July 2015 Moms

Low supply at 6 weeks pp? I know it's long, please help!

hi all! I really need some help on this one. I've been breastfeeding but pumping to build supply and allow husband to give a bottle after bathtime. We are now almost 6 weeks post partum and as of yesterday I have notice my pumped milk supply has gone down significantly. I only ever pump when LO has just eaten or when he's just asleep... Also my boobs even before a feeding don't feel as 'engorged' as they used to. Even this morning, i thought for sure I'd wake up to hurtful engorged boobs and pump an easy 4-5 ounces and that was not case!

I'm nervous. 1. Because now that things have settled I thought I could start building a supply 2. His weight was hard going at first but has since picked up: and I definitely dont want him to loose his momentum and 3. I like to have a little extra on hand in case hubs and I decide to drink and I need to skip a feeding. :(

I did visit family this weekend and I know I didn't drink as much water/eat as much/keep to our routine with pumping and 30 minute feelings. I'm taking fenugreek, blessed thistle and water water water. An oatmeal bar once a day... I really need opinions on why this is happening now... And how to reverse it. Thank you!

Re: Low supply at 6 weeks pp? I know it's long, please help!

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