November 2015 Moms

What should I tell my 7 yr old about breastfeeding?

looking for some advice on how to explain to my seven year old about breastfeeding. He asked me tonight if he would be able to help feed his baby sister when she gets here. I told him we would see but DH is concerned about explaining the ins and outs. I am a biologist and am afraid I will be too technical and give more details than necessary and DH is a smart ass who would say something like only mommie can feed cause they have the meals on wheels. Either way I am afraid of what he will share with his second grade class after this discussion. Anyone with experience explaining this or any advice on the best way to explain it. Thanks in advance

Re: What should I tell my 7 yr old about breastfeeding?

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    A friend of mine had this same concern and she ended up explaining it in reference to animals, I'm sure he knows that baby cows (etc..) drink from their momma, you can compare it like that or say that the mommies are the only ones that make the milk so the brothers and daddies have to help in other ways.
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    you can always pump and store and he can help feed her via bottle.

    I don't think it will need much explaining. He's 7. I have a 5 yr old boy that will prolly ask once and I'll just tell him it's nature. That's how some mommies feed their babies. Just like a baby calf or puppies etc.. Lol

    On the subject, but off the subject... This weekend at a county fair, we seen a woman with her shirt half off walking around the fair breastfeeding. she was in no way trying to cover up and you could literally see every inch of her size FF breast, except the nipple. It was terrible. There were children running around everywhere and luckily I seen her before my son did and I caught his attention to distract. I'm all for breast feeding, not so much for public indecency...
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    My daughter will only be 2 so I don't think I have to say anything beyond this is how we were made to feed babies.
    On another note, a friend's 4 year old pulled my nursing cover up at the park when my daughter was a baby and I was nursing her to ask what I was doing!! It was pretty funny, I just told her I was feeding her this way because she didn't like bottles (the 4 year olds baby sister was bottled fed). Her mom couldn't believe she hiked up my nursing cover, it was funny, but they are just curious at that age!
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    My SS is 8, and I explained that some moms use bottles, but some make milk for their babies and feed them with their breasts. He might have questions later, but for now he seems cool with it.
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    Just tell him you're feeding the baby! Explain that some babies are fed their moms milk and other babies are fed with a bottle (moms milk or formula) and it's different for every family.

    I'm lucky because my first is so young. She'll be 18 months old and honestly if I hadn't dried up when I got pregnant this time I would most likely still be nursing her now. I won't have to do any explaining (I don't think anyways haha).

    I remember when my nieces first saw me breast feed they were very curious but I just told them my daughter was drinking milk from my boob and they accepted it. They were kindergarten and grade 3 aged.
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    This is one of those situations where you always start with the simplest answer and then move on from there if they have more questions. If there are questions, make sure you are directly answering the question he is asking and go with the simplest, shortest, most basic answer first. I think as adults we tend to make things much more complicated. I also think that we try to over prepare for possibly awkward conversations with kids.

    I think the animal comparison is great because he probably has seen some sort of reference to an animal feeding it's baby.
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    As PP Said tell him you feeding baby plain and simple. I said this once to DD1 and she was 4 that's all it took. She was like really? And ask if she was fed that way which she wasn't because I could never get her to latch. I wouldn't worry about a long explanation unless they ask for it. Then use the animal explanation.
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    I agree with many of the women on here. Just be honest. This isn't something to stress about at all. Tell him that when the baby is older he can help feed but that the baby will be eating milk that comes from your breast because that's what breasts are for:)
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    I am usually a formula mommy due to medication and personal choice. But this time I am EP for the first 6 weeks (If I can) and then formula. 

    I explained it to my oldest in a cow reference just in case he sees me pumping or what not. I don;t think it needs to be a large deal or conversation. As long as our children know that breastfeed and formula feeding are completely normal 

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    Funny thing about this topic, we were at Babies r' us and my 6 1/2 year old daughter ran up with the WTE book opened to the breastfeeding page and was just horrified and grossed out that there was a boob on a baby....I immediately realized I have to figure out how to explain this to her.

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    When it comes to the OPs question I just say tell him the truth, your giving him ️mommy milk. My boys 5 & 3 are both on board with moms boobs are for baby to eat. I'll be honest it felt awkward the first time they saw me pump to tell them what I was doing but it was just something new for them and as long as I didn't make a big deal over it neither did they.

    On the other topic I some what have to agree with the entire boob hung out. But that just comes from me being more modest. Personally I am all for BF and don't think we should hide. But I don't think we need to be fully exposed either. Again that is just my own personal modesty opinion. I just don't need anyone starting at my boobs while I'm nursing. I would have found a bench and sat down and covered part of my breast. Doesn't have to cover baby, my first hated being covered to. But that's just my UO. I've nursed in many public places, when shopping I just feel more comfortable doing it in a dressing room or my car.

    I was appalled one day when I watched a mother walking into Walmart full boob hanging out nipple and all showing while nursing her NB (or at least under 2-3wks old). But I think that had more to do with the fact that it was the middle of freakin winter, raining out, she had on a spaghetti strap tank and baby wasn't even covered properly for the weather. They both could of gotten sick! And it's Walmart! Full of germs. Personally I think this women should have nursed her baby in her nice warm car.

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    edited September 2015
    you can always pump and store and he can help feed her via bottle. I don't think it will need much explaining. He's 7. I have a 5 yr old boy that will prolly ask once and I'll just tell him it's nature. That's how some mommies feed their babies. Just like a baby calf or puppies etc.. Lol On the subject, but off the subject... This weekend at a county fair, we seen a woman with her shirt half off walking around the fair breastfeeding. she was in no way trying to cover up and you could literally see every inch of her size FF breast, except the nipple. It was terrible. There were children running around everywhere and luckily I seen her before my son did and I caught his attention to distract. I'm all for breast feeding, not so much for public indecency...
    Breasts shouldn't be as sexualized as they are. She was using them for what they are intended to be used for - feeding her child. Not every kid will feed with a cover and there's not exactly a clean place to run and hide at a country fair to breastfeed. OP, I agree about using animals. Or you can write a short script up that you and your husband look over and agree is appropriate for your son. My nephew got the full scientific reason for his little brothers feeding at 5 years old because he's just that science driven kid. It was age-appropriate, but not sugar coated either.

    This. Why is it that nobody complains about a pair of great knockers on a billboard for a beer commercial? But breasts actually doing their natural function....indecent. Gross. Terrible. 

           America needs to grow up. 

    To your question, OP, I say tell him the honest truth. He is going to find out sooner or later and it is better that he hear it from you--you can also tell him this is not talk to take to school with you. My little brother is 3 years younger than me and one day I asked and my mother just told me. I think he can take it. 
    Do unto others. 
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    My DD is 8 and she saw an insert in a magazine of a mom breastfeeding her baby. With the look of shock and curiosity on her face, I explained that we are mammals and we breastfeed our babies. I then gave her examples of how we get our milk from cows and how kittens get milk from mamma cats etc...she said "oh" and that was it!
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    I was 7 when my mother had my brother, I definitely knew she was breastfeeding, I never asked to feed him but I could help to do other stuff, they also gave me a really realistic baby boy doll, which I played a lot with, crazy realistic, really.

    But she made me try the milk, because I was curious and wanted to, I still remember the taste today and I definitely stayed away from it afterward ahah.
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