March 2016 Moms

Having no symptoms?

I am slightly nervous because I don't even feel pregnant. Maybe it's because this is my third pregnancy and my youngest is only 9 months old so I am used to feel tired? My nipples are not sore. I have no acne. Hardly any cramping feeling. No unusual nausea. No vivid dreams. I'm worried this means there is no baby growing. Anyone else not feel pregnant?

Re: Having no symptoms?

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    I'm 5w5d and I don't feel pregnant really until night time. That's when I can feel my breasts are really sore and my dreams out of this world. Outside of that day to day activities I don't feel pregnant. According to a lot of things I've read so far that this can be totally normal!! I'm not worrying too much about it, I don't think you should either! I hope you feel a bit better soon!!!
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    I am slightly nervous because I don't even feel pregnant. Maybe it's because this is my third pregnancy and my youngest is only 9 months old so I am used to feel tired? My nipples are not sore. I have no acne. Hardly any cramping feeling. No unusual nausea. No vivid dreams. I'm worried this means there is no baby growing. Anyone else not feel pregnant?

    I didn't have any of those with my second pregnancy and she's now 17 months old. I feel the same way this time around too. Lack of symptoms doesn't mean a thing. I understand why you'd find comfort in experiencing the traditional symptoms but try to look at this positively. .you're pregnant and feel good, that's pretty awesome. :)


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    I had zero symptoms with my ds. Maybe a tiny queasiness maybe here and there, but really I did not feel pregnant at all until well into my second trimester. This time around I am not so lucky, enjoy it my friend.
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    I feel the same. I'm 8w2d and still really have nothing except being tired. No vivid dreams, no sore boobs, no nausea. I have my first appt today so hope it goes well.
    DH ~ 33 Me ~ 36 DS ~ 8 DD ~ 1 #3 Due 3/5/16

    Lilypie - (7we2)

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    I had no symptoms with my first two pregnancies. It differs so much between women! This pregnancy I feel every symptom, so I'm wondering if it's a girl?!
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    Same with me! This is my 3rd also, DD1 is almost 5 and DD2 is 2.5 and I almost don't believe I'm pregnant, my first appointment is Wednesday so maybe I will believe it then
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    I feel the same way. It's my first pregnancy and I wouldn't have even known I was pregnant if my cycle wasn't late! I'm 5+5 today and I really get paranoid that the baby isn't growing like he/she should.
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    Feeling the same as well... I'm 5+4 today and I go about my day to day activities sometimes forgetting I'm even pregnant!
    Only feel slight fatigue and sometimes sore nipples but that's about it.
    My last pregnancy which ended in a MC at 6+5 I had a lot of symptoms after conception that made me aware I was pregnant before the test, this one I only considered it because I was late.

    Every pregnancy is different and the lack of excess of symptoms can't give you any indication of how a pregnancy will turn out.
    But wishing us all a h&h 9 months!
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    I was just reading about morning sickness today and an old wives tale is morning sickness means its a girl! So does bad skin, the old girls steal your beauty thought. And I didn't feel like this with my son and I had great skin! Just be happy and enjoy it. I felt fine until two days ago and then the nausea kicked it.

    Pregnancy Ticker

    March '16 February Siggy challenge- After Pregnancy hopes

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    I only have fatigue & sore boobs that have doubled in size in the past week. I get a little nauseated in the evenings, but not every day. I also wake up twice a night to pee and wake up hungry about 230 am. No symptoms does not mean something is wrong. Enjoy the good times because it could always get worse at any time!
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    Im feeling the same exact way..DD is 8 months old so being tired is my norm...when I was pregnant w DD last year I had extreme nausea I was put on 2 different meds, had respiratory infection, ear infection, plenty of vivid dreams and this time NOTHING so I am definitely nervous as well
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    I'm the same way. Zero morning sickness, not really tired the only thing for me is my boobs hurt!
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    You all are so lucky to feel no symptoms!! I've been sick to my stomach now for about a week and I'm 5w4d. Oh and the sore boobs oh my. Congrats to everyone!
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    I have slight symptoms. The last two mornings I've thrown up, but that's because my OB switched my prenatal and my body hates it. Breast only slightly tender, weird feeling in lower stomach. It changes from day to day. Today I don't feel as pregnant, but yesterday I did. I hear that's normal.
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    pbrad15 said:

    I have slight symptoms. The last two mornings I've thrown up, but that's because my OB switched my prenatal and my body hates it. Breast only slightly tender, weird feeling in lower stomach. It changes from day to day. Today I don't feel as pregnant, but yesterday I did. I hear that's normal.

    My prenatal vitamins made me nauseous in the past, so I started taking them right before bed instead of in the morning. It made such a difference!
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    Hi all, I'm 7 weeks pregnant and have had symptoms up until today I still have sore boobs, and tired I'm just worried something is wrong, I go for my first prenatal appointment on the 10th of August any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is my first pregnancy
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    I am with you! I am 9+4 and I was so sick, always nauseas, not wanting to eat and sore breasts and now... Nothing. My breasts are still a little tender but I am freaking out. This is my first pregnancy as well. I heard the heartbeat at 7w4d. I have no cramping or bleeding tho. I am just scared because I keep reading about all these "missed miscarriages".
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    I'm as far along as you & the same as you we saw bub at 7 + 4 & our next ultrasound is NT scan at 11 + 5 so 2 & a bit weeks to go , but like you I was sick & now I'm not & it freakkkkkssss the hell out of me , although my boobs are huge & kill & yes I agree I keep seeing these mmc everywhere & I am so scared of going to this scan & the fact there's still 2+ weeks to wait

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    anna961anna961 member
    edited August 2015
    Oh ladies i thought thats not normal until i read ur comment i'm 6 weeks today and i was thinking that maybe im not preg, this is my third pregnancy and im 37 my big boy is 9yrs and the girl is 7yrs i just have boobies sore and little nausea but i dunno its very different than my other pregnancies i i used to stay in bed from nausea before.
    I will not believe im preg until i see my baby
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    Same like me , its so weird
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    I'm 7w4d today which is the exact day my first pregnancy ended in April. Since about Sunday I really haven't had any symptoms. Sore boobs here and there, nausea on occasion. It scares me everyday and I'm always thinking the worst since I had a mmc with no obvious signs the last time. I'm taking it one day at a time because as MANY people say, having symptoms or not does not indicate how a pregnancy is progressing. Everything is out of our hands at this point and we must try to enjoy symptom-free days while we can! My next US is 8/10 so hoping to see the heartbeat then and maybe actually RELAX!! Good luck to you all ❤️
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    My symptoms have disappeared twice now for 2-4 days each time and then have returned with vengeance. I googled it a million times and it looks like experiences with symptoms vary wildly from person to person and pregnancy to pregnancy. Try not to stress.
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    Girl i feel you im 8 weeks today and the only "symptoms" ive experienced was at 5 weeks sore boobs for a couple days and a lil nauseous but since then apart from being a little more tired than normal i had no symptoms.. just CRAZY dreams. And the way i see it, as long as im still having those dreams i have nothing to worry about... hope this helped... (:
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    I'm 5wks 4days into my pregnancy and I have no symptoms at all. If it wasn't for me missing a period I wouldn't even have known i am pregnant. It got me worried to the point I was paranoid and bought a few more tests just to make sure but the lines even brighter :)
    I have two boys and was sick from week 4 so fingers crossed this time there's a little lady growing :) xx
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    Same here. Im 7w5d and my only real symptoms are having to get up twice a night to pee, and just slightly tender boobs. Sometimes if I wait too long to eat I start to feel a little nausea, but I eat small frequent meals so I don't know if those things go together. I'm terrified of missed miscarriage and keep thinking that the lack of symptoms must mean something bad.
    This is my first pregnancy after 5 years TTC, so I've got no clue what to expect anyway. I'm trying to just roll with the punches and not worry - "enjoy the pregnancy and feel lucky for not having morning sickness" as everyone tells me. Lol
    A week and a half until my u/s and hopefully then I can relax a little. I figure, this is just the beginning of the rest of my life worrying about my Little Fish.
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    I understand! This is my first pregnancy and I'm 6w2d, with little to no symptoms. I did not expect to feel this good! I told my husband I sometimes "forget" I'm pregnant because I don't feel any different. Hang in there. We should be grateful for the good days! Best of luck to everyone! Here's to an exciting 9 months!
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