Natural Birth

How long to labor at home for a second baby? I was induced with my first.

The 5-1-1 sounds like about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. My induction took three days with my daughter. 5-1-1 is nothing. I hope to labor at home as long a possible, then show up transition-ish.  I am not willing to hire a doula, because I had a really bad experience with a doula during my first birth. I should have spent the money on a nice stroller or something. How will I know it is time?

Re: How long to labor at home for a second baby? I was induced with my first.

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    I never had 5-1-1. I went from 6-7 minutes to 3 minutes with a lot of blood (not a normal bloody show). At that point, I felt ready to go to the hospital.
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    How far away from the hospital are you?

    I think listening to yourself is important, more so than the rules. I think this because I ignored myself last time and by the time I realised baby was coming it was too late, and I had her on the bathroom floor.

    I was so busy thinking, this needs to go on for at least an hour, that I ignored myself saying things like, "I want to go to the hospital." I also got caught up in, "last time I felt like this, I still had hours to go." but my second labour was considerably shorter (2 1/2hrs rather than 7hrs)

    Also I was 30minutes from the hospital, so if we'd made a sprint for the hospital, she would have been born on the side of the road. Actually I think she would have been born on the driveway.

    But if you're close to the hospital, then I think you can definitely leave it as late as possible.
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    nofrogsnofrogs member
    I'm about 30 minutes away.
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    jmknoxjmknox member
    Have you read the Bradley method book? There are some great tips to help you and others determine where you are in your labor based on how you feel and your emotional signposts
    BFP 5/22/12, MC 6/6/12 (cp) BFP 10/16/13, EDD June 28, 2014 - baby J arrived 6/19/14! ** #2-- BFP 12/5/15, EDD August 17, 2016 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    As pp said I think listening to your body is the best way to know.  We are 15ish minutes from the hospital and my MW told us 2.5/3-1-1 with our first.  That was a good guide for a FTM I think.  With my second if I had listened to my body it would have been a lot smoother I think.  Everything was screaming at me that it was time to go, but I kept talking myself out of it, telling myself it was too early.  By the time we left I was already starting to feeling 'pushy' and when we got to the hospital my MW checked me and DH could visibly see the head.  We made it but it was a little scary to cut it so close.  All that to say, this time I'm trusting my instincts!
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    It's so hard to tell. For my 2nd, I was having strong contractions but still not regular and had braxton hicks all through the 2nd half of my pregnancy so I climbed into bed for the night and my water broke. Within minutes i was having regular contractions and then had such strong contractions I could barely move. I remember sitting on the toilet trying to clean up but another contraction would start up and the water would keep gushing everywhere. I thought I would never even make it out of the bathroom and might have the baby right on the toilet!

    So you can go from 0 to 60 pretty fast. I would just keep your eyes out for the signs and be ready to go at anytime in the final weeks.
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    I agree no 5-1-1 for me either. They say the 2nd is generally half the time of the 1st, so maybe 1.5 days for you? Of course could be completely different - e.g. spontaneous labor vs induction. My 1st was 6 hrs hard labor - water broke, I had 2 contractions 20 min apart and then went to 20-30 second contractions 1-2 mins apart (skipped 5-1?) - went to hospital delivered 5 hrs later. With 2nd it was 3 hrs hard labor - I didn't realize I was in active labor b/c contractions were light and irregular (no 5-1?). I happened to have a m/w appt and she sent me to L&D - an hour later my water broke and I delivered two hrs later. Similarly my friend didn't realize she was in labor with her 2nd and inadvertently delivered at home (all was well). My BFF at work took 3 days with her 1st, but the 2nd (9 lbs!) was under six hrs. I don't know if induction or meds might have made the difference. Congrats on your pg; GL with birth!!

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    My good friend had to be induced with her first baby (she was over a week late). Same thing started to happen with her second baby (that she gave birth to last month) was also about a week late and she "wasn't feeling anything" so she was scheduled for a induction again. Well, long story short, she woke up that morning to get ready for the induction and then suddenly her labor kicked in and it went so fast she had no time to even get to the hospital (it was physically so intense she couldn't get out to the car). Her husband called 911 and she ended up giving birth on their bed (water bag still intact as baby came out) after two pushes which she "couldn't hold back anymore". The ambulance didn't even get there before he was out! So apparently the first and second birth timeline can be very different! Luckily all turned out well :)
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    No advice, sorry. With DS, my water broke at 6, no contractions until 8:30, transition by 10, baby by 11. So needless to say, I'll be booking it to the hospital this time. lol
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    For me, the only way I knew it was the real thing with #2 was because my doula told me. She had come over the check the position of the baby and massage me and told me I was having labor contractions (not painful at all). Had I waited until the "rule" I would have had my baby in the car. I had a total of 5 hours of labor, but only 40 minutes of hard labor at the very end. You'll just have to be very aware of what's going on with your body. 

    Ohhh! I also checked myself and could feel the baby's head. That was a big clue for me to head to the birth center sooner rather than later (LOL!), so you might want to familiarize yourself with how you feel NOW so you'll know what's difference once you start to dilate. 
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    Like everyone else said, you kind of just have to use your Mommy instincts. Just careful note how quickly you seem to be progressing and make your decision based on that.

    With my first child I was way too eager, and headed to the hospital as soon as my contractions were 5-1-1. I ended up laboring in the hospital for 27 hours after that. It was miserable and I just wanted to be home. I regret coming that early... 

    With my second things moved a lot faster and I didn't jump the gun. When my contractions got to 5-1-1 I called my Mom to let her know that we were packing our bags and would be dropping off my oldest daughter soon. By the time we got to the hospital after all of that,  my contractions were about 3 minutes apart and pretty intense. I was checked right into a birthing room and gave birth 2 hours later. It was a much better experience. 
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