March 2016 Moms

Any Mom To Be-s attempt to Fly at their 1st Trimester???

well it's summer time and I am planning to go somewhere but with car it takes 10 hours and with this heat I am pretty sure it is not the best idea to have a road trip. So if I just take the plane it will be like 1 hour only, did any of you girls fly during this first trimester? Or talk about this with your doc? I don't know if it's safe because of the fake oxygen and the pressure.. :/

Re: Any Mom To Be-s attempt to Fly at their 1st Trimester???

  • It's safe.  My biggest concern would be morning sickness, if you have it make sure you have a puking backup plan in case you can't get up to use the rest room or its occupied at the time.  

    When I fly pregnant I also opt out of the full body scanners.  Most say it's not a big deal, and maybe it's not, but it's also not a big deal to go through the traditional scanners, TSA has never given me a hard time about it.
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  • I'm flying at 8 weeks and I'm scared too. But mostly worried about morning sickness... And traveling with a toddler. It isn't something I'm looking forward to. I wasn't pregnant when we booked this trip lol
    I didn't know you can opt out of the full body scans!
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  • I've flown regularly through my pregnancy, I'm now 24 weeks, short flights and 9+ hours transatlantic. It's safe to fly until 37 weeks if you are having a normal pregnancy.

    Get some ginger ale and crackers to help with morning sickness when get get airside and collect all the sickness bags on the plane you can get, always handy to keep in your purse.

    I'm not sure what 'fake' oxygen is, oxygen is oxygen. The pressure will only negatively affect you and the baby if you jump out of the plane - so no skydiving!!!

    Flight attendants still work and fly when they are pregnant, so you'll be just fine.
  • It's perfectly safe. I'm flying next week. BYOBarfbag.
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  • mb0112mb0112 member
    I will be flying for a wedding at 9 weeks. About 3 hours each way. I already get motion sickness so I hope I don't have MS too! Normally I'd take Dramamine but guessing that is not safe while pregnant-- haven't checked yet. Booked aisle seats :-&
  • HernsyHernsy member
    I flew for work and fun at least twice a month my last pregnancy until about 32 weeks. Flying while sick is no fun & bring snacks. You can carry on outside food that isn't liquid.
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  • mdr619mdr619 member
    edited July 2015
    Check with your doc, but it should be fine.  We are taking a trip to Texas next month and I'll be about 12 weeks.  With DS we had our babymoon in Hawaii and that's a 6 hour flight.  Nothing to be concerned about except I did have a lot of back pain, but I have back problems from a previous car accident.

    ETA:  When pregnant I prefer the pat down as opposed to the x-ray scanner thing when going through security.  You may want to consider that as an option.
  • I just got back from a trip. When I left, I was 5 weeks, and 6 weeks when I returned. The flight was 5 hours, and I didn't have any problems. I was concerned I might have morning sickness, so I brought an arsenal of crackers, but fortunately, it was smooth flying. My doctor told me to get up and walk around a bit every hour.

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  • mb0112mb0112 member
    I've seen a pregnant woman ask about the X-ray machine before and they told her it was ok.... I don't really trust that though. Maybe it's harmless, but I think I'd rather just do the patdown and not rely on TSA to tell me what's safe. I won't see my doctor or midwife yet before I fly, and I guess I could call and ask, but don't really mind the patdown so I will do that instead.
  • It's safe. I'll be flying 3-4 times in August. The "x-ray" machine actually is not x ray, it's some other kind of technology. However, if you're uncomfortable going through it you can inform them that you're pregnant and request a pat-down instead.
    If you have any concerns, and/or you're high risk, you should ask your doctor.
  • Flying and driving are both safe throughout your pregnancy. Just get up to stretch.
    My TTC History:
    2009: missed miscarriage #1 at 9 weeks (trisomy 16)
    2010: Infertility
    2011: Diagnosis and treatment (low sperm count, anastrozole for DH, clomid for me + IUI)
    2012: Baby #1
    2014: Baby #2
    October 2015: missed miscarriage #2 at 11 weeks (trisomy 22)
    March 2016 BFP#5, due November 2016.

    My Charts since 2009

  • Thank you everyone:) @TacoSarah you made me laugh so hard with the skydiving part :) well I will visit my doc before I fly and beside I guess I am safe to fly after all the comments :) thank you again!
  • Flying is perfectly safe. I traveled to Europe at 10 weeks, I just made sure to avoid the body scanner and opted for a pat down. I also wore compression socks. The first flight was 10 hours and was at night. I did ok, but the flight back was miserable. I made sure to get up and walk once every hour and tried to keep up on fluids and snacks and that helped.
    BFP #1 - 12/30/12 - EDD 9/13/13 - CP

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  • Just got back from a flight across the country and felt totally fine...maybe just a little more bloated than usual. And I opted out of the full body scanners and got the pat down. On the plus side I think I have a new TSA agent girlfriend at LAX.
  • I'm a flight attendant , 8 weeks Prego, and still flying constantly. Trust me, it's safe.
  • Thank you thank you thank you girls :) hope you are doing fine keep healthy and enjoy your pregnancy!
  • Thank you this was reassuring! I'm travelling for work at the end of the month to Texas and I will just be at 6w at that point. Duly noted about everyone's comments about the barf bags. I don't travel often (and rarely to the USA), if they say I've been randomly selected for that big scanning machine (I apologize for my lack of knowledge) that you stand in and put your hands up - I can request a patdown correct?
  • oomph87 said:

    Thank you this was reassuring! I'm travelling for work at the end of the month to Texas and I will just be at 6w at that point. Duly noted about everyone's comments about the barf bags. I don't travel often (and rarely to the USA), if they say I've been randomly selected for that big scanning machine (I apologize for my lack of knowledge) that you stand in and put your hands up - I can request a patdown correct?

    Yes , but you may need to disclose that you are expecting !

    Ps it is very hot here in Texas right now , if you are traveling to Dallas/Fort Worth Especially we are in the 100+ degrees Fahrenheit consistently so I would pack light.

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  • @oomph87 I was more concern about the flight, at the airport don't worry you can tell that you are pregnant and security can check you with bare hands and let you go but at my last flight to US I was just curious and asked about the machine that you were taking about ( stand with your arms open and it turns around you) the security guy told me that this new ones are safe not like the regular 'door types' and then there is an information written there says this machine is safer than your cellphone.. I guess that is ok to just pass in but anyway you can tell them you are expecting and they won't push you to walk in so don't worry about the security :) I was more concern about the radiation in the plane and the circumstances but I guess it is all ok because soooo many pregnant ladies fly all the time :)
  • @samanthafavorite I'm travelling to San Antonio. I'm there for a work conference so majority of my day will be spent indoors but this is a really good point and I will need to keep this in mind. @mommytobe2122 ah I see!! Ok super good information to know, this really eases my concerns.
  • ~*lurking*~

    I flew at 7 weeks and 9 weeks, and again, last week, at 28 weeks with no issues at all. Talk to your doctor. Good luck, and I hope you get to enjoy a nice trip soon!
  • I flew at 12 weeks - no problem other than bad nausea.  I opted for pat down rather than body scan - just tell them you're pregnant.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
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  • jshaw6jshaw6 member
    Last pregnancy, I flew at about 5 weeks. TSA was very nice about it when I opted out if full body scan! This time around, we had to road trip at 4 1/2 weeks with the toddler. Definitely would prefer flying if we could!
  • I am a flight attendant and many of my coworkers flew right until 36 weeks. Anyone with normal risk pregnancy is fine to fly! I am higher risk so my doc may ground me and I'm alright with that, but will still fly for holidays!
  • mb0112mb0112 member
    My flight is in 2 weeks, I'll be 8/9 weeks, and I'm more scared about how I'll handle the flight than any actual safety. I usually take Dramamine for motion sickness and it helps me fall asleep, but don't want to take it now. I saw they have "Dramamine naturals" which is just a super high dose of ginger. I might try that along with the sea bands.
  • As an update - just flew at 6w 1d and everything was a-ok! I just got up 1-2 times to go to the bathroom but other than that it was good. Fortunately I did not feel sick! Just a wee bit gassy ;)
  • J234J234 member
    I flew at 8 weeks. No problems except nausea. I had an aisle seat which was handy. I flew at 7 months with my first kiddo and that was also fine. Bring your own water so you can stay hydrated.
  • I just flew at 6 weeks (flying back at 7 weeks tomorrow).
  • I will be flying transatlantic at 32 weeks... as long as its a healthy pregnancy you are fine... 

    I figure you are always uncomfortable in a flight, this one will be particuarlly miserable but worth seeing the family.
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  • I flew a couple weeks ago. 
    Tuesday's sonogram still looked good.
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  • ecwkecwk member
    Flew at seven weeks, will fly back at over ten weeks. Got a pat down at the airport, though the guy I told I wanted one was a real moron. Anywayyyy I want to fly transatlantic at Christmas, hope I can!!

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  • Hi @mommytobe2122! I'm 8 weeks today, and just flew from Los Angeles to San Francisco for work for the day yesterday. I checked with my doc ahead of time, and got the green light to fly throughout my first and most of my second trimesters with one caveat - make sure you're flying to an area that has top notch healthcare available just in case. I brought along some water, Belvita crackers and air popped popcorn, just to have some healthy snacks, and I made sure to sit at the front of the plane so I'd have easy access to the restie, just in case nausea hit. I've also found if you let the flight crew know you're pregnant when you arrive to your gate, they'll usually make special arrangements to get you onboard first, just so you can get comfy (and if you're on Southwest, so you can get an aisle seat or a seat close to the restroom). Good luck! 
  • It's safe to fly up until 36 weeks. Remember that in a plane because of the air pressure you get dehydrated quicker so remember to drink Lots of water
  • I flew and was alright, but I haven't had very much morning sickness. Took a boat ride... now that was an AWFUL idea. 
    Me: 31 | DH: 43
    BFP #1: 7/15/15, SB: 11/14/15
    Rainbow baby DS born 9/29/16!!
    BFP #3 3/26/18 | Due 12/3/18
  • Definitely Safe. I think I flew every trimester with both my first pregnancies, and flying out next weeks at 8 weeks and back at 11 weeks.
  • I flew internationally several times during my first trimester with my son and he seems fairly normal (despite his love of showing his poop). Doctor's are fine with it (flying). I think you'll be ok.
  • I just flew yesterday (7w5d) and I was nervous but it went fine. I made sure I had a big bottle of water and lots of snacks. I also made sure to get up and walk twice to keep re blood circulating. I will say I felt like crap when I got off the plane at the end of our travels and was thankful someone was picking us up.
  • Yes ma'am! I had a trip to Peru scheduled before realizing I was preggers. I flew at about 6/7 weeks. My doctor is not very strict with all these studies on random things. The concern with flying is sitting for too long in later trimesters due to risk of blood clots. Also, peeing frequently makes it tough so get an aisle seat if possible!
  • It's safe.

    I've flown in the first trimester and I am planning on flying during the second (around 18/19 weeks). I'm more concerned about my comfort than anything. Those airplane seats can be uncomfortable at the best of times.... Let alone obviously pregnant
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