July 2015 Moms

Wednesday randoms

Woo what a night, so I was scheduled for an induction with a 4:30am check in. Last night they called at 8 to tell me they were busy and my time was bumped that they'd call sometime today with a new time. We'll I stayed up till about 2:30 finally go to bed, get a call at 4:20 to say they were good for me to come on in for my original 5am induction. So baby time!!!!!!!!!

What's up with all of you ladies today? Thinking of my other July mom's out there getting induced today.

Re: Wednesday randoms

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    I'm up right now feeding my babe who must be going through a growth spurt. This mama is exhausted. On a positive note, the heat index won't be 115 degrees today...which means I can get out of the house with him for the first time in 3 days! :)
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    My Great Dane found poison ivy in our yard. So my job for today is to keep him from scratching the spots, making it worse, and spreading it through the house.
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    @babymorgan72015 good luck! Hope everything goes well :) on another note, I haven't been able to sleep well all night. I keep getting up -_- I'm 39 weeks today & I hope my little one decides to make his appearance soon
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    39+2 today and I just hate people right now. I'm very grateful for a day of work today because after the day I had yesterday, I want to hide until baby comes... Such at this rate feels like it may be never.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    So the temp guy I was training to fill in for me has been "sick" all week, I'm thinking he really doesn't want to make the drive everyday for the next 6 weeks (its an hour from Austin out here to where the office is located) I understand not wanting to drive but he knew that was the deal when he started so I'm annoyed that he wasted everyone's time. Now they are scrambling to find out who can come in and get a super training before I go into labor. I don't want to stress because either way this baby is coming but I dont want the other girls in the office here to be over stressed trying to compensate for my absence. PPL SUCK!
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    Last full day of work, half day tomorrow and then off to the hospital in the afternoon to start induction. Crazy to think I'll be holding my little girl in just a couple of days.
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    2babes3angels2babes3angels member
    edited July 2015
    I am currently sitting in the middle of my kitchen on the floor bc my leg decided to give out. Waiting a few minutes before I test to see if I can put pressure on it to walk. If so, back to the grind doing laundry, organizing, & setting up the baby's corner of our room. If not, I'll be calling my husband home from work to pick me up off the floor. Hopefully this passes [-O<

    ETA: I was able to get up #:-S
    Now back to my crazy cleaning/nesting mode before the toddler loses interest in cartoons...
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    oh gosh @marymoore711 ! good luck!
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    Well today is officially 5 days away from my SCS and I'm am so excited and nervous and anxious!!! I have my last ob appt today. I know she's gunna feel if baby flipped so we could try for vbac, but I can still feel her head very much so lodged in my ribs, maybe she's stuck up there? Lol. Hopefully everything goes smoothly!!
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    My baby is 2 weeks old today. He was up until 3:30 am screaming. I think he has gas issues. Now I'm still laying in bed snuggling both my boys crying because I'm so tired I don't even know who I am.
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    @shannonota @lovermyboys

      I was up all night as well! Everyone told me to sleep while I was pregnant, and hindsight is 20/20. I think we are going through a growth spurt as well bc I feed him, he kind of goes down, then pulls a 180 and starts screaming within the next hour and rooting. This happened from 2-530 am, ending the ordeal with a blown out diaper that went through his onesie and onto my nursing pillow. At least he looks like a little, sleeping angel right now.
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    Woo what a night, so I was scheduled for an induction with a 4:30am check in. Last night they called at 8 to tell me they were busy and my time was bumped that they'd call sometime today with a new time. We'll I stayed up till about 2:30 finally go to bed, get a call at 4:20 to say they were good for me to come on in for my original 5am induction. So baby time!!!!!!!!!

    What's up with all of you ladies today? Thinking of my other July mom's out there getting induced today.

    That is just crazy to me. I feel like they should have let you get some rest before being induced!!

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    @babymorgan72015 @mfitch9191 @ckranda GOOD LUCK today Ladies! So excited that you'll have your LOs in your arms soon enough!

    Last night, I dreamt that I just gave birth and had my little boy on my chest doing skin-to-skin. Amazingly I couldn't recall the delivery in my dream... Just baby on my chest. He was starting to suck on skin so I moved him over to my breast and he started feeding like a champ. He had a full head of hair too. IT FELT SO REAL! When I woke up, I soooo wanted to wake up DH and share, but he was sound asleep. What a nice way to wake up for a change!

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

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    My baby is 2 weeks old today. He was up until 3:30 am screaming. I think he has gas issues. Now I'm still laying in bed snuggling both my boys crying because I'm so tired I don't even know who I am.

    This sounds like my night last night. How my husband didn't hear her cry, I'll never know.
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    Waiting to go to my 38wk appointment, thought I was in labor yesterday but turns out it's just early labor... Hoping to find out some progress and get this LO out
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    I just finished feeding my little guy, 5 days old today <3. I was going through our hospital paperwork as we have his first check up today and I need something from it when I found a beautiful card written by the hospital staff that helped us through induction and in my emergency c section and started crying. We had amazing staff!!

    Hope everyone being induced has their bundles of joy in their arms soon!
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    Had an appointment today. 39 weeks 5 days. Dr said my cervix is unfavorable for labor. He checked fluids and did an nst and everything looks fine. We have another appointment Monday to see if my cervix changes and to talk about options.
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    Good luck, you got this!

    Baby girl is 2 days old today, sooooo in love! My husband has been the biggest support I could ever imagine, from helping with baby to cleaning and cooking and beyond. So blessed and happy with life right now.
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    @smccall3838 CONGRATS!!! Finally... You had been sooooo uncomfortable! Your little girl is adorable... Love that pic with the white bow in your announcement!

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

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    Finally set up the pack n play! Figured out how to change it from play to bassinet to napper to changer and back again! I did yell and curse a little and I'm covered in sweat but it's done!
    I did the same thing last night the P&P was easy but the portable napper/changing pad took forever!
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