August 2015 Moms

Did anyone else bleed after getting checked?

ErikaB123ErikaB123 member
edited August 2015 in August 2015 Moms
My appt was yesterday and after being checked for dilation, I bled quite a bit. Did this happen to anyone else? I am 2cm dilated and my cervix is soft. I have an appt tomorrow and I am afraid he will make me bleed again (it actually really hurt last time).

Re: Did anyone else bleed after getting checked?

  • This is totally normal. However if you think there was more bleeding than necessary, call your doc.

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  • Yes, it's common to bleed a bit after a cervical check. It is totally within your rights to say no to a cervical check. Quite a few ladies here are declining them until labour begins.
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  • Breezy... I had no idea it was optional. Thanks for letting me know.
  • I had my first check @ 36 weeks and had a little bleeding I was only 1 cm @ that point, today @ 39 weeks had a check didn't hurt, but I gushed blood, I was super surprised, I am now 2 cm 70%, but my bleeding has pretty much stopped now.
  • Yes and this has been discussed in excess.
  • Jenkay this isn't any easy topic to do a quick search on, not that big of a deal if questions are repeated in my opinion.
  • I totally spotted! And I don't think it's a problem discussing a subject more than once! Jeez!
  • I spotted after a Cervical check as well doctor said it was normal and said if I had heavy bleeding and/or regular contractions to call back (which didn't happen)
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