October 2015 Moms

Overwelmed with what is still on registry

swickham7swickham7 member
edited August 2015 in October 2015 Moms
I am very grateful for whatever people buy me and my little one for the shower, which is on August 30. I was doing my best not to look at what was purchased/not purchased until after the shower, but last night at my MIL, she decides to tell me that almost none of the items I registered for were purchased, and I'm probably going to get a bunch of stuff I don't want. I am a very organized person and I love when things are planned out in advance, so waiting this long for items already freaks me out and sends my mind into overdrive. All of the big nursery items are purchased, much to the dismay of my hubby's family, because they thought I should of had nothing until the shower, but I'm happy I made the decision to get those early. The only thing now is I feel like today I should take my registry with what is not purchased and buy some things, just do after the shower I don't have a million things that still need to be done.

Sorry just a vent post, but what do you all think?

Re: Overwelmed with what is still on registry

  • Look I won't lie I have basically brought every for baby, I guess you could start buying things keep receipts though, but my baby shower isn't till October where as yours is the end of the month won't hurt waiting few weeks it's really up to you. If it gets rid of your stress and worries start :). I didn't want time to come to baby shower and not be organised plus I don't like feeling that I owe people something so I sort of wanted to buy expensive stuff myself eg crib, change table, high chair, bouncer, basic clothes and few outfits I like, breat pump, bottles, dummies really now all I need is baby bag and clothes steriliser couple other small things but I know I feel a lot less stressed and I'm prepared if baby comes early. I maybe a little too prepared...
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  • I compelety get where you are coming from. My own shower will be when I'm 36 weeks and it is causing a lot of anxiety. What I did, is had candid conversations with family and friends who had told me in advance they wanted purchase me a nice gift. They asked and I would say "that's so thoughtful. We really want to make sure that we get our carrier before baby gets here" etc.
    THat helped me knock a lot off the list. Anything big I needed for 0-3 months we have. For instance I saw a pack and play on Craigslist for forty bucks and bought it instead of registering.
    Anther option is to buy some of the stuff you really need, and keep receipt in case you get doubles. I would still leave on registry in case u get lucky and someone wants to buy.
    At the end of it anything not purchased ill fm just go on the registry and buy online for myself! That's my plan hope it helps
  • People buy day before/day of.  Also, you can get a lot of the big things online shipped directly to your house for free.  Also, as others have stated, you can go ahead and purchase them and then take them off your registry.  I would encourage you not to look (unless you're deleting something you purchased)/not to worry.  You'll want to shop after anyway because it's fun.  And, as others have said, there is very little you need right away.  You could get gift cards at your shower, and then you can send out close friends and relatives to complete your registry with those even after baby is born.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm in the same boat but I wouldn't worry! My shower is the 29th, so just one week away (one day before yours)! The majority of stuff on my registry is not purchased either except some big things and I knew exactly
    Who they came from. I wouldn't necessarily assume everyone bought you stuff you don't want. Let's be real- people wait until last minute. I bet if you watch the registry things will start to come off all weekend and all week up until the morning of the shower! I got married exactly one year ago so I have a little experience in this... I had two bridal showers and things didn't come off the registry much until a couple days before the shower. You will be fine and waiting just one more week and one day is worth it! Don't go out buying stuff now! You will limit what people are able to get you and end up spending so much more money unnecessarily!
  • On my registry not a lot was purchased but at my shower I received almost everything I needed. A lot of people used the registry as,a guide but bought things at other places. Don't stress too much and remember there is always online shopping :)
  • Wigglesx2Wigglesx2 member
    edited August 2015
    People buy last minute and something we the registry doesn't update or they forget to scan. Or find it cheaper elsewhere. I wouldn't worry. Plus you may get gift cards that will help with getting stuff.

    I was the same way and we got nearly everything we need and the gift cards will help get the finals items.
  • Not much was purchased directly from our registry. Most people gifted us money and gift cards which we used and got all but a handful of things from our registry with. We used Amazon so everything got to our house in two days (no tax, free shipping AND we were able to use our registry completion discount 15% off)! Also, some people got things that we registered for at different stores so it didn't come off the registry. Don't stress about it. And your shower is only a week away so I would hold off on purchasing anything. You'll be surprised by how generous people are!
  • Don't do this! Just wait til after shower. Same thing happened to my friend, a week prior I checked her thing and there were like only 10 items bought. Then day of shower SOOO much stuff was there and all from registry mainly. She got everything I would say. Mine was a little different as people were buying things and shipping since I was out of town, but then even the day of there were some surprises I didn't know we're bought yet. I did get some clothes, books, bibs not on registry but thought I would so purposely didn't put a ton on there. There was still some essentials left on registry but I also go over $250 in gift cards so the next day hubby and I went to BBB and stocked up with what was left. And used the coupons! Now the only things left on there are extra diapers, toddler feeding stuff and some books. We made out like bandits! And I wouldn't say our shower was huge, about 25 people. Just wait. You still have time and can go day after!
  • Hold off. You will most likely get money/gift cards from the shower that you can use towards anything that hasn't been purchased.
  • Definitely hold off. my first shower was a similar situation and I was thinking my second was going to be as well. Turns out, people shopped the day of the shower, and i got A LOT of gift cards. 
  • I am in the same boat and my shower is today:) I will agree it adds extra stress because I wanted to buy more things and everyone has made me wait till my shower before I finish the nurseries. I am type A and would have preferred to have it done a month ago!! I am so excited and will love today!! I know I will be grateful for each present!! I am sure you will feel the same way next week, anxiety is a "B"!!
  • Hardly anything was marked off my registry, but I actually did get a lot of what was on it. Most of my people looked at it but didn't turn it in with their purchase so it never showed that anything was bought.
  • *dirty S15 lurker*

    If it makes you feel any better at all I'm due September 15th and I still don't have a crib of car seat, my mom and grandmother wanted to buy those items for me but couldn't afford it until the end of the month, I'm not stressing to hard since my mom and I agreed if LO comes early well just pay for it and she'll pay me back (her choice not mine). Otherwise she'll buy them next weekend! I waited to buy things until after the baby shower and even though a lot of it wasn't on my registry or were things I didn't pick out it was all extremely useful! Just breath and wait, it's only a week away if it was farther I'd say go shopping but not much will change between now and next week and you might be pleasantly surprised at your shower!
  • Hold out, goof chance you will get last minute shoppers, people who choose their own gift & have gift receipts so you can exchange. Majority may even bring Gift cards or cash, that's how I was able to clear my registry was shocked! Initially so little was bought but not many guests wanted to shop online (amazon) so we got a ton of Gift Cards!
  • I had one shower in July (I had to travel for it) and am also having one on the 30th. Honestly, plenty of people (I do this too) will wait until the 29th. At this point waiting another week to go shopping really won't change your life a whole lot.

    My first shower basically nothing was removed from my registry but I got tons of things that were either similar, bought somewhere else or they just didn't give the registry. Also keep gift cards in mind.

    Try to keep calm it sounds like your MIL was just being MIL-ly.
  • Honestly, I've watched my registry, because there are two, and if something got purchased off one, I pulled it off the other, etc. No one had bought anything off either registry, until Tuesday (shower is in a few hours) Now a few things have been bought, and some random things that make me think people bought things that didn't come off correctly (since I'm guessing someone didn't buy me just one bottle of baby shampoo).

    I wouldn't worry much if nothing is missing off your registry. You will still get lots of registry items, and other great stuff. Also, just because it didn't come off the registry, didn't mean you didn't get what you want. Sometimes, I'll check a Mom's BRU or BBB registry, and purchase the gift somewhere else that is more convenient for me, or maybe have it shipped via Amazon. Or say she wanted a certain size of shampoo, etc, but bought a bigger bottle or gift set, that won't come off the registry.

    You still have plenty of time to prepare for your baby. Newborns need very little when they first come home. Even if I received nothing but clothes today (which I genuinely expected), I had money set aside. And on Monday, I would have logged onto BRU, and ordered what I needed, and had it delivered to my home. I really don't see what the big deal is, especially if you've already purchased the big items.

    As for getting things not on your registry, some of my greatest treasures that DD has, were non-registry gifts from some very dear family members that are no longer with me. I'm so SO grateful they bought what they did, and not just some generic highchair or pack n play off my registry.
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @swickham7 - My mindset is similar and my shower is also on August 30th. I have had a hard time not getting ready and purchasing things in advance. I have been increasingly purchasing the things I will need in the off-chance that the baby is born early (newborn size layette, sleep sacks, sound machine, etc). I have noticed that people who have been buying off the registry are buying the more 'fun' items such as the mobile, books, and other items. One practical thing that everyone seems to buy is swaddle blankets, so maybe only purchase a few of those. Based on this, my strategy probably won't result in a ton of overlap and it makes me feel so much more prepared. I say go for it if it makes you feel better. :) Plus, it is so fun to shop for the new LO - even if it is the practical stuff!
  • People mostly purchased stuff last-minute from my registry.  And even though there was still quite a lot on the registry after the shower, I have everything I need and now have some gifts that I didn't even know I'd want.  I think you'll be fine - just hold out a little longer!  
    CafeMom Tickers

  • Stop peeking... you're going to drive yourself crazy! Don't fret... most people either wait until the last minute to buy shower gifts and 99% of them don't remember to ask the clerk to check off an item once they get it. Also if you put the shower date on your registry most places will send you a discount coupon to get whatever is left on the list.
  • I had my shower today and did not get everything that was on my registry. Oh well! Now I just need to figure out what I REALLY want with what is left over and go from there. We did get some gift cards so we will use those to buy some of the things we wanted that are still on the registry.
  • I feel you, nothing has been checked off my registry and I just about gave up. With DD, nothing was purchased from registry so I'm so done with this one. And what ticks me off is that people ask if you register and yet they just don't bother looking at it.
    We got the major items ourselves, and DH is so nervous that we keep waiting til the end so little by little other things will get purchased by us from here til then.
    I wish my invites did cash or gift cards, but nope. I'm sure I'll end up with a ton of clothes and nothing 'necessary'

    Hang in there, you might have last minute shoppers

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Sometimes people will look at the registry to get ideas and may purchase it somewhere else, or they forgot to have the the barcode scanned to show something was purchased.

    I would wait until your shower to see what you get then purchase the things you didn't get.

    Have fun at your shower.

  • You still have a week til your shower. I've checked my registry and there is still quite a few items that haven't been purchased. However, a lot of people procrastinate and end up buying a gift the day before the shower. Like I said, you have a week left, there's still a lot of time. And if you end up getting a gift you don't like or want, you can always return it and get the item on your registry you really wanted. 
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