Trying to Get Pregnant



So I'm going to start with the basics. Both me and DH are 23 years old and have together 5 years married 6 months and have been TTC for 20 months. I have had 5 mc to date and we have adopted one beautiful little girl back in May.

I was diagnosed with lean PCOS a year ago and was put on metformin, then taken off of it, and recently been put back on. I have also started taking Black Cohosh at the beginning of each cycle to try and induce ovulation, well all but this cycle. Currently my cycles have been between 28-32 days which has been great since they have been irregular all of my life. Currently I am between a week to two weeks late based on my last few cycles.

As for today! TMI warning
I woke with period like cramping and feeling a bit sick. Went to the bathroom expecting af to find a small amount of creamy cm. Checked my cervix expecting it to be hard like it normally is right before af shows and maybe even a little bit of blood and it was extremely soft, like it melted in with the walls it was so soft, and it was up higher than normal. 

So anyways. Hello and can't wait to get to know all you lovely ladies.

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