December 2015 Moms

Stay in my belly

TaylovesbradTaylovesbrad member
edited August 2015 in December 2015 Moms
So I'm having all these thoughts like:
'What if I drop him?'
'What if he falls off the bed?'
'What if the stroller collapses on him?'

I kind of wish he could just stay in my belly where he is safe from being dropped, ect.
I think I'm turning into a mother or something ;) anyone else having irrational fears and desires like this?

Re: Stay in my belly

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    This reminds me of a Christopher Titus special. I can't remember the name but he talks about freaking our and being afraid when his daughter was born and wanting to shove her back inside.
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    @momotheflyinglemur I literally just LOLED at my desk at work.
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    @momotheflyinglemur your household growing up sounds so exciting!
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    When my DD was Itty bitty like 2 months old, we were leaving the house, had her all strapped in her infant carrier, it had been raining, we had a very high porch, I slipped on the first step and fell completely to the ground, yet somehow managed to set her carrier down safely on the porch, as I was falling.

    When my middle child was just a few weeks old I had a water bed. We were up for a midnight bf session. As I was adjusting my boobs afterwards, his father rolled over sending a wave across the bed, flipping my son up and off the bed on to the floor. He cried and so did I but he was fine.

    But... I never dropped my first born nor had a near accident,... that was my fault anyway.
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    My friends five year old just jumped 20 feet into a ravine after she bent down to tie a shoe. He is a bit scraped and a little bruised, but ok.
    My brother locked me in the trunk for about 10 minutes one day, and I fell down the basement stairs no fewer than 3 times in one summer.
    I also sent my sister flying over the roof of a cozy coupe. She flew at least 10 feet like superman before scraping her face across the sidewalk.
    Kids are quite resilient.
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    DS has fallen off of everything. He would climb on everything. Even now he climbs and falls, and actually has a bumpy knot smack dab in the middle of his forehead.
    Not too long ago, I was holding him and twisted my foot/ankle. He was fine but I scraped one whole side of my body and tore up the tendons in my foot and ankle.
    Things happen, and I'm always a wreck just waiting for the next booboo.
    Married 05.19.07 | Together since 03.11.00 | Dom Born 02.06.12 
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    Mizuiro007Mizuiro007 member
    edited August 2015
    Since this has turned into horror stories. Multiple times hubby has let DS fall off the couch. A couple times he flipped off, smacked his little activity table and then the floor. Every time he has been perfectly fine.

    A lot over a week ago I was prepping a bottle in the kitchen since DS had just woken up. He was still in his crib in his room fussing when suddenly I hear something smack the door and violent crying. I edged the door open to find him crumpled up on the floor screaming. He's still fine but we turned the crib around (the back is several inches higher) and shoved it over in the corner. We're now baby proofing the room and getting ready to set up the toddler bed my MIL just bought for him.
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    I think I am going to find a scientist who can keep this kid in my belly until he is 5. Or maybe he can be placed in a large bubble safe from falls and sharp objects. These stories are freaking me out LOL.
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    My irrational fears have been about someone trying to take or kidnap my baby and me being unable to defend her. Also, thanks to going hiking today I was fearing hiking with her one day and watching her run off a cliff and being unable to stop it. I think I need to stop watching movies for the duration of my pregnancy, they are putting too many freaky ideas in my head. 
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    Oh I just realized this became a horror story thread....
    When my mom had my brother she was walking down the stairs with him when he was a couple weeks old and tripped, instinctively protected him from any harm but managed to break her toe in the process of falling with some impressive ninja moves she could probably never do again. 

    Also, apparently when my sister was born, I was a little over 3 years old and my mom left her on the couch for a moment. Apparently when she came back in the room both her and I were gone. She looked up to find me standing at the top of the steps with her in my arms and under my shirt trying to breastfeed her myself. She had to use a calm voice that wouldn't freak me out to get up to me and baby so I wouldn't drop baby and run once I figured out I was in trouble. 

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    I think I am going to find a scientist who can keep this kid in my belly until he is 5.

    Being pregnant 40 weeks is long enough for me.  300 months sounds impossible.

    But seriously, it's not so bad.  Every FTM thinks her kid is made of glass.  And then you start seeing how the doctors/nurses handle them in the hospital after delivery and you realize that babies are not as fragile as you think.

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    Since this turned into horror stories...

    I have four brothers and they were not too fond of a little sister when I was born. Two of them tied fishing wire around the carport and my mom tripped over it with me in her arms. Another time my brother took me out of the swing and knocked me out with the top part of it. My poor mother lol
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    I've never had this problem with my DD but with this one in acutally more nervous about him being IN there. I keep thinking ok I'm _ weeks what happens if he comes now? Will he make it? What if the cord is short, or my water breaks, or my cervix opens, or ....... I have no reason to think that but I find myself thinking every day that I'm one day closer to it being ok- sometimes I feel nuts
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    When I was baby apparently my mom had me in a bouncer on the kitchen counter and I kicked the stove burner on, the whole bouncer caught on fire and burned up, as did part of the kitchen!! Mom fail! Luckily she smelled the smoke, turned around and got me out of the chair before I was hurt at all. She said she's still haunted by images of the burned up bouncer. We've been lucky with DD, she fell off the bed once but was fine. And it's true, babies are resilient.

    This isn't a horror story thread, it's a "look at how much we've all messed up and baby is fine" thread, which is a great reminder and confidence booster to us all! ;-)
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    I get reminded of all the stuff I did as a toddler. My brother is eight years older and was watching me while my mom was making dinner. He barely looked away and I had pulled the child safety plug out and stuck an Allen key in the wall outlet. Sparks were shooting out of the wall, the breaker blew, metal fused, I was completely fine.

    Starting at nine months I would climb up and jump off the top of the crib rail. I also climbed the entertainment center and pulled the TV over. The screen was smashed but I was fine.

    Whenever I mention things DS does that scares me, like I mentioned in my previous post, my mom says "I wonder who that reminds me of".

    Then there's hubby that survived getting kicked in the head by a horse, run over multiple times by a bicycle and then a truck. The most he got is a scar on his forehead.
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    I am one of eight children and we grew up on a farm.
    I remember when I was around 4 I would sneak off and jump from the second floor roof to the ground. It was about 8 feet in that spot because the house was built into a hill and my father intended it for a fire escape. Until I decided to walk further to where the drop was steeper and my mother caught me dropping passed the window. I was supposed to be sleeping. lol
    My older brothers and I would climb to the top the trees in the yard and jump out. We would climb to the top of the haystacks in the barn, about 20 feet high, and try to land on a pillow.
    Kids are resilient and if we survived our brave childhood stupidity its proof of the fact.
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    That's weird, my first thought on this forum was, I want my little lady OUT, so I can actually see what she's up to. The unknown is worse for me, is she okay in there? Am I feeling less kicks because she switched positions? What did that feeling mean? Id rather see her reactions in person!
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    That is funny, I just had this impulse yesterday too. Mostly I've been thinking, oh I can't wait until he comes out, but yesterday afternoon (after talking to my cousin who has four kids), I really thought maybe he could stay in for a few extra months :) Right now I have pretty good control over what he eats, I always know how he is doing, and he is always with me. Its comforting. I like it. I'm sure at the end of third tri I will just want him out, but there is something to be said for knowing he is warm and safe in my belly :)
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    sarahgn said:

    I am one of eight children and we grew up on a farm.
    I remember when I was around 4 I would sneak off and jump from the second floor roof to the ground. It was about 8 feet in that spot because the house was built into a hill and my father intended it for a fire escape. Until I decided to walk further to where the drop was steeper and my mother caught me dropping passed the window. I was supposed to be sleeping. lol
    My older brothers and I would climb to the top the trees in the yard and jump out. We would climb to the top of the haystacks in the barn, about 20 feet high, and try to land on a pillow.
    Kids are resilient and if we survived our brave childhood stupidity its proof of the fact.

    Did you get the same warning I did growing up on a farm to "remember, it's a long drive to the emergency room"?
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    I have visions of terrible things that could happen to my DS and this baby. When my son was 11 months, I tripped over one of his toys while carrying him. Thank God I fell in a way that completely protected him, but I broke my foot in 4 places in the process. I couldn't pick him up or carry him for over a month, which was very difficult. So now I'm stupidly careful and a bit paranoid ;) Have night lights in every room and watch out for things on the floor.
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