Baby Names

This name...seriously

Making class lists for the school year and I came across this gem which just begged to be shared.
How do you pronounce that you say? Well of course it would be
Ladasha. You pronounce the dash.

Re: This name...seriously

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  • 1) there's a whole thread dedicated to ridiculous names... please make posts like this there rather than starting a new thread.
    2) this is an urban legend... i too fell for it once as it was told to me... but alas, it is false


  • lol oh c'mon.
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
  • Oh Jesus.

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  • Fancy sharing real, photographic evidence of this student's name?
  • It's true. I had a patient once and this was her first name. It's a scary thing
  • If you have any proof, I would really love to see it! I know this started out as an urban legend, but it wouldn't surprise me if life eventually imitated art.
  • N1col3 said:

    It's true. I had a patient once and this was her first name. It's a scary thing

  • N1col3 said:

    It's true. I had a patient once and this was her first name. It's a scary thing

    Then wouldn't HIPAA prevent you from mentioning names?
  • What's sad is that I can give legit examples of names that are far more ridiculous and trashy than the made up Ladasha. Why do people keep perpetuating this lie?
  • Please stop. This is not funny, it's just annoying.

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  • claireloSCclaireloSC member
    edited September 2015
    Are you sure it wasn't spelled Lemon Jello? C'mon.
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  • Pic or it didn't happen.
  • Why do so many claim to know a la-a? I was at my son's MyGym class and the topic of names came up and if the instructors ever see crazy names. Immediately one of them mentioned La-a!
  • kajaguru said:

    Why do so many claim to know a la-a? I was at my son's MyGym class and the topic of names came up and if the instructors ever see crazy names. Immediately one of them mentioned La-a!

    Same number of people claim to have met a Shithead... Which, btw, does not even register on the social security list, which has every name used more than 5 times in a year. I fell for it years ago, had a coworker at a day care swear she had met a boy named Shithead.. NOPE! I've yet to see any photographic proof of any of these names.

    Ladasha is an actual name on the list, but that does not equal La-a.... It started out as a racist joke, and has turned into an urban legend.
  • At some point, someone is going to actually use the name, and we will no longer be able to point out that it is a urban legend!

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  • Sadly I know a la-a in Kansas. As far as I can tell her mom only named her that because of said urban legend. Coffeyville Kansas breeds some of the world's worst names. I hated getting my step daughters classmate list, though it always have my husband a good laugh
  • Sadly I know a la-a in Kansas. As far as I can tell her mom only named her that because of said urban legend. Coffeyville Kansas breeds some of the world's worst names. I hated getting my step daughters classmate list, though it always have my husband a good laugh

    I don't believe you without a picture on an official document, but I do know that Coffeyville is where the Google marker defaults as the center of the US on Maps.
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