January 2016 Moms

Daily Symptoms, Questions and Concerns - Aug 6

Here is the thread to post any weird feelings or symptoms, ask symptoms related questions, or share concerns about your pregnancy. Many of us experience similar symptoms and this thread helps us to keep each other informed and calm.
STM - EDD June 24 '18
DD - January 2016

Re: Daily Symptoms, Questions and Concerns - Aug 6

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    Last night when I ended up in. My tummy, I felt something like a tennis ball pushing back in at me. Kinda cool. I assume it was just me feeling my uterus. Anyone else notice something like that? It didn't hurt.
    STM - EDD June 24 '18
    DD - January 2016
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    Anyone else have tailbone pain? I know it's fairly normal, but I feel like 18 weeks is a little early for that!? It's killing me Everytime I get up and down!

    On the bright side, I slept amazing last night
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    Good morning! I've had lower back pain since early on so maybe tailbone pain can come at different times for different people?

    I have some Round Ligament Pain questions. I tried going through search but didn't get exact answers and figure I would bring it ip here!

    Last night I kept waking up with terrible right lower side twinges, woke me up out of a dead sleep at least six times. They were short but would come right back. I thought RLP would come and go, not be repetitive? Accompanied by light cramping which I know is normal has me sleepless today! Is this how you describe RLP?

    I also had twinges down my belly button after my shower that were brief and went away.

    I know this all could be normal and we all have crazy symptoms but it still gets me worried.

    Sorry for the super long post! My husband was a sweet heart but hearing from ladies in the same situation always helps me!
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    Yes to tailbone pain! Its awful. I sit at a desk all day and try to alternate from chair to medicine ball but now sitting on the ball makes my hips hurt. I have a feeling its going to get worse before better..
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    @nickicb7 I feel like I'm super aware of my uterus these days lol. I haven't laid on my stomach at all recently or felt anything like a tennis ball like you described, but if I lean into something I can tell when it's pushing on my uterus. It doesn't hurt, but I can feel it. It's a weird feeling! 
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    Feeling pretty good today.  I've been having a lot of RLP lately, so sneezing and sudden movements are painful.  @ChristinaAnneW what you are describing definitely sounds like RLP.  I asked my doctor about it at my last appointment, and he said it is completely normal.
    Me: 30 DH: 35 
    TTC #1 - Jan 2015
    BFP on 5/13/15
    DD born 1/24/16
    TTC #2 - Jun 2017
    BFP on 8/24/17
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I can also feel my uterus (I guess that's what it is), especially while biking or doing some types of exercise. I guess it's normal to feel it when you "squeeze" it somehow.
    I am feeling great but a bit anxious because I haven't felt movement at 18w and don't feel otherwise pregnant. I know it's normal and I dislike myself a little for not just enjoying it instead of worrying, but what can you do!
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    Some mamas may have seen me post this but anyone else nips burning?
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    anitamtl said:


    I can also feel my uterus (I guess that's what it is), especially while biking or doing some types of exercise. I guess it's normal to feel it when you "squeeze" it somehow.
    I am feeling great but a bit anxious because I haven't felt movement at 18w and don't feel otherwise pregnant. I know it's normal and I dislike myself a little for not just enjoying it instead of worrying, but what can you do!
    Dont worry, it can be anywhere from 16 - 24 weeks before you feel anything. First Time Moms are commonly later, because we can mistake the felling for other things. You'll feel baby move soon!
    STM - EDD June 24 '18
    DD - January 2016
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    Feeling great today besides wanting to shove my face with food every second..
    Any other day I'd be ok with it, but it's Our anniversary today. I'd like to get some face time with DH, but apparently a hungry body/baby isn't gonna allow that.
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    My nipples are so so so sore!!!! And my pelvis just throbs at times from my vagina back to my butt. I'm weening off my nausea meds but my ms is finally starting to actually disappear!!!!!! Knock on wood. I'm always hungry... I can eat a full bowl of protein and carbs and that usually settles me for an hour or more now I feel starving again 15 minutes later..... What's the deal Loralei mommys gonna get fats:/
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    Heartburn heartburn heartburn!
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    @QueenCarlissa - when I got out of bed this morning one of my nails barely scratched my nip and I screamed "ouch". My hubs thought I was exaggerating, but it seriously felt like it was on fire when that happened. First and only time I've felt any sort of burning.
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    Im SO CRABBY! I'm not even answering the phone for fear I'll rip someone's head off!
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    skfgskfg member
    @tammiv01 - I am the same way, my patience is at an all time low and I find being out and about around people really bothers me. I have been staying as close to home as possible.
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    I'm sick and tired of the food aversions. I want to eat like an adult again and not a 4 year old. Also, the yeast infections are driving me batshit crazy. 
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    I'm pretty sure what I was experiencing yesterday was round ligament pain. I had it earlier in the pregnancy but not like this. It was so painful I turned pale and thought I was going to be sick. It ended up easing after laying down but I continued to have cramps. I've had some today but not that painful.
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    Feeling pretty fine today...but I just took a legitimately 2 foot poop and literally exclaimed holy shit out loud when I looked into the toilet, my friend knocked on the door to ask if I was okay it was so loud.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I am also having lower back and tailbone pain. When I sit, stand or bend over I could cry. I'm only in my 15th week so I don't want to complain but it's unbearable sometimes. I just feel like it's too early and feel silly for saying anything.

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    I'm good today, except my feet are REALLY itchy. No rash or bug bites or anything, and I've been wearing flip flops forever. So weird! It's really driving me nuts!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Still nauseous and with food aversions. Smells in kitchen from family's stir fry made me want to retch...
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    I've been having almost shooting like pains all throughout my ribs for about two days. Just a handful of times each day but it makes me catch my breath when it happens. Anyone else experiencing this?
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    Not I. The
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    sbeara25 said:

    Not I. The

    Wow sorry app messed up and now I can't delete...

    I haven't experienced this during pregnancy but a couple years ago when my boobs had their growth spurt I experienced serious sharp pain in my ribs and down my arms. Doctor said at that point my boobs were pulling a nerve just wrong. So that could have something to do with it but I'm no doctor ;)

    If it's the same as what I had I hope it goes away soon. It wasn't fun at all
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    I just wanted to say thank you to all the ladies who took the time to get back to me about RLP today. It's much appreciated :)
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    These wacky dreams need to gooo. Last night I dreamt that a bat was living in our air ducts and at night turned into a scary vampire with extremely sharp teeth and would try to steal our baby.... Like, what? I don't even watch vampire shows, let alone scary movies. Get outta here with that.
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    Been having strange pains today. I dont quite know how to describe them, not a cramp, more like a sharp throb but it kind of pulses for a few minutes and goes away. It seems to be around my vagina, or just off to the side. Its weird. Not sure if its anything, no other symptoms, pains or bleeding of any kind. 
    STM - EDD June 24 '18
    DD - January 2016
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    lots of no sleep here, wide awake all night and lots of sick calls for work since I'm not sleeping!
    tonight stomach cramps, yay, I feel hungry at the same time I feel like I'm gonna vomit ... not sure f baby's just moving and stretching or if I'm actually
    gonna vomit.... love those moments
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    I'm trying to find a better way to sleep at night it seems like I always end up on my stomach and when I wake up I feel so soar at the bottom of my stomach then my little bump pops out and it goes away I know it's RLP but it's getting worse I'm only 16 weeks. The soarness wakes me up sometimes and when I change positions from side to side it feels weird and hurts!
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    I'm in week 19 now but my tummy is still small, hardly anyone recognizes that I'm pregnant. My weight remains unchanged since my first weeks. Is that normal :( I'm so worried that my baby is not growing big enough.
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    nickicb7 said:

    Been having strange pains today. I dont quite know how to describe them, not a cramp, more like a sharp throb but it kind of pulses for a few minutes and goes away. It seems to be around my vagina, or just off to the side. Its weird. Not sure if its anything, no other symptoms, pains or bleeding of any kind. 

    Maybe round ligament pain? It kind of sounds like what I've been experiencing.
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    gianglam said:

    I'm in week 19 now but my tummy is still small, hardly anyone recognizes that I'm pregnant. My weight remains unchanged since my first weeks. Is that normal :( I'm so worried that my baby is not growing big enough.

    Everyone gains weight differently in pregnancy. Have you discussed this with you doctor? If your doctor isn't worried, you shouldn't be worried either. If you search around you'll find that there this has been discussed a lot and the consensus is: everyone is different, this could be normal for you (we can't really tell you for sure), and to talk to your doctor. Hope that helps!
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    gianglam said:

    I'm in week 19 now but my tummy is still small, hardly anyone recognizes that I'm pregnant. My weight remains unchanged since my first weeks. Is that normal :( I'm so worried that my baby is not growing big enough.

    I've lost weight. Doc says it's ok though. I don't know about you but I've got a couple extra pounds that I could stand to lose ;) but in all seriousness talk to your doctor if you are really concerned. I know my baby is getting what it needs because I've got the extra fat to help. I also know someone who lost weight, was pretty skinny, never showed and didn't even know she was pregnant give birth to a healthy baby boy weighing 8 pounds. Boy was she surprised.
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    @nickicb7 I've also been having weird cramps/pains. It is usually in my lower stomach, but a few times this week a had cramps in my vagina. It felt really weird and when I tried to sit down a had a weird shooting pain up through my vagina! Ouch! Thankfully it passed quickly and doc said it was normal!
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Oh good, at least I'm not the only one. I feel better when other people have similar pains!
    STM - EDD June 24 '18
    DD - January 2016
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