October 2015 Moms

3d ultrasound

carlymarie021carlymarie021 member
edited July 2015 in October 2015 Moms
anyone schedule a 3d ultrasound ? My doctor does not do them. I called a place that does and they told me best time to come in is between 28 and 31 weeks. I'm 28w 4d.. They are a bit pricey but I'm sure they are worth it.

Re: 3d ultrasound

  • AiramJAiramJ member

    I am going to have mine next week Monday. I am so excited to see my boy! I found an affordable package, including 3 pictures. I might even do another one a month before I am due :-)

  • carmv01carmv01 member
    edited July 2015
    I got to have a 3D ultrasound at my very first prenatal appointment because I was so far along (long story here) and it was just amazing. Unfortunately my husband was not with me at the time (I was told it was just going to be an exam and blood work for my first appointment), so I have a private 3D/4D ultrasound scheduled for us this Friday. I'll be 27+3. I seriously cannot wait to see my baby again. We can bring whomever we want to the ultrasound, so my in-laws and my little sister will be joining us. I'd like to bring more of my family but it's in the middle of the afternoon and no one else can make it. At least I'll be getting a DVD of the whole thing, CD of images, prints, a link to the stream, etc. for those who can't make it. My husband will be there and can finally see the baby...that's all that matters.
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  • We did an elective for gender determination. Cost started at 125 for 3D, we just did regular though for 75. Coolest thing was my 2 year old came with and the whole baby brother thing became a lot more real to him!
  • Very cool! Yeah I'm calling today to get more details on what these packages include it is a bit pricey unfortunately. Their website doesn't tell you much.
  • We're going to have one done around 30 (so 2 and a half ish) weeks. I can't wait!
  • We had one about 2 weeks ago but our baby likes to have its hands, legs, and the cord all in his/her face so we didn't really get to see anything :( 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Got one this morning at 27+3 weeks. It was worth it to me! She was a bit stubborn and had her hand by her face a lot of the time, but we got some good face shots. I was torn about doing it, but I found a doctor's office that offered it for only $90 (as opposed to the $125+ I was seeing), and it was a chance for my mom to come with. 

    It was so nice to see that she's happy as a clam in there, with all parts accounted for. And we are now 100% sure we won't be having a surprise sex reveal at birth, because she was not bashful about showing off her girl parts :)
  • I had one done at 18w2d to find out the sex because they don't tell us here during our anatomy scans or any other time !! It was definitely worth it and so amazing to watch !!
  • cmjn94cmjn94 member
    Precious baby faces! Love! I can't wait to meet my baby!
  • Here's ours from this morning :)
  • Wouldn't put his foot down! :x
  • I'm debating it. I'm staying team green, but they're really cool. I wouldn't mind seeing how baby looks.
  • I think I need to get one now that baby has fattened up. We got a quick peek during the anatomy scan when baby was all skin and bones and it was not what you imagine a chubby baby to look like! Wanting something a little more baby like until the real thing!
  • I have mine Thursday, I'll be exactly 29 weeks. My doc said they try and do them between 25-28 weeks but I see plenty of them done at 29 weeks and they're fairly clear. The cost at my doc office is 100$.
  • We had one when I was 25 and a half weeks :) to me it's so worth it.
  • I did mine today actually and I am 27 weeks and 1 day. The umbilical cord was in the way and it was very difficult to get a clear image. But I'd say it was worth it to see my baby once more before the due date. I can't get my image to attach. Sorry
  • They told me to drink ALOT of fluid ... I'm guessing this makes a difference in the clarity of the picture ?
  • @carlymarie021 my doctor told me a full bladder helps push the baby up higher for the ultrasound to get a better image ... But honestly for me both at the doctor and at the 3D ultrasound place I went with a full bladder and they had me empty it because it was too full. So confusing lol
  • That is confusing lol .. I am waiting for a call back from the 3d sono place. Wel see.. il post when I get them !! So excited.
  • You don't need a full bladder with 3D ultrasounds ! At least we don't here
  • When are you going to go?? So exciting !! I hope your baby participates! Our daughter hid behind her hands and feet the whole time when I went at 23 weeks and thank God they let us go back for free ! She cooperated the second time ;) haha
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