July 2015 Moms

Tuesday Randoms

what's up?!

DS1 7/24/15

DS2 5/7/17

Re: Tuesday Randoms

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    I'm chopping my hair... At the salon right now! I've had long hair FOREVER... Like the last 10 years. I said I'd do it after giving birth... So here we go!!!

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

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    My husband has been out of town for work since last Saturday. It's just me and two kids. I miss him. I bet he's enjoying uninterrupted sleep!
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    Trying to get some work done...not working! Baby keeps crying!!!
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    Each time I fell asleep last night I dreamed that someone stole my baby. I kept returning to the same awful dream!
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    LO had shots yesterday so not much sleep last night or today. He is currently sleeping which is a blessing!
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    Yesterday, LO had a massive blowout in her carseat on our way to visit my mom at work. I thought I was just going to change her diaper really quickly in the car, but when I got her out of the carseat there was poop dripping down her legs and all in the carseat. It was so bad. It was up her front and back and pouring out the sides. I went through at least 20 wipes trying to clean her up and ended up with my hands covered in poop as well. I was very thankful for the extra onesie I had in my bag. Today, I brought her out to lunch with me and had her in my lap for a while since she was a bit fussy. She ended up having another blowout which got all over my shirt. As I was changing her in the restroom, she started peeing just as I was putting the new diaper under her. She ended up peeing on my hand, on the new diaper, and on her changing mat. Motherhood is not glamorous. 
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