1st Trimester

Is anyone else suffering?

Fatigue AND insomnia aren't my friends right now. I'm so tired I can barely function at work but at night I can't sleep. I'm only 5 weeks and already it's so challenging. I have a 5 year old who just started kindergarten so it's all just so real right now. DH has been great with helping out but I'm just a giant emotional train wreck with being this exhausted
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Re: Is anyone else suffering?

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    It's get better! At the beginning I was very sluggish and did not want to do anything. Hang in there and do the best you can until it gets easier.
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    It's so rough in the beginning. I would get 10 hours of sleep, then only get off the couch to go to the bathroom and get food. I was worried I would be that exhausted my entire pregnancy! It really turned a corner at 12 weeks. Now I feel great, and am able to get things done! Don't worry, you'll get there too. Hang in there ladies!
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    Hi there. I've just written a similar post to this about feeling guilty about getting signed off from work for two weeks for extreme fatigue. The support I got from this forum was appalling - I was basically told to shut up and put up with it and that two weeks is "ridiculous". I'm shocked. But I just wanted to say I feel your pain and sympathise with you. It's terrible, like you can't even move out of bed - that's how I felt anyway, like the flu. And then there is the guilt that you are complaining when you should be overjoyed. It's really hard... I guess I just wanted to say I'm with you!

    Sadly, I'm noticing that's kind of the norm here. You're either going to get a lot of nice/helpful responses or rude/snippy responses. Anyways, don't feel guilty and like the pp said, just hang in there cause it does get better! :)
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    kynbar5 said:

    Sadly, I'm noticing that's kind of the norm here. You're either going to get a lot of nice/helpful responses or rude/snippy responses. Anyways, don't feel guilty and like the pp said, just hang in there cause it does get better! :)

    What she's left out is that she only gave half the information. Had she said at the beginning that she was experiencing dizziness and flu-like symptoms the answers would have been way different. Instead she said she was fatigued. We're all fatigued. So yes, we told her to suck it up. It wasn't until a few women told her to suck it up that she gave us the rest of the information and at that point the answers changed, but she post and ghosted so she doesn't know that.

    agree photo not-bad_zpscf92d140.gif

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    Is there a specific reason that things are getting re-posted? I get you added a gif. Is that necessary? Maybe we could be a little less immature. Maybe.
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    @kynbar5 you must be new or have never used Internet forums before.
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    @jonesl12 I'm not new to either. I guess that was just too much to ask for grown women to attempt to act grown. Thanks for pointing that out though.
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    I'm not sure how agreeing with a comment is juvenile. Maybe you are just having a bad day.

    hug photo kittah_hug.jpg
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    jonesl12 said:

    I'm not sure how agreeing with a comment is juvenile. Maybe you are just having a bad day.

    hug photo kittah_hug.jpg

    The problem wasn't you agreeing, it was the immature sarcasm. Anyways, thanks for that but I have actual juveniles that I'd rather go back and forth with. Have a good night!
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    No sarcasm . I was agreeing with a comment using a gif instead of words. Not sure what the problem is. I think it was interpreted wrong.

    photo idk-emotions-gif_zps64996242.gif

    kynbar5 said:

    Sadly, I'm noticing that's kind of the norm here. You're either going to get a lot of nice/helpful responses or rude/snippy responses. Anyways, don't feel guilty and like the pp said, just hang in there cause it does get better! :)

    What she's left out is that she only gave half the information. Had she said at the beginning that she was experiencing dizziness and flu-like symptoms the answers would have been way different. Instead she said she was fatigued. We're all fatigued. So yes, we told her to suck it up. It wasn't until a few women told her to suck it up that she gave us the rest of the information and at that point the answers changed, but she post and ghosted so she doesn't know that.

    So if it's more acceptable I'll just say I agree with the above statement
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    kynbar5 said:
    Is there a specific reason that things are getting re-posted? I get you added a gif. Is that necessary? Maybe we could be a little less immature. Maybe.
    It says in the guidelines that if you're responding to someone to quote or tag them. What's your issue with someone following the guidelines? This forum would an ever-loving mess if everyone just responded whenever and wherever they wanted without referencing to whom they were responding.

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    kynbar5 said:

    Is there a specific reason that things are getting re-posted? I get you added a gif. Is that necessary? Maybe we could be a little less immature. Maybe.

    It says in the guidelines that if you're responding to someone to quote or tag them. What's your issue with someone following the guidelines? This forum would an ever-loving mess if everyone just responded whenever and wherever they wanted without referencing to whom they were responding.

    I think commenting further on this thread is pretty irrelevant at this point but I hope y'all have h&h pregnancies and a great day! :)
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    YESSSS!! Thank u so much for the support!!
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    Poor OP, as you all derailed her question and made this thread pointless.

    However, yes, we're all tired. Sometimes we're less tired, and then we have a growth spurt or hormonal change and we go back to being tired again. The people who aren't tired ride off to work on their unicorns. I don't know any of them.

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    @EPSantiago - it does get better. Just squeeze in naps as often as you can. It was common knowledge to people close to me that 5:15 to ? was my nap time and not to bother me. I once fell asleep during the opening credits of a movie and expected I'd wake up 30 minutes later only to wake up during the closing credits and I still went to bed at 9 that night. First trimester is tiring, but I promise it gets better. 

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    Man, what is wrong with people?! We're pregnant for crying out loud! Let's just celebrate and support each other!! If we can't remain positive and supportive, why say anything at all?! I'm counting my blessings!
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    Man, what is wrong with people?! We're pregnant for crying out loud! Let's just celebrate and support each other!! If we can't remain positive and supportive, why say anything at all?! I'm counting my blessings!
    We're actually very supportive when people have a real problem.

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