January 2016 Moms

Did anyone start out Team Green but then change their mind?

I have my Progenity test tomorrow. So far I have been team green with just the want for a healthy baby. As it gets closer I find myself second guessing my choice. It would just be so very easy to find out the sex.

I'm so tempted. 
N (2004)A (2007), N (2010), and L (due 1/2016)

Re: Did anyone start out Team Green but then change their mind?

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    I can't wait to find out! I'll be happy either way. All the clothes are so cute and the names we picked are awesome.
    Thinking of doing something special for hubby's great aunt if it's a boy. Because we are naming a boy after her husband who passed away last year, she doesn't know that yet.
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    kmcc14kmcc14 member
    One of my good friends was team green with her last pregnancy but changed her mind.  She totally caved at the anatomy scan.  She had no regrets and was very happy that she found out.
    Me: 30 DH: 35 
    TTC #1 - Jan 2015
    BFP on 5/13/15
    DD born 1/24/16
    TTC #2 - Jun 2017
    BFP on 8/24/17
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    I was very team green at first. I'd be so happy with either that I figured the surprise was the fun way to go. .. until I started looking at nurseries/bedding/clothing. It seems superficial but I just haven't found anything I like that I feel would last into their toddler years. I'm too excited to plan, so we'll be finding out as soon as we can!
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    I was team green with DD and we are team green for this one as well. All of my family wanted to know so it was kind of fun seeing them squirm :). It was also fun having my husband announce in the delivery room, granted he said boy and she was a girl, which made for a humorous story to tell her some day. I am also not very into frilly stuff so I liked that her nursary was gender neutral. I mainly just did patterns so I can use the same bedding and decor for this little one if it is a boy.

    Do what you want, I doubt you will regret either decision. In the end you still get a cute, snuggly baby!
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    TVL25TVL25 member
    I'm starting to have this issue! I have been adamant about not finding out this time as it is our last and besides my first, which I had no control over, we've never got that IT'S A ... at birth. I think it would be exciting to wait but of all people, our 7 year old is BEGGING us to find out (which if baby cooperates, we can next appointment 8/24!) Either way, it will be an exciting moment but if it is a girl this time around (after 3 boys), I would love to get a few pink/purple things before she's here!
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    I want to be team green and Hubs wants to know ASAP. I'm pretty sure we'll find out when we can in September due to his eagerness and I'm not too bummed about not being able to wait. This way, we will be able to really get some name ideas and have one picked out, without wasting time and energy on the other sex names. And honestly this just means I will buy more fun purchases than I would have! Your loss honey!! =D
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    As of right know we still are team green. When I started to show, I began wanting to know! I feel the need to know if my plus 1 is a girl or boy if we are going to be hanging out for 24 more weeks.
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    I was team green and then I got asked at the anomaly scan if I'd like to know and I couldn't help myself LOL
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    xllovexllove member
    I would wait, my husband will not!! I even scheduled an early 3d scan so we could find out earlier than 20 weeks because he's so excited to find out. But! I think I'm Leaning towards keeping it to ourselves and having everyone else we know wait until birth :) Mainly because I have 2 boys, and if it's another I don't want to hear "how disappointed I must be" to not have a girl this time since it's our last.
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    We were team green with our first. It was super fun finding out at birth. There's a part of me that wants to find out at the anatomy scans this time around. However, all of my family begging and prodding has me wanting to wait again. I know if I find out there's no way I could keep it a secret so it's all or nothing here.
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    I was team green for the first 5 weeks (only 1 of those I actually knew I was pregnant haha). Pre pregnancy my husband and I always said we would never find out until the baby was born. But at 17+ wks and still symptom free, I need something to make this whole thing feel real. 0 actual preference about which sex but 100 billion times need to know right now though!
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    MyelhsaMyelhsa member
    edited July 2015
    I started this pregnancy team green because I'm excited for both sexes equally but now I have this overwhelming (in a good way) feeling that I'm carrying a boy. I'm positive of it in the most bizarre way. I used to refer to baby as "peanut" or just "baby" but now I catch myself saying "he/him/his" and sometimes I even use the boy name we picked out before I can stop myself.

    I think I may find out when we have our anatomy scan now just because I would feel really bad that I called my daughter a boy all that time. I know she wouldn't know but it makes me a bit uncomfortable that I'm becoming so partial to one sex when I'd be equally as happy with a baby girl.

    Don't know if that makes sense but...that's my reasoning.

    ETA: If I can kick the "he/him/his" thing before the scan I wont find out. But it's hard because it happens before I can even think about what I'm saying.
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    I can't do team green... No way!!!! My fear is that I will end up having a C section and won't be totally "with it" and so then everyone will know before me :/! And, I really want to know.
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    enkbenkb member
    Thought I would have to know before I got pregnant, but now it seems less important to find out. Have my moments when I think I want to know, our anatomy scan is in 6 days so I could still change my mind, but don't think I will. Husband firmly in the 'I don't want to know camp' and I like the less gendered furniture and clothes, so I think for practicality I would rather not find out.
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    adcc43adcc43 member
    This is our first time as being team green. We found out with both our other children.

    The wait has been pretty easy so far, I am 17 weeks, but recently my brother and sister in law found out they are having a boy. This has made me a little more anxious to find out but I think H and I will be able to hold out.



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    I was team Green, my DH was not. We did the Harmony DNA test on Monday and it was just so easy to check the little box marked XY, I gave in. So I guess we will know any day now, more importantly we will know if this baby is genetically OK.
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    I started team green but changed my mind. It's my first pregnancy and I didn't realize how long it takes to feel the first kicks and for pregnancy to show. Finding out the gender helped me to connect even though I'm still not showing and still have felt no movements. Visualizing a little mini baby girl swimming around in my tummy is comforting to me.
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    It's a funny thing. I think we have too many options these days! It was much more simple when we were all born, and most parents didn't even have a U/S.

    When we got BFP I was team green, hubby was not. As time went on I decided to give in to him, as he has not control over much of this process. But so many people in our family don't want to know until baby is born, and neither of us are good at secrets, so we are back to team green!
    STM - EDD June 24 '18
    DD - January 2016
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    I was team green , hubby wasn't on board so we booked a private ultrasounds. then his boss and a few other couples told us it was sooooo worth it and he changed his mind like that lol. So excited to find out in January but I'm not going to lie it is hard.
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    I have been team green since the beginning but DH gets a major anxiety attack at the idea of not knowing so I've said we can find out but we plan on keeping it a secret between us two! I had already told everyone we are team green so they won't be bugging us too much to find out and that way we don't get too much annoying pink/blue stuff and still get the fun of seeing what everyone is guessing until we announce after the birth!
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    We have been team green since before I got pregnant! This is my first and I think it's easier because everyone wants to know so bad and we really don't care one way or the other. It's just funny to us how badly everyone else wants to know. The reason why we are staying team green is I think it's so special to have a few moments where just you and your SO know what your baby is. My husband will be telling me whether or not our baby is a boy or girl.
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    So @nickicb7 are you still on team green?? It's so much fun that I'm not even tempted to find out. It's my favourite surprise ever!
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