November 2015 Moms

Johnson and Johnson

iv been seeing a lot of posts about the Johnson brand can posion your child. Has anyone done any research about this, is it even true. I know Facebook and the social media in general can go above and beyond to make everyone believe and false statement but with my nugget on the way it made me think. What is everyone's opinion

Re: Johnson and Johnson

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    I use it on DD and she's fine. I'm sure I use some of their products too and I'm fine as well.
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    I just read something once about their baby powder linking to cancer. I planned on using coconut oil and cornstarch for diaper rashes anyways

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    It's the same as everything else we use has chemicals that can harm us in the long run, there is a documentary called the human experiment on Netflix that talks more about it. We still use it
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    My son has sensitive skin. The pediatrician told me Johnson and Johnson has a lot of fragrances in them that make it smell the way it does and ends up drying out baby skin. I started using Aveeno which was also on a similiar report, but his skin cleared up
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    Unless a child has a specific reaction to it, it's fine. It's soap.
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    I just read something once about their baby powder linking to cancer. I planned on using coconut oil and cornstarch for diaper rashes anyways

    My mom did that with all of us and it cleared it up faster for us.. And I'm going to do that for my little man!! Unless it doesn't work then I'll do desitin
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    JessicaS0914JessicaS0914 member
    edited August 2015
    Most "baby powders" sold these days are no longer talc and are pure cornstarch
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    I just read something once about their baby powder linking to cancer. I planned on using coconut oil and cornstarch for diaper rashes anyways

    I have 3 or 4 bottles that where given at a baby shower with DD1 who is 5. I never used it for rashes. I always used desitin or butt paste. They both worked great and cleared it up in a day if not less. Baby powder is to messy to me.

    As for the products I use Johnson and Johnson and had no real problems but the natural is great if anyone is worried. Also Aveeno is awesome especially if your child has sensitive skin. If your on a budget or go through more because you have more kids Johnson and Johnson is the way to go.
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    Thanks for this post! I registered for aquaphor brand products after being nervous from seeing so many articles about Johnson and Johnson. But of course there are articles about pretty much everything for babies with some sort of reason why it's bad for them
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    J&J turned my first little man into a big rash. We switched to aquaphor everything and his skin issues cleared up. Planning on using aquaphor again for this little one.
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    Johnson is a wonderful company and like a previous poster cited about they have removed chemicals and those articles are old. We will be using Johnson products. My husband is also from the same city the Johnson family is from and the work they put back into the community is amazing. Another reason we support the brand.
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