July 2015 Moms

Side lying nursing position

at my weekly lactation support group yesterday my consultant really encouraged us to try the sideline nursing position. Gave it a try twice this morning and absolutely loved it!!! My LO seemed to enjoy it as well. It was great and very relaxing for both of us because I was still kind of tired and not ready to be up right yet. Just curious has anyone else been using this position… If not I recommend trying it!

Re: Side lying nursing position

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    Yes!! It's life changing.
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    Yes @corndogrobot that's exactly what my lactation consultant said LOL
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    I love it except it's not optimal for burping LO, who has to be burped often bc of gulping with overactive letdown/oversupply. However the horizontal position does let some of the extra milk flow out but then it's messy!!!
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    I figured it out 2 days ago so now we've been able to cuddle in bed til 10am. Makes getting up at 4am for pumping more bearable. LO always passes out at the end though, and will sleep for a good 2 hours...do you all burp afterwards? I didn't burp him yesterday, let him sleep and he seemed fine. But I feel like I probably should, just hate to wake him up.
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    @klirwin82 I know I didn't want to wake him to burp either
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    I like this position to nurse but then he ends up falling asleep and I have to wake him up to burp. @klirwin82 the first few times I tried it I didn't wake him because we would both end up falling asleep lol but now I do because I don't want him getting colic!
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    This position is definitely best for those morning feedings!! Love it
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    After feeding I pull her up to my tummy her legs hanging over the side of me (her tummy touching my tummy) and pat her back after nursing in this position. I can usually get a burp this way. And she and I usually fall asleep mid burping.
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    After feeding I pull her up to my tummy her legs hanging over the side of me (her tummy touching my tummy) and pat her back after nursing in this position. I can usually get a burp this way. And she and I usually fall asleep mid burping.

    We are breastfeeding soul mates. This is my life exactly.
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    Perfect for nighttime and early morning feeding. And sometimes during the day too :)
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    We totally do this for morning feelings, but I always set a timer because we will both fall back asleep during if I don't!
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    Would like to try this for my LO. Do you just have the baby lay next to you and latch onto your Breast closest to the mattress?
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    Would like to try this for my LO. Do you just have the baby lay next to you and latch onto your Breast closest to the mattress?

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    @SBbabyonboard tummy to tummy, LO needs to be eye level to nipple, then they angle head & chin up to latch, allowing them to breathe too
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    I put a burp cloth under us because I don't want milk spots on the sheets! I don't know if it's just bc he's not used to it yet or not, but it was a little messy.
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    My LO and I love this position thats how we do our last feeding before she goes to sleep at night is part of our bed rutine, but sometimes we both end up sleeping or i get to lazy to move her to her crib (:| :| .... She was doing really good sleeping in her crib but now i think she is getting used to sleeping with me.... Ooops! She just looks so peaceful I-)
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    Turned into 2 hours this morning!! Left right then left then right again! Probably shouldn't let it go so long, but so comfy!! @LBland09 we did the burp cloth this morning
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    Best feeding position!! I have an overactive letdown and usually if I feed sitting upright I have to take DD off a couple of times to burp her. In this position she doesn't seem to swallow as much air because she can control how much she is getting and if my letdown kicks in she lets it run out of the side of her mouth. So if she falls asleep I don't have to wake her to get rid of the wind. I think it helps that we are both more relaxed in this position
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    I sleep on top of the blankets since it is so warm. When I need to swap sides I put my head at the foot of the bed so LO stays in the middle rather than possibly falling off. We do this position when she wakes up throughout the night, we love it.
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