommy as sometimes they won't go back to breast once they see how easy a bottle is. As long as they "see" milk comes from bottle from daddy and breast from mommy, transition back and forth will be easier. This is what my cousin did with all of her kids and said it worked well!
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    We waited 6 weeks with our daughter and regretted every second of it. She would not take a bottle for the longest time and we JD to go through many bottle types before finally finding one that worked (Dr Browns). We will be introducing bottles hopefully between 3-4 weeks this time unless he is a champ at BF, in which case we may introduce earlier. When youndonintroduce a bottle, we found that the slowest flow nipple possible worked best for our daughter. It most closely mimicked the natural flow of the breast and she still had to work to get milk. It wasn't easy for her.
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    We didn't do a bottle until sometime after 3-4 weeks with DD, but it was more a matter of she and I establishing a good latch for the whole feeding without a nipple shield. It really depends on your BFing experience at this point. Consider introducing it for one feeding each day, and keep it at that same feeding each day. That way, you can plan on that time where someone else will take on a feeding duty, and you can shower and then pump while getting ready or just do something else that maybe you can't while you're nursing. I didn't have any issues with nipple confusion with DD, but since each baby is different, it'll really depend on your LO and your experience! I hope it goes well!!
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    I am a FTM so don't know for sure but our breast feeding class instructor said that they need 3 weeks to learn to breast feed and then you can introduce the bottle and binky.

    With my first the hospital gave her a bottle and pacifier without my permission. I was pissed.

    I took a breastfeeding class at that very same hospital and they said exactly the same thing- to wait.

    My advice is to keep a close eye on staff. They might think they mean well, but if you catch them doing something you don't like you need to speak up.
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    margies2010margies2010 member
    edited October 2015
    We introduced around a week, only because I had pumped milk in the fridge that was running out of shelf life. I actually found with DS1 that a wide nipple helped him latch a little better. We used the Breastflow bottles with him (four years ago!) and then ended up having to switch to formula due to medications.

    DS2 took the bottle well (Munchkin Latch and Avent Natural) and switched back and forth very well. Now, I am glad that we went ahead and tried him on a bottle! Grandmother is having surgery tomorrow so my mom will be keeping DS2 so I can be there for Gramma. Any other time, he is on the boob. Once we get a little further on, I will have DH start taking a few nighttime feeds. At least I know he will take a bottle and come back to the boob should I need him to take a bottle for some reason.
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    My other kids all went back and forth between breast and bottle without any issues. I have type 1 diabetes so my kids all had to have glucose water at birth to avoid dangerously low blood sugars. They also had a paci from the start. I did have to supplement formula occasionally also since my breast milk doesn't have a high enough fat content. I plan on doing feedings the same way with this LO.
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