3rd Trimester

Sharp/ stabbing pain, menstrual-like pain, back spasm pain, sciatic pain.

So I have had sciatica problem since the first trimester. I have dealt with this using the cat-cow exercise and it helps with the back spasms and sciatica pain. Since mid third trimester I have been getting either menstrual-like pain, or a sharp/stabbing pain in my very low pelvic area often. Also the back spasm pain has gotten really intense to where i have to stop what i am doing and move around into a new position (walking vs sitting or sitting vs walking). They have never happened at the same time. I am almost 37 weeks and for the first time, yesterday they have all been coming at the same time. I don't think i am feeling BH contraction because my stomach is not tightening at all. It is not just the back spasm pain, sharp pain, or menstrual pains, but all at the same time now. Anyone know what each of them mean? And how do I stop the sharp / stabbing pain? And does the menstrual - like pain mean anything? And if they are all happening at the same time does it mean something? What do they mean and how do I fix them? I would ask my doctor but she never gets back to me within the same day, and i always feel dumb asking our local L&D Triage... 

Re: Sharp/ stabbing pain, menstrual-like pain, back spasm pain, sciatic pain.

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    Don't feel dumb asking questions regarding your health or the health of your child. It could be a number of things. Call your dr and/or your L&D so a medical professional can help you. Good luck.
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    @cmichelle0423 Thank you, I took your advice and got in touch with my clinic.  I was able get an appointment with my doctor next day (which we all know is impossible so I was pretty happy about that). 

    She said sharp stabbing pain, menstrual like pain, and back spasm aching pain were all just different types of Braxton Hicks labor pains. She said the sciatic pain that comes with the back labor sometimes. And when they are all happening at the same time is what a real labor pain is like. She said I need to watch for contractions every ten minuets, and if that happens it'll be the real deal. I am 36 weeks and dilated to a 1 as of today. Pretty excited my little one can make an appearance at any time now. 
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