Had my 39 wk check up. Was only 2cm, 70% and -3. Not much different than last week except then it wad 50%. While she was checking me I started having a contraction (have been having them off and on since last week ) it was a pretty good one, and she commented on how strong it was . While I was Contracting she was stretching my cervix and said she was able to get it to 3cm. Ever since I have been having stronger contractions, (still not consistant ) and horrible cramping in between my legs. So, here I sit with a heating pad down there, which is helping with the cramps, but still having strong contractions. Hoping maybe she helped things along. She keeps asking me if I am ready to induce. (39wks 4d) my last 2 I was induced at 41 weeks each. I do not want to go down the inducing road, but I am also so very much ready to be done!
Update: woke up around 11pm. Having contractions during the short amount of time I did get sleep. Monitored for an hour and a half and they were about 4.5 minutes apart. Called my doula and my mommy. Been having more and more intense closer to 2 minutes apart! Hoping to meet my LO soon!
2nd update: labored for just under 6 hours at home. My water broke while I was resting in bed. Headed to L&D. Hard labor from 5am until my gummi bear made his entrance at 8:48am! Started feeling the urge to push around 7am-ish but was only 5 cm. With every contraction the urge got stronger until about 8:40 when I just had to...lucky I had barely made it to 10cm. About 4 good pushes and he was here !
Re: What did my Dr do...
Good luck mama!