I am very grateful for whatever people buy me and my little one for the shower, which is on August 30. I was doing my best not to look at what was purchased/not purchased until after the shower, but last night at my MIL, she decides to tell me that almost none of the items I registered for were purchased, and I'm probably going to get a bunch of stuff I don't want. I am a very organized person and I love when things are planned out in advance, so waiting this long for items already freaks me out and sends my mind into overdrive. All of the big nursery items are purchased, much to the dismay of my hubby's family, because they thought I should of had nothing until the shower, but I'm happy I made the decision to get those early. The only thing now is I feel like today I should take my registry with what is not purchased and buy some things, just do after the shower I don't have a million things that still need to be done.
Sorry just a vent post, but what do you all think?
Re: Overwelmed with what is still on registry
THat helped me knock a lot off the list. Anything big I needed for 0-3 months we have. For instance I saw a pack and play on Craigslist for forty bucks and bought it instead of registering.
Anther option is to buy some of the stuff you really need, and keep receipt in case you get doubles. I would still leave on registry in case u get lucky and someone wants to buy.
At the end of it anything not purchased ill fm just go on the registry and buy online for myself! That's my plan hope it helps
Who they came from. I wouldn't necessarily assume everyone bought you stuff you don't want. Let's be real- people wait until last minute. I bet if you watch the registry things will start to come off all weekend and all week up until the morning of the shower! I got married exactly one year ago so I have a little experience in this... I had two bridal showers and things didn't come off the registry much until a couple days before the shower. You will be fine and waiting just one more week and one day is worth it! Don't go out buying stuff now! You will limit what people are able to get you and end up spending so much more money unnecessarily!
I was the same way and we got nearly everything we need and the gift cards will help get the finals items.
If it makes you feel any better at all I'm due September 15th and I still don't have a crib of car seat, my mom and grandmother wanted to buy those items for me but couldn't afford it until the end of the month, I'm not stressing to hard since my mom and I agreed if LO comes early well just pay for it and she'll pay me back (her choice not mine). Otherwise she'll buy them next weekend! I waited to buy things until after the baby shower and even though a lot of it wasn't on my registry or were things I didn't pick out it was all extremely useful! Just breath and wait, it's only a week away if it was farther I'd say go shopping but not much will change between now and next week and you might be pleasantly surprised at your shower!
My first shower basically nothing was removed from my registry but I got tons of things that were either similar, bought somewhere else or they just didn't give the registry. Also keep gift cards in mind.
Try to keep calm it sounds like your MIL was just being MIL-ly.
We got the major items ourselves, and DH is so nervous that we keep waiting til the end so little by little other things will get purchased by us from here til then.
I wish my invites did cash or gift cards, but nope. I'm sure I'll end up with a ton of clothes and nothing 'necessary'
Hang in there, you might have last minute shoppers
I get the frustration of waiting til after the shower to finish buying everything. Mine is 9/1 and I hate waiting so late to get stuff. But I hate returning things even more, so I will just have to wait and see what is purchased before I go shopping for everything else. However that is a solution- go buy what you need and return anything you end up with duplicates of. Otherwise- just chill
I would wait until your shower to see what you get then purchase the things you didn't get.
Have fun at your shower.