August 2015 Moms

Baby Measuring Bigger Than Average and Extra Amniotic Fluid

At my 35 week ultrasound my doctor says that my baby is measuring larger than average and that I have extra amniotic fluid. During previous visits the doctors have said she could be one to two weeks further along, but I don't see why that would result in extra amniotic fluid. My blood pressure has been good and I just took my second glucose test to check for gestational diabetes, but I haven't gotten back the labs for that yet. The first test came back fine and everything else appears to be normal. I made the mistake of looking up information on extra amniotic fluid and possible problems with larger babies and now I'm worried. The doctor made it seem like there was nothing to worry about yet, but I can't help but worry about my baby. Has anyone had a similar experience? Thank you!

Re: Baby Measuring Bigger Than Average and Extra Amniotic Fluid

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    They haven't mentioned doing another ultrasound, but that could always change. My next appointment is Monday (I'll be 37 weeks and 3 days at that point), just for a regular check up. Hopefully, they can give me more answers then. I appreciate your response!
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    Thank you!
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    I had been told I had higher fluid by the ultrasound tech but then when I asked the doctor what mine was and what was normal, I was normal (just on the higher end of normal).
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    WeringWering member
    I had extra fluid with my first and it did not affect the pregnancy. Baby was born 8 lb 8 oz which was smaller than what they'd estimated her to be. I did not have GD, it was just something that happened. Apparently 50% of "extra fluid" is unexplained.
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    Thank you, that makes me feel better!
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    I just got the same news last week at 34 weeks. I also made the mistake of looking up polyhydramnios and it was scary. However, I also read that with a small amount of extra fluid, a lot of times the cause is never determined, meaning mom and baby are fine. My Dr. said there is a great chance of a breech baby because they have more room to flip than they would usually, but there is nothing to be done about that.

    My Dr. doesn't want me going past my due date, so if I haven't gone into labor before then, she will induce me. I also have an ultrasound this week and another at 36 weeks to see how everything looks.

    I would guess that if your Dr. hasn't mentioned another ultrasound, then she isn't worried about it. So you shouldn't be either! :)
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    I have extra fluid. I get bi-weekly ultrasounds to monitor my fluid, along with several other things. As of right now, Dr and I are not concerned. It sounds like your Dr isn't concerned so as hard as it may be, try to stay calm about it until you see him/her next and hopefully they can help put your concerns to rest. GL.
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    Same with me, the only way they are going to induce is if she isn't here by my due date. I'll do my best not to worry, but it's so difficult sometimes. I just have to remember that it won't change the outcome. Thank you!

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    I never trust these measurements. With my first they told me he was over 9lbs a week before i delivered. He was only 8lbs 5oz when i delivered. I've never known anyone whose measurements who were correct.
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    That's reassuring. They estimated her to be 7lbs, give or take a pound at 35 weeks.

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    nputnput member
    I had the same results at my 34 week appointment. My OB told me my fluid will most likely decrease in the next few weeks, at 34-35 weeks it tends to measure a little higher sometimes. At my 37 week appointment my amniotic fluid decreased to 15cm and at 38 weeks is still 15cm. My baby is measuring a little ahead of schedule too. Don't worry it will be okay!
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    Thank you! It's good to know that I'm not the only one. It seems to be pretty common.
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    my little girl is allegedly already 5lbs and a couple of ounces (at 33 weeks).  I am skeptical though because at my 35 week scan with my last baby they were telling me she was already 7 pounds 5 oz and I started panicking about having a Huge baby and she was born at 6 pounds 3 oz.  
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    Goodness! Definitely great to hear because I keep picturing her making it to her due date and being 12lbs! :p
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