January 2016 Moms

Pregnancy and (over) thinking

Looking for hopefully some, it's not only you, opinions. I'm a FTM, 15w4d. Ever since we found out we were expecting my mind trails off by itself and has me thinking of all the problems my baby could have. It's whenever I have down time, like driving or awake at night. Usually I'm really good with being positive and controlling my thoughts, but ever since baby I wake up in the middle of the night and my mind goes right towards syndromes, or not making it through labor, etc. I think that's why these thoughts make me so uncomfortable because I'm not used to thinking negatively or stressful things. I'm not trying to sound ridiculous, or complain when I have absolutely no reason to. It's just mentally exhausting, and I can't get myself to stop? Anyone else have the same thoughts quite often, or is it just me?

Re: Pregnancy and (over) thinking

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    I am a very big worrier as well. It doesn't help that you see stories about all the bad stuff in the news. This is my second so I think the fact that I have a happy, healthy baby girl helps calm my nerves. When I was pregnant with her and worried about disabilities or complications, I would think about work. I work with students with disabilities and know how wonderful they are, yes there are challenges, but I would remind myself that I wouldn't be given anything I couldn't handle. Just remember that you should try to enjoy this time because it really is a miracle!
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    I'm right there with you!! I've been finding things quite difficult recently, as I suffer with other mental health issues as well, which I am getting help with. But the added mind wondering makes everything else a lot harder to deal with.
    My gp and midwife both said that it is completely normal for alot of women to become anxious during pregnancy, and to over think things. It is a life changing event, and as you are a FTM, like myself, it is really hard to comprehend becoming a mum.
    It is best too talk to those that you love and who you are close to about how you are feeling. It's not good to keep how you are feeling to yourself. If you are finding it really hard definitely talk to your midwife, they are always there to help, and your GP as well.
    Big hugs to you, and we are always here for you on the bump. Xxxxxx
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    Definitely not just you. I spent the majority of the first 12 weeks having myself almost convinced that this pregnancy was doomed for failure for the baby, me, or both. Then right when I started to feel more positive (hormonal shift? I don't know), I got bad 1st trimester screening results and it started again. This past week since finding out that there's actually nothing wrong with LO, and we are both doing well, I have calmed down considerably and have actually enjoyed pregnancy a lot more than I was previously. So basically all I can say is, you're not alone, and the further along you get, you might find yourself getting more confident and worrying less. Hugs and thoughts and prayers to you and LO!
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