July 2015 Moms

Trouble with Bottle feeding

edited September 2015 in July 2015 Moms
So we introduced the bottle at around 1 month and had some success but not right away. Although now it seems that all of a sudden he is regressing and going backwards. He has been fighting us more consistently and downright refuses the bottle. I still breastfeed on weekends as well as at night or whenever i can, since my return to work but he won't take the bottle for me really OR my husband. He screams and cries and it's hard for me to watch him go through that so i just end up giving in. But he has no choice at daycare and needs to drink out of a bottle. Are there any ways to help or anything we can try different? He gets himself so upset and holds out which results in him missing feedings

Re: Trouble with Bottle feeding

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    Have you tried different bottles? My girl likes Tommie tippees
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    Have you tried different brands? I had a similar problem with my LO and he refused Dr Brown's and Tommee Tippee but took Avent.
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    My baby boy had the same problem and I changed from Avent to Tommee Tippy (closer to nature) bottles and he took it. It took some work but he took it. My mom has been bottle feeding him when I'm gone and he takes it! But when I do come back he definitely prefers the breast! Take it as a compliment lol I've also heard babies can smell their moms milk if they're in the same room, I don't know how certain this is but if it is it could be who he isn't taking it. I hope this helps & good luck!
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    Agree my LO likes the tommee tippee closer to nature bottles
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    My baby won't take a bottle from me or if I'm in the room at all. My husband was downstairs give a bottle and I walked down and into the other room and the baby stopped and looked at me and cried. That was it for that bottle feeding. He wanted the boob!! Try going for a walk while your husband gives the bottle. I read they can smell you 10 feet away!
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    Have you heard of the Comotomo bottles? They look and feel like a boob! You can even mimic letdown with it. Plus, breastmilk doesn't continuously flow out of the nipple, only when LO is actively sucking! And they're made of medical grade silicone!!!

    We were using the Lifefactory glass bottles but couldn't find the right nipples. So we'll be using these for sippy cups later.

    Good luck!

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

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    My first son did this. Turned out he decided he only liked really warm milk. Play around with different temperatures.
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    I have tried most of the above, there are some more things i can attempt..We started out with Dr. Browns and he did not go for those, then we switched to Tommy Tippees and they seemed to be good. He took to them really well at first but after a while decided he wasn't having them. He has become very stubborn and has a real personality now, he shows his temper when it comes to getting a bottle. He takes them fine for his caregivers at "school" lately but won't for daddy. He stopped cooperating for him altogether and gives his dad such a hard time. I could understand why he would be difficult for me but what about the hubby ? Does it have something to do with him being a guy??
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    My LO sometimes fights feeding when my husband feeds her so I have to give her the bottle but it's not everytime so I'm not sure what the deal is!!
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