August 2015 Moms

SEVERE cramping !!!

So I'm 36 weeks and 6 days pregnant. Tonight I had the worst stomach cramps ever !!! Tmi tmi but it felt like I had stomachs. The kind were you need to poop real bad and your stomach cramp up! Thing is, I already had a bowl movement a hr before than, they were also in my back too and after 30 min of constant cramps they went away. I know they were not contractions but this pain was different. Anybody felt this pain.

Re: SEVERE cramping !!!

  • I thought I had to poop 2 days ago and it got severe so went to L and D. I was fully dilated and baby came 1 hour later. Get checked out!
  • This is exactly how I was after my water broke with my first. Just sayin you may want to go to L&D. Because that pretty much described my contractions while in active labor
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  • Or at least cal the doctor and ask the question.
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  • I'm so glad you posted this! I had this happen to me last night and like yours it went away after about 30 minutes otherwise i was going to l&d. Mine started in my back then moved to front.
  • After they stopped did you have any other weird pains after that ? Ive been feeling like she tryna come out the wrong hole. I'm sorry. Tmi
  • ChanelLovesBChanelLovesB member
    edited July 2015
    Sounds like going to LD won't be a bad idea. Hope you get some answers
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  • edited July 2015
    Could be nothing or it could be serious. Call your doctor.
        DS born 8-16-2013
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  • Just call the doctor and do what they suggest. I had the exact same pains and it turned out to just be bad gas ;). But it easily could have been labor. So ask.

    Me: 25 | DH: 25  
    DD: Aug. 15
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Could be nothing or it could be serious. Call your doctor.
  • I haven't called because everything they tell me to come in for but the only pain I have been having is bad pressure and I cramp here in there but if it happens again tonight. I'm going in !
  • Call and explain what's going on before going in. No sense in wasting the trip and not to mention the money if it's just BH. And if it stopped that's probably what it was. They have after hours phones lines for a reason...use them!

    BabyFetus Ticker 
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