January 2016 Moms

Brown discharge

I am 18 weeks and 3 days, me and my partner had intercourse this morning about 11, I noticed when going to the toilet at 3, there was brownish discharge in my knickers and when I wiped. I read online this is normal but still very scary. Has anybody else had this?

Re: Brown discharge

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    Yes, and it's scary! 

    It truly is very, very normal. Especially after sex. Try not to stress about it too much. 
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    This is very normal. If you use the search feature on this topic, you will see how extremely common it is.

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    enkbenkb member
    Yep, happened to me at 17.5  weeks, I knew it could happen but I still freaked out and called my midwife.  She helped me feel better and I think if it happens again I'll be able to be a bit calmer. 
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    This happened to me when I was like 14 weeks I was freaked and started crying called the midwife it was perfectly fine. But I hadn't had sex that day so that's the only difference.
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    karynste19karynste19 member
    edited August 2015
    I had this for weeks (no exaggeration). At first I freaked, called my dr they did an exam and nothing was wrong. 3 times later I asked what the deal was. The answer: it's extremely common ESPECIALLY after sex. I was not having sex at the time so that led to more anxiety but I can tell you that it happens all the time. I talked to some girlfriends and all told me it happened to them.

    Call your dr and let them know. That way it's documented. That will make you feel better but know you're really in the majority here although most people don't talk about it in normal conversation.
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    If you are negative blood type you should be sure to let your doctor know for sure
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