August 2015 Moms

Lost my results

So I had my 33 week ob appointment today and come to find out they lost my GD test results. So now I have to go back to the lab next week and get it done all over again.
Then the medical student measured me wrong and told the doc I was only measuring 30 weeks. Which is how we found out about the test results being lost. But thankfully the doc rechecked and I'm measuring at 33 weeks but I still have to get the test done again. Gahhh rant over.

Re: Lost my results

  • I was told I had hep b when the lab mixed my blood up with another patients :(
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • How long ago did you do the test? They should be able to just call the lab and have them resent.

    Also do you know if they got them and lost them, or just never got them. Because if they got them at all and there was a problem they would have called right away and if you didn't hear anything it should be safe to assume all was normal. If they never got them then that's a different story.
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  • I took the GD test at 28 weeks never got the call saying anything was abnormal but went in today and got told that my results never came in and they called the lab and they told her either it got cancelled or they lost the results. They think they lost it since they've lost other people's labs too. It's also a naval hospital so they've been known to lose people's labs.
  • Eek sorry. I can relate, as I had to do my 3 hour test twice as well. They couldn't get my blood the first time so the results for the first test couldn't count. It's a pain!!
  • My lab ran the wrong test.  I drank that nasty orange crap and sat there for an hour for them to choose 'hepatitis' in their system instead of 'glucose tolerance test'.  My doctor was like "why did they run a hep test on you?". Honestly!  I was so pissed!

  • I work in a hospital lab. While we do screw up time to time (unfortunately), please don't be angry at us... I know we're an easy department to blame when things go wrong.

    One time I had an ER doctor call me 5 times in an hour looking for results that had been done for some time. Turns out their printer was out of paper. One doctor's office continually turns their fax machine off at night and doesn't get results (even though we've told them they should leave it on).

    I have had a new phlebotomist screw up a GTT. I know it does happen... and for those cases... I am terribly sorry. That glucola made me sick. :(
  • I'm not mad at the lab I know how busy they always are. Just not exactly happy about having to do the test again. That stuff was nasty.
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