July 2015 Moms

My poor ribs....

So it's been a while since I've posted, only because I've been unable to use this app and I have no computer lol. But I'm back and I'm at the end of my pregnancy and my ribs are KILLING ME! Anyone else's little one trying to break their ribs while they're trying to sleep? This is my second child and it's far more worse this pregnancy.
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Re: My poor ribs....

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    We were laying down last night and all you see is this little baby foot push out then into my ribs.
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    Ugh! I love watching her move around, but I just hate when she's pushing my ribs. It's so painful....
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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    I'm at the point where the only moving I want her to do is out.
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    Not my ribs but just her kicking in general is painful. She kicked the top of my stomach so hard last night, I had to catch my breath. She let her little foot just sit there so I pushed down and she kicked again. Lol
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    Yes! My ribs have been killing me for weeks now. I went to L&D the other day become rib pain was so bad I couldn't walk or breathe. They think the little guy has cracked some of my ribs from how active he is in that side. Nothing they can do about it except wait for him to be born. I am so ready!
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    Oh my! That's what I'm afraid of happening to me! She hangs out on BOTH sides of my ribs and they're sore every morning for a few hours after I wake up. I'm so glad I'm almost finished....I hope you recover soon!
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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    Mine is breech, so it's kicks straight to the cervix and bladder. No Bueno.
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