December 2015 Moms

Helpful hints for leg cramps

Hello everyone! I was not able to find another discussion on this so if there is one please feel free to direct me!
I know leg cramps are really common during pregnancy. For the last week or so my calves have been cramping so bad at night that it wakes me up. Does anyone know of any tricks that have helped?

Re: Helpful hints for leg cramps

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    I was always told it can be caused by dehydration.. And that eating a banana can help because of the potassium... Drink lots and lots of water... Leg cramps suck!!
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    I used to get cramps in the middle of the night in my calves. I'm not sure who to prevent it (PP did that well) but a tip for when you get them (and i think this is only for calf cramps), is you just stand up. I know how much the hurt, but standing up, and putting your foot flat, makes it go away instantly! I've done it myself and it works!!
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    My mom suggested pickle juice, bananas, drinking lots of water and Gatorade.
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    Asked at my last appointment too. Doctor said a banana a night and keep hydrated.
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    Definitely drink lots of water. If I do get a cramp I usually would get up and walk around. I think last pregnancy I also had to teach myself at night to not stretch my legs. Over time I stopped doing it as much.
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    I read somewhere you can stretch your calf by slowly raising your toe. Just be careful not to point your toe like you would to stand on your tip toes.

    I had a lot of legs cramps in my first trimester this time. Besides all the things already mentioned, I loved it when I could talk hubby into giving me a massage with peppermint lotion.
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    Coconut water. My midwife swears by it. Has a ton of electrolytes. And I agree, once you get it, try to fight the pain and stand up or flex your foot. Hurts. But will usually go away after a few minutes.
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    Oh I'm so with you! I get them so badly I want to scream and I'm scared to fall back asleep because if I position my leg/foot wrong it'll trigger again. I had the same problem last pregnancy. I hate it! I've learned:
    - banana or two a day
    - coconut water is your friend
    - stay super hydrated but don't over hydrate just before bed (I swear when l do this it's worse, I think I must throw my potassium and electrolytes off and then I pay the price)
    - don't point your toes/straighten your leg at night if you can help it
    - if you feel one coming on bend your leg a little and bring your toes/foot up flat, like you're standing on the ground

    Good luck!
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    I have had this problem a bit too lately. I read that doing calf stretches throughout the day and/or before bed helps. (flexing the toes back, not pointing them). Standing with your toes up against the wall, leaning forward and stretching the calf out is a good one.
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    Anyone else ever have a sore muscle from the previous day's cramp?
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    Water, water, water! I've had lots of calf cramps, and worse, foot/toe cramps. It definitely seems tied to dehydration. And @belle750017: I did have a very sore muscle after 1 particular calf cramp overnight; it made me limp around the following morning, but it loosened up after a few hours.
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    Ta @lnbk1215, thought it odd! But here here to water! !!
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    Yes to the sore legs after cramps! I'm sure it's just that I'm not drinking enough water but they are so awful.
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    Yes I have limped many times in the morning!

    Also a strange thing I have heard of, my Nana puts a bar of soap between her sheets and swears by it for stopping leg cramps. No idea how it could help, but I googled it and many people do it, lol!
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    I've found when I exercise or stretch (when pregnant) that leg cramps either lessen or go away.... I am just soo lazy these days though.
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    My Ob told me the usual stay hydrated and bananas. She also suggested a teaspoon of yellow mustard before bed. It works for me when I start to feel my calves tightening up before full blown cramps.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Bananas and maybe Bengay if safe to use in pregnancy??
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    Pointing my toes towards my knees help to stop the cramp.
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    Like others have said, you can stop the cramps when they happen by pulling your foot up by the toes. I got them a lot last pregnancy and tried eating bananas, stretching before bed, and drinking more water. I wasn't able to stop them completely but it might have helped a little. I haven't gotten any so far this pregnancy. 
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    I swear by liquid cal/mag! It is great! All with drinking my gallon of water a day :-)
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