June 2015 Moms

Healthy Mama check in week of 8/24

How are you doing this week Mamas?

1. Workouts
2. Did you achieve last week's goal?
3. Achievements/ challenges
4. Goal for this week
5. GTKY: favorite ab workout

Re: Healthy Mama check in week of 8/24

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    1. Yoga
    2. I got my workout goal but not my water goal
    3. DH mentioned my legs and butt are looking toned again :D
    4. 30 minutes of yoga 6 days
    5. Plank... It does so me amazing things for the core!
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    All I gotta say is I went to spin, Revolution Studio and my lady area was not ready for that!
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    1. Cycle plus weights today. The bike seat hurts more than usual
    2. No
    3. Challenge is to achieve 6 day a week hard work outs
    4. New goal 5 days a week
    5. Yes .. And yes
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    1. Yoga, walking, running and cycling
    2. No, but I did better than the week before
    3. Challenges: lack of sleep, baby doesn't want to nap much. Achievement: ran with DS in the BOB. Upper and lower body workout! Also, I finally put a shorter stem on my bike, which I've needed to do for years. I still need to retape the bars and put the trainer tire on. Is it sad I miss doing bike maintenance?
    4. I think a good goals to just do more than last week.
    5. Plank is a good one. Running and swimming require a lot more core strength than I realized.
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    1. Elliptical runs, pilates, yoga, kettlebells
    2. No. We had weekend guests, so I wound up skipping yoga and my two long elliptical runs
    3. Two more pounds to pre-pregnancy weight! I go back to work 9/14 so I hope to hit it by then. My current challenge is that LO is suddenly refusing to hang in the swing, which makes it impossible to get anything done. Today I had to break a 30 minute pilates workout into 4 sections to complete it because she was only happy out of my arms for 5-10 minutes at a time.
    4. Elliptical 6 times, pilates and kettlebells twice each, yoga once
    5. Pilates. In real life I go to a studio for mat class once a week and a private lesson on the equipment once a week. The studio is far from home but close to work so I'm hoping to go back once we settle into our daycare routine. I've been going for 7+ years.
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    1.HIIT cardio on elliptical and some strength training
    2. No only able to work out 4x last week...didn't even lose a pound
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    Nkiruluv2Nkiruluv2 member
    edited August 2015
    Just noticed that majority if my post got deleted...like really?!

    3. To stick with my calorie goal for the day. I tend to snack on various things towards bedtime...I'm such a foodie

    4. Workout every day for the rest of the week
    5. Planks

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    1. Yoga, weights, walking
    2. Not really but LO is going through a leap
    3. DH is programming some stuff for me like weighted step ups so hopefully that helps me stick to stuff. My arms are getting buff from carrying LO everywhere. Definitely need to work on tummy more
    4. I'd really like to start biking some. I was biking to work before and also love my road bike). I also need to do non walking exercise more frequently even if it is a little bit here and there
    5. I think we should start a plank challenge. A 30 day one. We'd just have to agree on which one and start date... Thinking the 1st
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    1. Yoga and Pilates
    2. Honestly I don't remember my goal, but I'm 99% sure I didn't meet it.
    3. Getting the time
    4. Getting cardio in! @slr1229 I've been wanting to go to revolution, but it's been years since I've done a spin class so I'm scared!
    5. Planks and I love the idea of a plank challenge!
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    amccoy129 said:

    2. Honestly I don't remember my goal, but I'm 99% sure I didn't meet it.

    This made me laugh. Only because that describes 90% of my life right now.
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    @amccoy129 It was my first time to ever do spin...I always said I'd go at the Y but do my other workouts instead.

    My Sister, brother, and his wife go religiously and I must say I did enjoy it. You're definitely in your own zone since they make the room dark and the music is blaring- seems great for Moms and Dads to be in themselves for a bit. I like a variety of workouts so I'd never pay to go weekly but was fun to try! At least go for a session and check it out!
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    janit368 said:

    1. Yoga, weights, walking
    2. Not really but LO is going through a leap
    3. DH is programming some stuff for me like weighted step ups so hopefully that helps me stick to stuff. My arms are getting buff from carrying LO everywhere. Definitely need to work on tummy more
    4. I'd really like to start biking some. I was biking to work before and also love my road bike). I also need to do non walking exercise more frequently even if it is a little bit here and there
    5. I think we should start a plank challenge. A 30 day one. We'd just have to agree on which one and start date... Thinking the 1st

    So what are you thinking about for the plank challenge? Time holding it? Achieve a certain number per minute month?

    Great idea!

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    I want to do a plank challenge! Details ? : D
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    Maybe start with 15 seconds (or whatever you can do) and then every 3rd day, add 5 seconds? I would probably do 3-5 reps. But you have to do it every day.
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    Yup, @Sammy K . Every couple of days the time increases for how long you hold it. Some say 10 seconds, some start at 15 or 20 seconds. What do you guys think? If you start at 20 you end the month at 300 sec.

    Just searched the App Store, do androids have the 30 day challenge one? We could do a new one each month!
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    I know my core strength is crap, so I was setting the bar low. :)

    I like the idea of a new challenge each month!
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    I like the idea of a new challenge each month too!

    @slr1229 thanks for the info! I'll definitely check it out.

    @Sammy K glad I'm not alone! Just keepin' it real! Haha
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    Hey, I made a spreadsheet for a September plank challenge. It's really easy, starting at 5 seconds and adding 5 a day but for me it's more about starting a daily habit at this point. Anyway, anyone can edit it so feel free to add your name and check off when you complete each day if you want to keep track together.

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    Wow, you are on it!! All signed up :)
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    All signed up!  I probably won't update everyday since I'm usually on my phone but I'll try to update at least once a week.

    @chardeemacdennis Thanks for setting up!  This is great!
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    My DH finally agreed to make a workout plan for me and stands and coaches me while I do it with LO (so I actually do it). So grateful to him as I know he hates my whining. Goblin squats, back squats, weighted lunges, crawling around the yard. The neighbors have to think I'm nuts! Leg day
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