January 2016 Moms

Overreacting with sex guesses from ultrasound?

So we got our anatomy scan done this week (everything looking good, horray!)  and we decided a while ago we wouldn't find out sex.  I showed a few people an ultrasound picture 30 seconds after telling them we didn't want to find out sex, and how happy we were that the lab tech was really good about it, and the first thing they said was 'oh I can tell the sex' and then started having a little whispered conversation among themselves about it.  It didn't even dawn on me that anyone would do that, or I wouldn't of showed them, I was so furious that they would 'know' the sex before DH and I would.  This was a couple of days ago and I can't get over being mad about it, am I overreacting? 

Both of these women were nurses (retired now) but neither were radiologists or would have any reason to be better at interpreting ultrasounds than anyone else.  I'm trying to think of it as if someone would say since I'm carrying high its a girl or whatever other old wives tales people use to predict sex, I'm just still mad.

Re: Overreacting with sex guesses from ultrasound?

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    I think you're on the right track with your last statement. Their "feeling" based upon the ultrasound, unless there's a crotch pic, would be nothing more than skull theory or similar. The only way they could actually know is if they saw a penis or vagina. It would irritate the heck out of me if I told someone I didn't want to know and they did this, though, and I would probably be mad for days also, so I get it!
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    enkbenkb member

    Thanks for reassuring me that I'm not being completely crazy for being mad.  Not a crotch pic at all, just the profile head and body standard ultrasound looking one.  I've gone over all the pictures they sent us home with looking super close and I don't think there is a single one that the angle or view would be right to be able to tell at all. 

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    Yeah so those people are totally full of it. There's no way to tell from those or you would know too.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    I agree with @claireloSC.... they are full of it. Unless it was an outright shot between the legs they are just best guessing. I would let them think as they wish and let it be, they have a 50 percent chance of being wrong anyway.
    Married the love of my life: 11/12/2009
    1st BFP ever : 11/19/2014
    1/9/2015 our miracle baby was welcomed in heaven.
    BFP #2 : 4/21/2015
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    People are just meanies. That's all.....that was just an upper hand reaction. Don't worry - people are always freaking out when we say we are waiting to find out. Honestly, their reactions are out of selfishness usually not concern or respect. Let them think they know the sex. I hope what they expect it is isn't correct so they feel awesome. Though, unless you have a way to prove they were wrong, I bet they would claim they were RIGHT! No winning....just let them be the retired nurses that they are.
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    If you had just said you didn't want to find out....then they are jerks for pretending they knew....

    I get irritated when people say "Oh you're having a boy/girl, I'd bet you money. Oh it is, I just know."

    Oh you do??? You know what's going on inside MY body? Okay.....**rolls eyes** must be easy to be confident with a 50/50 shot lol

    Try to forget about those little jerks, and enjoy your pregnancy and your suprise!!
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    WTAF is wrong with people? Seriously. Ugh.
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    Omg yes. I have a friend who got her gender u/s 5 weeks ago and now she decides to say she thinks it is wrong. She already has a boy and this one is also a boy. She was like, "well they don't look alike".......I had to bite my tongue
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    It sounds like they were just going off of old wife's takes, like someone else mentioned. If your ultrasound tech knew you didn't want to know they sex they wouldn't give you a pic that would give it away. Whatever your friends were saying is just speculation, so I wouldn't be too upset at all. If they start explaining why they think it's a boy/girl, tell them to stfu.
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    Yes that's annoying.
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    I'm also highly doubtful that anyone could tell sex from a profile (head or body) pic.
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    Unfortunately, I do have to disagree. You can tell sex even if you aren't looking @ a crotch shot. We brought my mom with for DD and she said she knew it was a girl before the tech told her. (Mom's a nurse for 20+ yrs) She said that she saw ovaries and a uterus. So if there's an abdomen picture where those things are showing, they very well could have known. But it's still rude of them to point it out when you very clearly stated you weren't finding out.
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