November 2015 Moms

The name fight

It took weeks of fighting and looking at names to finally agree. Literally weeks of arguing. But finally my husband has caved. Adriana Katheryn it is.

Is anyone else fighting over names?

Re: The name fight

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    Yep. Happened for our first too but then when we finally found one that we both liked it was such a relief. Still arguing over this babies name though.
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    lyankowilyankowi member
    edited August 2015
    With DD he looked at me the day before I was going to be induced and asked if we were decided on names. Guess we are kinda last minute. We had a name that I love and we get a lot of compliments on.
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    We haven't even talked names yet. I don't think we had at this point with my daughter either. Nothing has stood out enough to either of us yet. It'll come. We've got time. We don't officially decide until they are born anyway.
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    Hello from Sept 15- I am due in a month and we still have not settled on a boy name. My husband and I agreed on a girl name but were not having a girl lol. I know we can't leave the hospital without a name so one way or another in a month or so he'll have a name lol GL ladies
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    We're stuck on two girl names, so waiting until she arrives to decide I think.

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    DH and I agreed years ago that if we didn't agree, we threw the name out as an option.  We had a lot of time to talk about names considering it took 3 years of fertility treatments, close calls and let downs to get DS.  We are Team Green so we had a few girl names and boy names picked out for DS.  We'll just keep going down that list for this LO since we both still like the names.  
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    That's great ladies. It drove me crazy. I had to name her. It gave me such anxiety. I'm def a control freak. I need to plan for everything. Lol
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    We were arguing about baby girl names. We just couldn't seem to find anything that we both liked. Fortunately, we're having a boy and I think we only put 3 or 4 names out there before finding one that we loved.
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    I was set for Augustus to be a boy name. I finally caved, it's just finding the compromise :) 
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    When DH and I first got engaged I told him if we ever had a girl we were naming her in honor on my sister. Luckily he likes the name and Carolyn Beth is due in November. I let him pick the name for our boy (after his grandfather) and luckily I liked it. I feel like picking names was too easy for us. But if this one was a boy we would of had some challages, he liked Gary and I really hate it.
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    We argued about this baby's name for awhile. We both had a name we loved that the other hated, so those got vetoed. We finally agreed on a FN, but still can't agree on a MN.
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    We haven't made any progress on a name. I have a list, he has a list, I hate the names on his list (most are terribly popular), he isn't interested in the ones on my list. And at this point, none of the names I like are really standing out to me as "the one," either.
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    OH chose DS1 I chose DS2 and with this being a girl we were at logger heads with names. He didn't like the ones I liked & vice versa. But eventually we have agreed on a name finally. (It was one of the names I liked ;) and he finally came round to it.)
    Please not I never forced the name on him he came to like it himself :)
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    queenwog said:

    We haven't made any progress on a name. I have a list, he has a list, I hate the names on his list (most are terribly popular), he isn't interested in the ones on my list. And at this point, none of the names I like are really standing out to me as "the one," either.

    I looked at your post on the baby name board for inspiration months ago. I'm sorry yall are still having a hard time since I loved what yall were looking for (literary names are a big thing for me too).
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    I have a feeling I'm gonna have one of those babies that leaves the hospital without a name. My husband seems to think that the name "Hulk" is a good name for our baby boy. As in the Incredible Hulk. He's serious too. He says he doesn't like any of my names but the only one he has to suggest is Hulk. We don't even discuss names anymore. The name fight is tooooo real over here.

    Omg the fight was real here too
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    I have a feeling I'm gonna have one of those babies that leaves the hospital without a name. My husband seems to think that the name "Hulk" is a good name for our baby boy. As in the Incredible Hulk. He's serious too. He says he doesn't like any of my names but the only one he has to suggest is Hulk. We don't even discuss names anymore. The name fight is tooooo real over here.

    Haha oh my! I don't know if he's super into the hulk but the hulk's alter ego is Robert Bruce. So if you're into those names maybe he would go for one of them? Just an idea! Good luck!
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    Boy name came easy for us... girl name was a different ball game altogether. Everything I liked, he hated - and vice versa. So we stopped talking about them for a few weeks because it was a fight every time. One day he said out of the blue "how about xx name?" And I liked it. But I got to choose the MN.
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    I have a feeling I'm gonna have one of those babies that leaves the hospital without a name. My husband seems to think that the name "Hulk" is a good name for our baby boy. As in the Incredible Hulk. He's serious too. He says he doesn't like any of my names but the only one he has to suggest is Hulk. We don't even discuss names anymore. The name fight is tooooo real over here.

    Oh dear.  I mean, I went on and on about naming a potential boy Bruce Wayne [LastName], but in my defense a) Bruce is my father's middle name so its kind of a family name, and b) I was mostly joking.  My Hubs has suggested a few girl names I absolutely hate, and when he tries to get friends/family on his side about them I point out that, technically, I can tell the hospital that this nice man that came in with me isn't really the baby's father!

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    Before we could "settle" on a name (we still have a few options buy it pretty much narrowed down) we had to also comprise on theoretical third child name.
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    We have finally settled on names. We really struggled with boy names but have come to a consensus. We took the approach of each writing down our picks on a list, and the other person had the right to cross off what they didn't like. It worked well for us and we never argued about it.
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    We have finally settled on names. We really struggled with boy names but have come to a consensus. We took the approach of each writing down our picks on a list, and the other person had the right to cross off what they didn't like. It worked well for us and we never argued about it.

    I wish. I absolutely hated the girl names he chose. They were so boring. I liked Alessandra, Adriana, Adalind, and Adalynn

    He likes boring common names like Jessica and Melissa, Nicole

    We settled on Adriana Kathryn
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    kmkrushi said:

    I looked at your post on the baby name board for inspiration months ago. I'm sorry yall are still having a hard time since I loved what yall were looking for (literary names are a big thing for me too).

    We basically have the kind of last name that doesn't seem like it would be a problem but it's been a royal pain finding things we both like that aren't weird with our last name. There are a few that work with our last name but I'm just kind of "eh" about them.
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    queenwog said:

    kmkrushi said:

    I looked at your post on the baby name board for inspiration months ago. I'm sorry yall are still having a hard time since I loved what yall were looking for (literary names are a big thing for me too).

    We basically have the kind of last name that doesn't seem like it would be a problem but it's been a royal pain finding things we both like that aren't weird with our last name. There are a few that work with our last name but I'm just kind of "eh" about them.
    That's kind of where I am with the ones we're down to. I like them, they were even my suggestions, but they aren't the ones I LOVED and wanted. I'm letting them grow more and more on me. But my heart still wants my favorites back...

    FYI the favorites I wanted are or names we had to rule out were:
    Josephine (Little Women)
    Cordelia (Shakespeare)
    Rosalind (Shakespeare)
    Silvia (Plath)
    Melina (Australian author who's last name I can never spell)
    Francesca (book by above author, also my grandfather was Frank)

    Also DD is Emilia (also Shakespeare) and we are considering Viola (again Shakespeare, also the YA Chaos Walking series), feel free to use any or maybe it will spark something for you.
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