December 2015 Moms

Question for Canadian Mama's

Ok this is a really random and specific question.

My hubby and I currently live in the U.S. But we are Canadian. We are expecting out first baby in December. We just purchased our crib and I'm excited to set the nursery up.

As my hubby is in the Canadian forces and we are posted here, it's only a temporary situation (we should be here 2 more years). And then we head back to Canada. My question is, I've heard you can't bring cribs and car seats over the boarder.

Now I can understand the car seat, something we will deal with when the time comes, he will be over one and probably in a front facing seat by then? But what's the deal with te crib? Any one purchase one in the U.S. And bring it home? It's a 4 in 1, maybe we can take it apart and say it's a bed?

Re: Question for Canadian Mama's

  • I don't know about cribs but that is true on car seats since they "expire". I do know that cribs that have front sections that drop down are illegal, like what our parents would have had when we were babies but as far as I know there is no expiration date on cribs. We bought one second hand off Facebook and our second one from Sears which I believe has American stores. Maybe asking at BRU or another similar store would be your best bet.
  • Cribs are fine! We just ordered one from, but it's not available at any physical Canadian retailers we could find. All the warranty stuff is American. There is no one to inspect your crib, but the hospital won't let you go home without an approved infant seat.
    Car seats for older children can also be brought into question at road blocks/seat belt checks and (heaven forbid) in the case of an accident. Sometimes using the "wrong" car seat can affect insurance claims.
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  • The crib I got from babies R us says it meets both US and Canadian standards
  • stivaleta said:

    The crib I got from babies R us says it meets both US and Canadian standards

    Excellent I will have to see if mine does! We are hoping that since it will be almost 2 years old when we move back, it won't mater
  • TomekiaBTomekiaB member
    edited September 2015
    I'm from Minnesota and North Dakota (and as such have crossed the Canadian boarder a few times). I am also a military spouse dealing with carseats with different standards (we are in Europe currently but will move when LO is 9-10 months--either elsewhere in Europe or back to the USA). I don't know how much carseats vary within North America for standards (I did email the manufacturers I am considering to clarify the differences between USA and European Union Standards. I also learned due to military agreements I can use an American carseat in Europe as long as I use my American Specification car--so you might want to see if you have a similiar allowance with the USA). Anyway, I can't imagine that anyone is going to checking the crib that closely (but Ikea's business model is to create the same product for all their stores internationally whenever possible because it decreases cost to have less products--so their cribs should meet the world's strictest safety standards, we are planning on getting the Gulliver from Ikea-my DH "kicked the tires" on the crib and thought it was well built). 

    My brother and I were climbers so we were converted to toddler beds pretty young so if LO will be 2 yo it might not matter--by the time you move it maybe time for a big kid bed (with my military husband I expect any child of ours will likely be a little adventurous so I do expect to probably need to transition out of the crib by age 2 anyway). The infant carseat should only matter if you go home to visit before LO is 1 yo. I'd check a lot more closely on the next carseat--the one that will still fit when you return to Canada.

    From what I've read a lot of the manufacturers warranties might not be valid if you use the item in another country than the one it was sold in.
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