March 2015 Moms

Active sleeper

my LO constant flips to his stomach during the night. He used to sleep on his back and sides just fine but it scares me because I can hear him flip over and he always stays face down im afraid he won't turn his head and suffocate. Does anyone else's baby flip to their tummy like that at night? If so how do you handle it? I don't want to stick anything in his crib he can stick his face in.

Re: Active sleeper

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    I've got this kind of bumper my sister gave me, although I've never used it. It has two 'rails' on either side, joined flat in the middle. It has Velcro to adjust the size. You place the baby on it, and the sides stop them from rolling.
    You could roll up two towels and put them underneath the fitted sheet to keep secure and safe and place bub between them. They'll never know hehe, and hopefully keeps his still.
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    That sounds like a good idea. I'll try something like that. He's so active. He even flips to his stomach in his bouncer.
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