Babies: 0 - 3 Months

visiting in laws

kelseibkelseib member
edited September 2015 in Babies: 0 - 3 Months
Here's a question for ladies who already have a baby...or two... Or twelve.

My husband and I have been discussing once baby comes (our first) how often we should travel to see family (3 hours away)

We have a spare bedroom so my expectation was always family would come to us. My husband has the expectation that every 2-3 months we would pack up all the stuff we and baby need and go for the weekend just to visit.

What have you ladies done? What is a fair expectation for traveling with a newborn? How old, how often?

Re: visiting in laws

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    You really won't know until the baby comes. Your whole life is going to change and you won't know how you feel, how baby is doing or how easy/hard it is travel or even go to the grocery store.

    I have 2 kids so I tend to throw caution to the wind and just get up and go. With my first, everything revolved around naps, keeping a schedule so the baby was happy and keeping him close to home for fear of illness, etc. I've grown a lot since having my second BUT you have to have the baby first and then see how you feel. Don't stress this now or feel like you have to have a plan now.

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    So my Dad lives 2 hours away from me. We go once every 2 months to visit. I have done this since I had DD 6 years ago, and just always continued it. 

    That being said, you have to do what works for you. Maybe the first few months would be a little hard and I would ask them to come visit just because the baby is so young, but once you LO is a little older, I wouldnt see why that would be impossible. Unless you dont like your in laws, in which case tell your hubby we said that is ridiculous

    Baby #2 is due

    August 26, 2015

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    My in laws are 3 hours away but my family is over 12 hours away. I told DH and all families they can come to us if they want to see the kids. Christmas is going to be here this year (LO's will be almost 6mo). Now that said, I have twins and we live and die by The Schedule, AND one is extremely motion sick. So traveling longer than 10 mins is out for us right now! You will have to see what your LO is like. Some are more go with the flow, some are not. If it was just DS2 we could travel more but it's not worth it for DS1 to get sick and all worked up right now. Eventually we will travel more but my sanity is hanging by a thread as it is now! :)
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    I have 3 children and I'm pregnant with my fourth. I would not travel that far with a newborn or when my baby is only a couple months old. But I did and will breastfeed as well. I feel family can come to you especially knowing you have a young baby. First time we travelled (8hours) to see my inlaws my youngest was a year old. Personally I would probably travel maybe when baby was 6 months or older.
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